Silver Millennium

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AN: I'm so sorry for not updating, with school starting, Covid, and birthdays it's been hard finding time to write. Updates will probably be slower from now on because of this. Thank you for supporting me, I always love reading your comments!

A loud alarm bell echoes throughout the room. What?  There has been a level two security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly. Immediately, students started panicking. "Is it the press again?!" Asked Izuku. It's like last time but level two.. "Mizuki, what is a level two security breach?" I addressed the computer from my communicator. A level two security breach is when there is a villain on the campus. It is more severe than a level three security breach. I would recommend evacuat- Mizuki was cut off by the sound of glass shattering. The most of Class 1-A and I looked over towards the sound, only to see the teacher's lounge window broken, glass shards everywhere. "What?!" Shouted Bakugo. "What extra did this!?" The lounge door slammed open, and out ran Aizawa, Nezu, Present Mic and All Might who was in his skinny form. "What is happening?!" Yelled Iida, chopping the air. "There's a villain on campus-" Present Mic yelled, but was cut off as he was kicked in the face by a tall woman.

 "There's a villain on campus-" Present Mic yelled, but was cut off as he was kicked in the face by a tall woman

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"Don't let her get away!" Yelled Nezu, as he scrambled to catch the villain. Aizawa helped Present Mic up, then locked eyes with us. "Why haven't you evacuated!" He glared at us. Instead of responding, Todoroki shot ice at the woman and managed to freeze her foot to the ground. Izuku and I ran over to help, leaving Bakugo, Momo, Iida, and Uraraka at Aizawa's mercy. "Izuku, get Momo to make a pair of handcuffs!" I told him. "On it!" He shouted back. "Mizuki, scan her." I said. I then concentrated, freezing the woman in time before she could escape the ice. "Todoroki, you can let go now." I told him as Izuku returned with the handcuffs. I put them on the villain, and the teachers and I surrounded her. "Serenity, you can unfreeze her." Said Nezu. I nodded, and concentrated, unfreezing her. "Surrender!" Shouted All Might. "Never!" The woman yelled, and headbutted me. I noticed her eyes start to glow red as I winced at the impact. "What is she doing?!" Shouted Izuku. "It must be her quirk!" Said Nezu. She looked at me and smirked. "Have fun!" I suddenly felt numb, and put my arms around myself, my body feeling like it was incased in ice. "What's happ-" I stopped as I felt a wave of nausea go through me. "Serenity!" Shouted Izuku. "What did you do to her?!" Yelled Mr. Aizawa. I felt my vision go blurry, until I fell unconscious.

Trigger Warning For: Panic Attacks.

"Ser-" "Seren" "Serenity!" I awoke to hearing voices call out my name. I opened my eyes, to see Izuku shaking me. I sat up slowly, the world spinning around me. "M-Mizuki?" "D-Did you finish scanning that woman?" I asked, coughing. "Who is Mizuki?" asked Izuku, and the teachers surrounding me looked at me with confusion. "More importantly, are you okay?" Asked Aizawa. I nodded, though when I sat up I felt a little dizzy. "Yeah.. I think I'm okay.." I reached into my sub-space pocket, and took out the computer, placing it on the rocky ground in front of me. "Mizuki?" "Are you there?" Yes Hime, here are the results of the scan. A holographic screen popped up, starling those closest to me. "Serenity, what is that?" Asked Todoroki. "It's Mizuki.." I answered without really paying attention as I read the screen aloud. "Name: Akumu Shikaku, Quirk: Nightmare Hallucination (Allows the user to suck their targets into the selected's worse experiences although it has limited interaction.) Activated on touch. Status: Missing, arrest on sight. Age:33,Main weapon: Knifes, Threat Level: B+.." I read. "Let me see!" Nezu pushed his way through, and looked at the screen. "Serenity, the last person she touched was you!" Said Ochaco. No.. Connection to the Eternity Main Frame available, would you like to enter the passcode?  Izuku jumped when Mizuki spoke. "W-what..?" I looked around, taking in my surroundings for the first time. "Serenity what's that?" Asked Nezu, who was looking at the computer. "It wants you to input a password." making a split decision, I spoke. "Mizuki when I put in the password, connect but do not establish communication." Yes Hime. "Who's Hime?" Asked Todoroki. "It's just a nickname." I lied. I reached a hand out past Nezu, and typed in the passcode. I saw the teachers had stopped talking to each other, and approached me. "Serenity, since this is your memory, do you have any idea where we are, and how to get back to U.A?" Asked Aizawa. "I.. have a clue of where we moment." "Mizuki, use the Eternity Main Frame's files to access the date and compare it to today's date." Accessing files.. Calculating.. We are approximately 2030 years in the past, slightly before the Earth's Paleolithic Era. I felt a surge of panic, but pushed it down. "What!?" exclaimed Nezu and the others. I pushed past Nezu, kneeling by Mizuki. "Mizuki let this question go directly to the Main Frame, what is our communication status with Earth?" That is Classified information, to access it you must put in a Guardian's code. Nezu raised a paw. "Should I try to hack it?" "What do you mean by communication, aren't we on Earth?" Asked Aizawa. "Where the heck even are we!?" Asked Bakugo, making explosions in his palm. "We're either in Tranquility or Fertility ,I hope Tranquility because it's the closest.." I mumbled, typing in my code, which was a long string of numbers. "Nezu please don't attempt that, you'll alert every Mercurian in range, and besides I have the code." Nezu huffed. "Are you doubting my hacking skills?" "Yes." I answered bluntly. I really don't want to alert the security, and especially not Mercury. I don't think even Nezu would be a match for her skills. I sweat dropped. If this actually is a memory, then we shouldn't need to be worried about being noticed.. but how would that work for Queens of entire planets? I know that at least my mother and Mars can sense presences, maybe even some of the others.. Not to mention Saturn.. "Serenity?" Izuku looked up at me. "Do you know where we are?" "And why is this place so blank?" I looked at him, then at the teachers who were anxiously whispering. I cleared my throat. I counted them. Seven people not including myself. "Okay, so I know about approximately where we are." "Where?" Asked All Might, who had been quiet. "We're either in the Sea of Tranquility or Fertility on the Moon." "WHAT?!" "On the moon?" Said All Might. "How are we breathing?" Asked Izuku. "Well Mizuki said her Quirk used memories, it might be because it's just a memory." Lunarians don't need to breath anyways.. "You were on the moon?" Asked Todoroki. "Okay, so to get to civilization we just need to reach the Sea Of Serenity." I stated, avoiding Todoroki's question. "Well, that's where all of the important stuff is anyways.. so we need to go north, and slightly west." I told them. "How far away is it?" Asked Aizawa. "Um.. I don't know since I don't know exactly where we are.. lets just walk until we see the castle!" "Castle?" The teachers muttered. "Or at the very least, there are towns all over, we'll run into one eventually!" I said. "But.. we're on the moon.." Said Izuku. "No one lives up here!" I bit my lip, trying to figure out how to explain that people used to. "You'll see!" I settled for saying, dragging him north as we started walking.

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