Battle Moves

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I woke up, blinking my eyes to get the sting of tears out. I wearily got dressed and walked downstairs.

I saw that everyone was in the lunch area, eating breakfast

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I saw that everyone was in the lunch area, eating breakfast. I was greeted by Momo, who told me good morning. I nodded to her,grabbing a plate for myself.
"I think I mentioned this once but Class 1-A will be focusing on getting their provisional hero licenses." Said Eraser head. His gaze hardened. "A hero license has a great responsibility of protecting human life." "The exam to get one is very difficult, with only a 50% passing rate." People groaned. "That's why, today you will be inventing at least two-" The door opened, revealing Ectoplasm, Cementoss, and Midnight. I sweat dropped at their antics. "Ultimate moves!" Aizawa finished his sentence. Immediately, the classroom broke out into cheers. "Ultimate, a move that will give you a clear win!" Said Ectoplasm. "A move so ingrained into your body that others cannot copy it." Said Cementoss. "A move that represents you." "These days if you don't have one, you're doomed." Said Midnight. "Change into your costumes, and meet us at Gym Gamma." Said Aizawa.

Gym Gamma
Once I was in my costume, I hurried to Gym Gamma. I saw the four teachers in front of us. "Gym Gamma, also known as the Training Dining Land, or TDL." Said Cementoss. "The ground and other things can be prepared specifically for each student." He said. Tenya then went on a questioning rampage. "Calm down." Said Aizawa. "The job of a hero is to save people from danger." "The exam to become one naturally looks at how well you are able to do that." "Your ability to gather info, make decisions, move and fight, communication, drawing people to you, and leading people." "A different test is used every year to determine this." Said Aizawa. "Your ability to fight is very important to your future as a hero." Said Midnight. "Whether or not you have an ultimate move will greatly affect whether or not you pass. "Not being influenced by things and being able to act consistently will help you in your career." Said Cementoss. "Your ultimate moves do not need to be of the attacking type." Said Ectoplasm. "Iida's Reciproburst; the speed boost is enough of a threat to be called an ultimate move." He added. "The training camp was cancelled, but the training you did to develop your Quirks was to help you create your ultimate moves." Said Aizawa. "Now, for the next 10 days until the end of summer vacation, you will be developing your ultimate moves as you develop your Quirks." "Which means, intensive training!" "You should think about how you can improve your costumes to work better with your quirks." He said. "Are you ready!" He yelled. "YES SIR!" The rest of the class, including me screamed back. Everyone else was working, but I was just trying to think of what move I could do.I heard a loud boom, and saw Bakugo shooting explosions at a copy of Ectoplasm. I didn't know what special move I could do with Time, since If I used it too much, I could end up meeting the same fate as.. Pluto...My gaze hardened. I have to stay strong! What could I do with healing? I wondered. I could try to think of a move that could heal everyone within a certain area, but I didn't know how much energy that would drain. I also needed to figure out how to control how powerful my healing was. I didn't want to go full power on a tiny scratch, seeing as how that would drain all of my energy. As for my costume.. Aizawa told us if we wanted to change anything, to go to the Development Studios and ask an expert. I decided to go there after class.

Izuku and I approached the design studio, but a big explosion rocked the building. I threw myself in front of Izuku, as I saw the explosion coming, digging my feet in as I braced for the incoming explosion. I was pushed back, taking the brunt of the explosion, Izuku safe behind me. saw Tenya and Ochako looking at me in amazement.A pink-haired girl bounded out, seeming to not care that she had just caused a huge explosion. I recognized her as Hatsume Mei, the girl who had conned Tenya into being a walking advertisement.

I shook my head,not being able to hear any of the conversation since my ears were ringing

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I shook my head,not being able to hear any of the conversation since my ears were ringing. I saw a man with a large yellow helmet in the shape of a rectangular excavator claw. I followed them, and soon after the ringing in my ears subsided. I looked at the place in wonder. It was like the hideout under the arcade! It was messier, and didn't have nearly as good technology, but was still awesome. I heard the teacher introduce himself as Power Loader.

"Now, can I take a look at the instructions for your hero suit?" He asked

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"Now, can I take a look at the instructions for your hero suit?" He asked. I envisioned what they looked like, and pulled them out of my sub-space pocket, taking care to do this behind my back. I gave it to him, and then had to avoid being tortured or exploded by Hatsume.. again .. After that, I asked to have some pretty serious upgrades, and they had to be approved with signed documents by Aizawa sensei and All Might.

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