Hassaikai Headquarters

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We looked in shock at Nighteye,who had his hands on the table. "Huh?" Said a Pro Hero. "The Eri girl is in their stronghold?" "By stronghold,you mean.." Said Fatgum. "The residence of the leader of the Hassaikai.." Said Ryuyku. "What, so our investigations were for nothing?" Said the pro hero whose hero name I learned was Rock Lock. "No, we were able to get new information as well." Said Nighteye. "How were you able to confirm this?" