Serenity Vs. Nighteye

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I got into a fighting stance, ready to try and get the stamp. I quickly scanned the room, taking note of the things I could use to my advantage. Nighteye can only use his quirk once every 24 hours, and he had just used it on Izuku, so he can't use it again on me. This means I have the advantage. Although, since we were inside, this meant I couldn't fly, and healing wouldn't be very useful here. I'll have to rely on Pluto's powers. I decided. I moved my eyes to the left, looking at the counter beside Nighteye, to make him think that was where I am going to go. I stepped that way, and he tensed, but I then spun on my heel, and ran towards the hand holding the stamp. Even with my feint, it was clear Nighteye was very skilled at dodging, as he effortlessly stepped out of the way of my attack. "Is that all you've got?" He mocked. He's just trying to rile you up. I reminded myself. I kept quiet, not deterred, as I raced at him again, this time using Pluto's powers to speed myself up. Nighteye dove to the ground, rolled, then jumped back up to his feet. I sighed. His reaction time is remarkable.. I thought. Looks like I'll have to try Plan B.I closed my eyes, and concentrated on Nighteye, and felt his energy. I mentally tugged on it, but it wouldn't budge. I then tried to use Pluto's powers to slow the energy down, but it pulsed at the same rate, unaffected by my attempts. Mizuki was right.. I thought. His time "Quirk" is defending itself against Pluto's powers. Of course, Pluto's power is much, much stronger, but I don't want to waste energy just to slow him down. I might need it in the future. Onto plan C. Teleportation.. I haven't ever tried to do it alone, but.. I opened my eyes, Nighteye stood still waiting for my next move. I focused on the spot next to him, and for the stamp to be in my hand. I readied myself, then thought of my Guardians. Mercury.. Mars.. Jupiter.. Venus.. Uranus... Neptune.. Saturn.... Pluto.. 

Their images flashed by as I thought of them

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Their images flashed by as I thought of them. Their magic responded inside of me, and I carefully broke off a small bit from the planetary power residing inside of me. An Ancient energy stirred, and I thought words which were not my own. 'COSMOS TELEPORT!'  I felt something wash over me. Peace? In a flash, I was behind Nighteye, the stamp in my hand. Cosmos? I thought confused. The incantation used to be 'Sailor teleport', although since it is just me.. I was cut off from my thoughts as Nighteye turned around sharply. "How..?" He muttered. I acted fast, slamming the stamp down my contract behind him, pressing the ink into the paper, then letting the stamp fall onto the table. Nighteye stared at me. I have to think of something, fast. "I sped up time on myself to make myself as fast as I could." I lied. He stared at me with wide eyes. The doors then slammed open. "Excuse us!" Yelled Togata. "Are you finished?" Asked Bubble Girl. Nighteye turned to Togata. "I'll take them, Mirio." He said. Izuku got up, wounds healed. "What?" "Why?" "I couldn't do anything you asked me to, but Serenity-" "I told you to take the seal and stamp it yourself, but I didn't say you would be rejected if you couldn't do it." Nighteye walked over to our contracts, and picked them up. I walked over to Izuku, and stood by him. "Besides, I'd already decided to take you both when I heard you were coming." He looked at Izuku. "I also knew you weren't completely useless, but I hadn't accepted it." Izuku's eyes widened. Nighteye walked towards us. "Right now, with the symbol gone, the people want not a dim light, but a shining one." He stopped in front of us, holding his hand out with the stamp in it. "Even if it goes against his wishes, I'll make you realize who is the most worthy of that power right now by having you work alongside the pros." He dropped the stamp, letting it fall into Izuku's hand. Izuku's contract fluttered to the ground. Izuku bent onto his knees, and stamped the contract. "I look forward to working with you!" Izuku said. I echoed him, and bowed.
The others sat around us, complaining about how no one would take them on for their work studies. "We can only ask pros with good track records who'll take work study students.." Said Kaminari. "It can't be helped, if anything happens we'll be directly involved, so if anything happens.." Ojiro was interrupted by Aizawa, who walked into the room. "-It becomes a problem of who's responsible on the pro side." "Pro's who accept student's even knowing the risk are the real thing." He looked over. "Tokoyami, you've got an invitation for a work study from one of those real pros." "It's from Hawks, who works in Kyusha." "HAWKS?" Yelled Kaminari. "The third ranked hero?" Said Sero. "Wow.." "What will you do, Tokoyami?" Asked Aizawa. Tokoyami bowed. "I respectfully accept." "Very well." Aizawa nodded. "I'll give you the paperwork later." "Let me know when you figure out when you'll be going to Kyusha." "I'll authorize your absence." Aizawa then looked over at Kirishima. "Also Kirishima, Amajiki from the Big Three wants to see you." "Me?" Asked Kirishima. "Also, Hado wants to talk to Ochaco and Asui." Continued Aizawa. "Go see them tomorrow and hear them out." "That's all." He walked out. "I can't wait until tomorrow!" Yelled Kirishima. "I'm going to the Third Years dorm right now!" I sweat dropped. Isn't it a little late out? "Let's go Ochaco." Said Tsuyu, following them. Tomorrow, our work study starts.. I thought, looking at Izuku.
Serenity's room
My hand glowed, and Golden/Silver dust fell into the open bottle I held under it with my other hand, refilling it after it was used by Izuku. I then looked in the mirror. Is it just me.. or does my hair have slightly more silver in it then yesterday? I wondered. Maybe it's just the light reflecting off of it. I brushed the thought off. I put the bottle into my Sub-Space pocket, and sat down on my bed. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.. I thought.

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