Problem Child

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My body went rigid, even though I already knew deep down that it was true. ..Chaos doesn't care about humanity, even if they are children...Chaos is influencing Chisaki, telling him to do that to Eri...but that wouldn't work unless.. Chisaki had already planned on doing that.. My hands were clenched into fists, my nails digging into my skin. Of course they would.. they already know I have a weakness for children... "We don't know if he's actually selling the bullets." Said Nighteye. "At their current stage, their effectiveness is still uncertain." "However, if they're at the test stage, and he's using them as samples to gather more to his cause.." "There is no hard evidence." Nighteye said somberly. "But he's gathering people and funds across the nation.." "If the completed drug would be able to completely destroy someone's Quirk..?" "I'm sure they'll have many ideas for crimes using this." Nighteye finished. "Wouldn't this have been resolved already if those three had just taken the child?" The pro hero next to me said, glaring at me. I flinched, and my nails digged deeper into my skin, drawing small silver droplets of blood to the surface. "I take full responsibility for what happened." "Please do not blame them." Said Nighteye. "Even though they didn't know the full story, they acted to save the girl." He looked at Izuku and I. "Moon and Midoriya were willing to bear the risk or taking her then, but Mirio thought ahead and acted to try again when the odds were better." I closed my eyes. "The ones most frustrated here right now are these three." Togata, Izuku, and myself stood up. "We will definitely take Eri next time.. and protect her!" Izuku and Togata yelled, while I whispered in a voice as cold as ice. "That's right." "That is our goal." Said Nighteye. I sat back down, while the other two stood up, having knocked over their chairs. "It's fine for the kids to show off, but if it's what we think, that girl's the crux the young head will want to hide, right?" The pro hero next to me said. "She got out because of some kind of trouble." "On top of that, some kid heroes saw her!" "You think he'll just keep her at home?" "I wouldn't if I were him." "Even if we push our way in, it won't matter if she's not there." "Have you already identified where she is?" He finished. "He's right." "How about it, Nighteye?" Ryukyu spoke up. "That is the real issue." Said Nighteye. "Since we don't know how far their plans have gotten, we have one chance to strike when it counts." A map of Japan appeared on the screen, with symbols on some areas. "To that end, we have found groups with connections to the Hassaikai or land owned by the Hassaikai and made a list as thorough as possible." "I would like you all to investigate each place, and narrow the list down to possible locations." Nighteye ended. "So that's why you asked minor heroes like us." Said a pro hero. "The heroes here and the localities where they work are the same!" "Heroes were chosen who know the areas." "For someone who was All Might's former sidekick, you sure are careful." Said Fatgum. "This is too roundabout!" "While we're takin' our time, that little girl, Eri is probably cryin'!" Fatgum shouted, and I noticed his fists at his side were shaking. "We cannot become All Might." Said Nighteye. "That's why we must put together our analysis and predictions, and try to make the possibility of saving her as close to 100% as we can." "We can't rush." I turned my head, seeing that it was Gran Torino who had talked. "If we make a big fuss about this, and then don't get her, this could be the start for something bigger." "Like how Stain's capture became like an ad for the League." "In fact, that might've been the intent behind distributing Quirk-destroying weapons to those idiots." He ended. "You're thinkin' too much!" Yelled Fatgum. "if you keep sayin' stuff like that, you won't be able to do anythin'!" "Um.." Eraser raised his hand. "Can I ask a question?" Nighteye nodded slightly. "I don't know how your Quirk works exactly, Sir Nighteye, but if you can predict the future, then why don't you just use Foresight to see our futures?" "If we continue like this, it seems a bit illogical." Said Eraser. "I.. cannot do that." Said Nighteye. "My Foresight requires a 24-hour gap between uses." "In other words, I can only use it on one person for one hour each day." "In addition, it's played in my mind like a flashback." "Please think of it as the ability to watch a film of someone else's life for an hour after activation." "However, that film is all from the perspective of that person." "All I can see is that person's actions and a little of their surroundings." Nighteye ended. "Well, that should be enough to let you find out a lot, though." Said Eraser. "What do you mean by saying you can't do that?" Nighteye put a hand to his face. "What if in that person's near future, death.. just a merciless death was waiting?" ...His quirk is less powerful than I thought. He only sees from the view of that person, instead of watching them from above. He can only see one possible timeline. Probably the most likely one. He describes it as a film.. This is nothing like what Pluto described seeing timelines as.. He doesn't even know-...Should I tell him? At this point, would it even help..? "My Quirk should be used only after we have already drawn out the highest probability of success, when it can be used to ensure our victory." Nighteye said, drawing me back to reality. "It shouldn't be used carelessly when there are still so many uncertainties." Said Nighteye. "What?!" Said the pro hero next to me. "But death is information, too!" "We could put together a plan to avoid it!" He said. "It isn't fortune-telling." Said Nighteye. "I have no conclusive evidence that it can be avoided." "Nighteye, I don't get it!" The pro hero said. "Fine, use it on me!" "I'll show you I can avoid it!" he shouted. "No." Nighteye shouted, and he put his head in his hands.

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