Entrance Exams

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Italics = Thinking

I ended the call with Luna and Artemis, and decided to go back to the hotel. It was 5:00,and I was hungry. I ate some food, and then decided to go to the library. I pulled out a book on hero's, and another on quirks. I checked them out, and went back to the hotel. I started reading as much as I could. Around 10:00,I decided to stop reading for the night, and go to sleep. I woke up, and remembered that the entrance exams are today! I got dressed:

 I woke up, and remembered that the entrance exams are today! I got dressed:

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I got to the UA building around 7:30

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I got to the UA building around 7:30.I remembered that the written exam started at 8:00,so I hurried to the room. A ton of kids started swarming in, and I took a seat. A teacher passed out a test paper, and told us to begin.
1 hour later.
I set down my paper, and as soon as I did, the timer beeped. I heard loud groans, and some cheers. I handed in my test, and went to the stadium to watch the Practical exam. I saw a weird guy with sticking up yellow hair, displaying the point system.
1 Point - Easy Villains
2 Points - Medium Villains
3 Points - Hard Villains
0 Points - Arena Traps

1 Point - Easy Villains 2 Points - Medium Villains 3 Points - Hard Villains 0 Points - Arena Traps

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He said that it was a mock battle, and that they had to destroy the robots. I saw Izuku being stopped from approaching a girl by his fellow battle center mates. Then the person at the microphone had already said, "START!" everyone looked at the yellow haired guy confused, and he said, "What's wrong?" "There are no countdowns in real life!" Then suddenly everyone started running. I saw Izuku lagging behind, and he looked very nervous. A robot suddenly runs at Izuku, and he froze. I winced, watching as a laser shot out of a guys.. belly button? I watched as Izuku struggled. Then, everyone started running from the huge zero point robot. I watched as Izuku then looked at a girl that had fell, and seemed to make a decision and help her out. I watched as he leapt up into the air, and his arm glowed. He punched the robot, and it broke completely, denting it and the robot fell over, not moving. I then saw his arm and legs went limp. I assumed they were broken, and winced. He plummeted from the sky. I watched as he panicked, flailing in the sky. The girl then slapped him in the face at the last minute, and he floated down safely. He then was surrounded, and I wished that I could go down and heal him. I then saw a short lady giving out gummies.

She approached Izuku, and

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She approached Izuku, and.. kissed him? His arm and legs suddenly glowed,and healed. Healing magic? I thought. But activating with a kiss.. That is very weird. I saw Principal Nezu and approached him."So.." I asked. Who was that lady, and the yellow haired guy? "The yellow haired guy as you put it.. was Mic." "He is going to be your English teacher." He explained. "Oh." I said. "The lady was recovery girl, as you saw, she can heal anyone by kissing them, although it might take a few tries if it is severe." "That's an interesting...quirk?.." I said. "Yes, she is the schools nurse." I quickly thanked him for the explanation, and went to try to find Izuku.
At the apartment.
I sighed. I didn't manage to find Izuku, but I did run into a very angry porcupine..
"Izuku?" I called out.
A weird spiky dude walked up to me.

"Why the hell are you calling out Friken Deku's name extra!?" He yelled

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"Why the hell are you calling out Friken Deku's name extra!?" He yelled.
I backed away from the angry dude. "I-I was just trying t-to see if he was okay.." I said. The boy looked surprised. "Why are you hanging out with a quirk less extra like him huh? "Are you quirk less too!"
I backed away, deciding to take the easy way out. I ran.
Back to the apartment.
Not one of my finest moments.. I thought.
I then decided to go get the mail. I walked to the public mail box, and saw an envelope addressed to me. I grabbed it and went inside, and flopped down on my bed. I opened it, and a weird disk fell out. I looked at it strangely, and a light came out of it. "I am here as a projection!" "H-Huh?" "All Might?" "I'm sorry this didn't get to you sooner, I had to take of my paperwork to teach at U.A." Said All Might. "H-Huh.. your teaching at U.A?!"
Miss Moon, You passed the written exam, and got into U.A!. "Not that you would have failed.." he said. "What about Izuku!?" I yelled. The projection said, "I know you must be wondering about Izuku." "He passed the written exam.. but he got zero points on the practical exam." "He better have gotten in.." I muttered. "But, the young girl that he saved came in, and asked if she could give him some of her points, begged even." "But, the entrance exam wasn't graded only on the points from robots!" "So, we rejected her proposal." "It was also graded by.. rescue points!" "Izuku Midoriya has eared 60 rescue points, putting him in 7th place in terms of points!" "Yess!" I yelled. His face then turned serious. "Now, for your schedule." "You shall be the 21st student in Class 1-A." "Per your request, only Principal Nezu, Hawk, and I know about your abilities." "I shall be your hero teacher!" "In your home room, you will get your schedule." "Also, please bring all of your stuff, as of tomorrow you shall be the first to live in the dorms!" My face turned into a grin as I smiled. "Izuku got in, I can't wait to be able to live in the dorms and go to U.A,I will finally not be bored!"

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