Sir Nighteye

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When Izuku opened the door, I was not prepared for what I saw. "I brought the first years I told you about yesterday!" Announced Togata. A man with green hair stood over a girl with blue hair in skin, who was trapped in what looked like a tickle machine, laughing. 

"What is going on?" Asked Izuku

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"What is going on?" Asked Izuku. "Looks like his sidekick, Bubble Girl couldn't make him laugh." Said Togata. The man with green hair who I presumed was Nighteye, looked up. An intense glare followed, which made Izuku step back. It reminded me of Beryl's glare when she didn't get her way, but with not as much malice.

 It reminded me of Beryl's glare when she didn't get her way, but with not as much malice

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Either way, it was nothing compared to Chaos's glare. Izuku then made an All Might face attempting to make him laugh, and his glare upped to one that reminded me of Death Phantom. 


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Well.. we're screwed. I thought, sweat dropping. "What are you trying to do?" He asked Izuku. "You did this knowing that I was All Might's former sidekick?" He asked. He walked up to Izuku and pinched his face. "All Might's wrinkles are not like that." Nighteye stated. Izuku's eyes went wide. "In his normal face, the wrinkles around his eyes ae 0.6 cm long, from Silver Age on they were 0.8 cm long." I looked around the room, realizing it was full of All Might merchandise, from posters, to books, to action figures.. He's an All Might fanboy.. I realized, sweat dropping. "The vinegar riverbank incident.." Said Izuku. "Are you not aware of that?" "A middle schooler whose quirk could change water quality was drowning in a river, and All Might saved him!" "The middle schooler had changed the river into vinegar in his panic, and that got into All Might's eyes when he jumped in to save him." "This is the face he showed at the interview right after that!" Izuku said passionately. "Of course I know about that." Said Nighteye. "It happened before I teamed up with him." "They also mentioned it on the TV program, A look back." They're both fanboying.. "Yes, yes, there weren't any villains involved, and it's boring compared to his other work, so it's not really talked about on the fan sites, but I like it.." Izuku said, bobbing up and down. "I especially liked the response he gave after being thanked by the boy!" He continued. " skin feels ten years younger." Said Nighteye. "That's it, I loved the "my skin" part! Izuku yelled. "You.. were you testing me?" Asked Nighteye, with a barely noticeable impressed tone. "Oh, no, It's just that because All Might is a teacher at our school, it's hard to speak too much about him, so I got too excited and couldn't help myself.." Izuku mutters. I stood there awkwardly, while Nighteye approached Izuku. "The crux of that incident was the family life of that middle schooler." Said Nighteye. I winched as Izuku shouted, "That's right!" "Whether you know that or not makes a big difference in the weight of words!" Togata wandered over to the blue skinned girl, and undid the handcuffs keeping her in the tickle machine. "Mirio.. what's with that kid..?" I heard her whisper. Eventually, Sir Nighteye sat down, and asked Izuku to tell him why he wanted to do a work study here. "I see.." Said Nighteye. "So you want to do a work study here in order to become stronger?" He asked. "Yes sir!" "Please allow it!" Izuku shouted. "And you..?" Nighteye said, finally acknowledging my existence. "Moon, Serenity." I introduced myself, bowing slightly. "I want to be able to save everyone, no matter who it is...and for that, I need to get faster." I said. "You are renown for your prediction times, and using your intelligence with your Foresight, to come up with strategies to make sure the best outcome can be achieved in battle!" I said, quoting the evidence that Mizuki had given me. "I see." He said simply. "You both have a contract from the school-" He was interrupted by Izuku pulling a very crumpled paper from his backpack "Of course, I brought it with me!" Izuku said. "You will not interrupt me when I am speaking." He stated. I calmly reached into my backpack, and pulled out my neatly folded contract. I then placed it on Nighteye's desk. He looked at our papers. "Once my stamp is on that paper, the work study contract will become official." Nighteye stated. "Yes sir!" Yelled Izuku, as he bowed low. I also bowed. "A hero work study is not like the weeklong internships of normal workplaces that you can do casually." "You must work here for at least a month, and of course you will be paid." Wait, what? We'll be paid? "As first years who still have a lot of classes, you might be absent often, and you will not be able to continue on this path on the same level as your classmates." I'll be okay.. I died when I was 16 at the Moon Kingdom, and Mercury's classes were very advanced.. "I understand that!" Izuku shouted. I looked at him in confusion. "But.. if I match my pace with everyone else's, then I can't be the top hero!" Nighteye glared at him, and I winched. That was the wrong thing to say.. I thought. Nighteye looked at Izuku, then purposely stamped down on the table, instead of the form. "Um.. you missed.." Said Izuku. I stared at him in disbelief. Does he really think Nighteye missed on accident?  I thought. "I don't feel like stamping it." Nighteye said, repeatedly banging the stamp on the table. "What?" Izuku said. "I understand the merits of working here for you." Said Nighteye. "But what merit is there in me employing you both?" "With two sidekicks and one work study student, this agency runs well, so to add you both.." "What benefit is there in that?" He's toying with us.. "How can you contribute to society?" Nighteye asked. "How can you be useful to others?" "In order to be acknowledged, you both must make those things clear." "All Might showed it with his power and humor." "He gave hope to those who lived in fear." "That's why the people acknowledged him." How can I contribute to society...I wondered. Nighteye got up. "In order to show how you both can benefit my company, you both should show it with your actions, not your words." "Three minutes." Nighteye said, holding up the stamp. "Try and take this stamp from me in three minutes or less." "You both get one chance." "If you both want to work as a hero under