All Might

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Italics mean thoughts.

Five Minutes Later.
I jumped up, pulling out the Mars bow and arrow,

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as I saw a huge muscly man jump off of a building to land in front of us. I pointed the bow at him, and he raised his hands. "I'm not a villain!" He said chuckling. I lowered the bow slightly, still not convinced. "Who Are you!" I shouted. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned around quickly, almost shooting Hawks. "Be careful!" I yelled. "I almost shot you!" I shouted. Again.. Hawks rubbed his head. "Sorry!" He said. "Don't Worry, This Is All Might, the number one hero. I sighed in relief that he wasn't a villain, and put the bow away. I turned toward him bowing. "Sorry All Might, I didn't realize you weren't a villain." "Hah, it's all right!" Shouted All Might. "I've come to take Moonfish to the mental hospital, thanks for defeating him Hawks!" Said All Might. I glared at Hawks, Motioning for him to tell the truth. Hawks rubbed his head. "Eheh..It wasn't me who defeated him, this kid did.." "I was chasing him, and he gave me the slip, and attacked her, but she electrocuted him." "Ah, an electricity quirk, and fire quirk, good job young...?" "Moon, Serenity." I said. He doesn't need to know that those aren't my only magic.. "Good job Miss Moon!" Shouted All Might. "Actually she doesn't just have an elec-" Said Hawks, shutting up when I glared at him. You idiot, that's a secret! I thought, glaring harder. "It's okay young Miss Moon, we aren't going to hurt you.." "Mhm..." I'd say, glaring at them both. That's what all the villains say.. "Now, what seems to be the problem Miss Moon." Said All Might. I zipped my lips shut, and stayed quiet. "She has at least four quirks." Said Hawks as I glared at him. Idiot! "Fire, electricity, flight, and storage are what I have seen." He said. I huffed. See, this is what happens when I trust people! I thought, glaring at Hawks. "Eheh..I'm sorry but he's basically my boss." Said Hawks, rubbing his head. All Might looked at me. "Miss Moon, how about I offer you a deal, and in return, you answer a few questions.." I looked at him. I hate questions.. but.. "Will you stop bugging me if I agree?" He sweat dropped. "..Fine." Said All Might. "So what's the deal.." I asked. "If you want to become a hero, you have to go to U.A." Said All Might. I looked at him blankly. "U.A?" Hawks face-palmed. "All Might, she doesn't know the basics of the world, she didn't even know what quirks were!" I glared at him. Not my fault, I'm not from this world. "Why, that is a problem." Said All Might. "U.A is a school for hero's in training." "They go there, to get their hero license." He said. "So.. if I go there, I will be allowed to fight?" I asked. "Yes." Said Hawk. "..Fine." I need to be able to fight to save this world. "How do I get in?" I asked. "I shall have Hawks recommend you, It would be very suspicious if I did." Said All Might. "Now, I shall be back." Said All Might, grabbing Moonfish. "Hawks, wait for me at U.A." Said All Might. "Okay.." Said Hawks. I stared as All Might leapt off. "Come on kid." Said Hawks, calling a taxi." "Fine.." I said.

At U.A

I looked around, then asked, "..Why is the building an H.." That's so stupid.. Hawks sweat dropped. "Just follow me." He said. We walked down the hall, until there was a door with the sign, 1A. Hawk motioned for me to follow, and I saw.. a classroom? "..Huh.." I said, as All Might walked in. "This is the class I will be teaching Miss Moon." He said. Great, he's a teacher too. "This is also the class you will be in." I nodded. "Now, for the questions." He stated. Great... I sighed. "How many quirks do you have?" He asked. I held up my hands, trying to count. "Uhm.. Let's See.." Are ice and water the same thing..? I'd think. " ten?" Probably more but.. I'd say. They both stared at me, dumbfounded. "..Ten.." They both muttered. "Next question, what quirk will you use for class, you can't use them all or someone could get hurt. I'd start to think.. Eh.. Healing of course.. but what other one.. I probably shouldn't use flight because then I would have no way of magical attack.. hmm about.. Pluto's magic would work, it's very adaptable! "I'll use Healing, and Time and Space manipulation." I stated, smiling proudly for thinking of such a good combo. "U-Uh...Okay." All Might said, rubbing his temple. "Lastly.. how did you get that many quirks, and what happened to your eye!?!?" Asked Hawks. I really didn't want to talk about this.. I immediately fell quiet. I silently took off my eye patch, and they stared at my silver eye. "One of the evils that tried to destroy the world.. again.. managed to hit my right eye, and blind me in it.. I said. "As for my power, when I faced that being that blinded this eye.. It was stronger than anything we ever faced.." "We..?" Said Hawks. " Guardians.." "Their powers came from their respective planets, but.. C-Chaos.. the entity was too strong.. they died protecting me.." I'd say, tears falling from my eyes. Stop crying in front of them! I berated myself. "I-I'm sorry.." Said Hawks and All Might. I was silent. I grabbed a pen and paper off the teachers desk, and wrote down my phone number. I noticed, that once I looked at them from only my right eye, that both their auras were white. Good.. they are both good people. I'd think, putting my eye patch back on. "Call me if you need me." I said, then used Uranus's wind powers to propel me out of the open window. "Bye.." I called.

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