Birthday Special

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*This scene is not in chronological order with the story, it takes place in the near future.*

I sat in the room and watched Eri,Izuku and Togata play. Izuku looked up from the puzzel they were doing, and turned to look at me. "Serenity,what's wrong?" He asked. "You've been awfully quiet today.." Added Togata. "Are you ok?" Asked Eri worridly. I stiffened in my chair. "I'm fine." I responded, perhaps a tad too fast. "..Are you sure?" Asked Izuku. "Ye-" I was cut off by my phone chiming. I pulled it out of my pocket, and looked at the screen.

To: Serenity From: UNKNOWN NUMBER
Happy Birthday Serenity! -Nezu.

I stared at my phone, and typed out a response.

To: Nezu  From: Serenity
How did you even get my number?

As if he was anticipating my asking that, a few seconds later another text message popped up.

To: Serenity  From: Nezu

I have my ways :)

That's not at all creepy. As I stared at my phone, at the reminder of what day it was, I flinched as I felt something wet hit my hand. When I looked down, I was surprised to see that it was my tears. Touching my face, I felt cold tears running down my face. "Serenity?!" Exclaimed Izuku. He got up, and walked over to me. "You're crying.." He noticed. "Huh?" Asked Eri. She too, came over to me. "Why are you crying?" She asked. Looking into her eyes, I found that I didn't have the heart to lie to her. "It's my birthday today." I said, my voice flat. "Oh, Happy Birthday!" Said Izuku. "But.. aren't birthdays supposed to be a happy occasion?" Said Togata. "Why are you sad about it?" He asked. "Once, back in my world we met a little girl from the future." I said, avoiding their gazes. "What?!" "How?" Asked Izuku. "She was sent back in time, to get help for her mother." I answered. "..It turned out that I was her mother." Eri, Izuku and Togata stared at me. "What?!" I sighed. "My daughter from the future." I elaborated. "What does she look like?" Asked Eri. I sighed and reached into my Sub-Space pocket, pulling out a few pictures.

 I sighed and reached into my Sub-Space pocket, pulling out a few pictures

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"She looks adorable!" Said Izuku

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"She looks adorable!" Said Izuku. I smiled sadly, then pointed at the last picture. "This one is of all of us." 

Eri looked at the picture,then pointed at Chibi-Usa

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Eri looked at the picture,then pointed at Chibi-Usa. "What's her name?" She asked.
"Her name was Usagi Small Lady Serenity Moon, or Chibi-Usa for short." I replied."That's a long name!" Said Togata. "Was?" Questioned Izuku. I winced. "I-In a battle.." I faltered, warring with my emotions. "The battle against a villain..Chaos.." "..Chaos killed her future father and my friends." More tears spilled down my  cheeks. "She was right in front of me..and when Endymion died..she vanished." "Like she was never even there in the first place." I sobbed. Eri climbed up in my lap, probably trying to comfort me. "Hey.." said Izuku. "You have us, we're your friends!" He said, trying to cheer me up. Wiping the tears off my cheeks, I smiled. "Yeah.. you're right, thank you." I'll never stop missing them though.. I cast a glance at the pictures as I put them back into my Sub-Space pocket. I'll never forget you.

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