me, then stamp it yourself." Huh? "I'm giving you both a chance." "Well?" "Don't you think I'm a nice guy?" He glared at us. "Mirio and Bubble Girl, you both go outside." Nighteye said. "Oh.. right.." They said. "That's not very energetic.." "YES SIR!" They said again. Ah...are we going to fight him for the stamp... I wondered. "Midoriya, you first." He said. Izuku stepped up. "I will not attack you at all, and you may attack however you wish." "It doesn't matter what happens to this room." "Come and get it." Nighteye lowered himself into a defensive position. I immediately started thinking of ways to stop him, when it became my turn. I could speed up time on myself, or slow down Nighteye...but his quirk and mine might conflict, and there's no telling what could happen from that. I could always just universally stop time for everyone, but that uses up a significant amount of useful energy I might need later on, so I should save that as a last resort. ..I could try teleporting.. I haven't attempted it alone, because it used up a lot of power.. but with all of their power... I could teleport over to Nighteye, and the seal into my hand, and pass it off as me increasing the flow of time.. I looked back at the battle. Izuku rushed at Nighteye, using One For All. Nighteye dodged it, along with his follow up jumps, saying the moves as he did them by using his quirk. "I can see everything." Nighteye stated. He leaned sideways as Izuku jumped off the cabinet at him, making Izuku pass over him harmlessly. Izuku sped up slightly, throwing his backpack at Nighteye, which missed. "Show me the merit in my hiring you, and your usefulness." Said Nighteye. "After one minute has passed, you back off briefly, and become uneasy, coming to terms with the reality that you can't overcome my Foresight." "I did have some high expectations for you, you have enough power to become a symbol, but you're completely ordinary." "In this time when villains are getting excited, and gloom is creeping in.." "In that case, he should have let Mirio inherit One for All after all." Izuku's eyes went wide with shock, and I flinched. He knows? I thought. "I respect All Might even now, but I don't understand why he selected you as his successor." It was obvious from the way Izuku stood there that his mind was whirling in confusion. Don't get distracted! I thought desperately. "Do you have time to think for so long?" Asked Nighteye. "Or are you tired, out of ideas?" He shifted his glasses up. "When Mirio said he wanted to introduce you to me, I was surprised." "Shall I give it to you straight?" "There is someone more worthy to inherit One For All." "I cannot acknowledge you." I wanted to step in, to shout at him not to judge a book by its cover, that it didn't matter what he thought, because All Might chose Izuku, but I remembered that this is Izuku's fight. I saw Izuku's hands tighten into fists. Bright green lightning circled him, reminding me of Jupiter. Shaking away that somber thought, I watched as the wind generated from his power blew books off of their shelves, and knocked over plants, but curiously didn't harm any of the All Might merchandise. "I will definitely make you acknowledge me!" Izuku yelled, and jumped up onto the roof, bouncing from tile to tile. He jumped off, aiming to grab the stamp but Nighteye stepped back, making Izuku miss. "Those moves are like a degraded Gran Torino's." Said Nighteye. He was right, Izuku was using Gran Torino's moves, minus the speed quirk. "If the conditions are met, then whether it's one second, one minute, or one hour in the future, I can see what you're doing.." His left eye flashed purple, and he continuously avoided all of Izuku's advancements. "By the way, in another two minutes, you'll be crouched on the ground without the stamp or contract." Nighteye said condescendingly. "You've looked worried this whole time." "I thought it would've been the first thing that All Might would teach you.." "Those who stand at the top should not show indecision or worry." "Those who know this always act with a vision in mind." "You must've been taught this countless times, but being tested now, you can't do it huh?" "You said you would have me acknowledge you right?" Nighteye asked. "The more I watch you, the more I can't find a reason why it has to be you." I startled. That's a lie.. I thought. That slightly impressed tone back then.. He's trying to make Izuku mad so that he makes mistakes! I quickly realized. "He said I could do it!" Yelled Izuku. "Who?" "One of the riffraff?" Asked Nighteye. "THE GREATEST HERO!" Izuku yelled, leaping off the top of the bookshelf, and launching himself not at Nighteye, but behind him. Nighteye's eyes widened almost imperceivably. Izuku grabbed one of the desk cabinets and threw it at Nighteye, books and papers flying everywhere. "Sorry!" "You said it doesn't matter what happens to this room right?" Said Izuku. Ah...I thought. Izuku's trying to see if Nighteye's Foresight works on objects. I sighed. If his power is anything like mine, then his Foresight can indeed see objects.. Izuku's battle was unachievable from the start. Izuku launched himself at Nighteye. "I am All Might's student!" He yelled. Nighteye, at the last second stepped out of the way. "That doesn't change what I see." "I'm not done yet--" Izuku hit the wall with a thump. He slid down the wall, a small trail of blood following. It's over. "It's over." I thought, and Nighteye said simultaneously. The clock ticked. "It's been three minutes." Nighteye stated. "You're All Might's disciple?" "You had one plan that didn't work out, and it made you that clumsy and exhausted." I looked at him, shocked. Didn't he see-  Izuku spoke, interrupted my thoughts. "It's not that I'm exhausted.." Izuku said. "Then was that a mistake." "I was about to step on the tapestry that wasn't for sale celebrating All Might's tenth anniversary as a hero." Nighteye looked around shocked, probably just realizing that Izuku had avoided all of the All Might merchandise in the office. "...It's her turn." He turned, pointing at me. I stood up glancing at Izuku, taking in his bleeding nose, and small scratches on his hands and arms. I exhaled, unclasping the chain around my neck. I walked toward Nighteye and Izuku, handing the latter the bottle of healing dust. He gave me a grateful look, then sat down to tend to his wounds. I lowered myself into a fighting position and breathed,getting ready to fight.

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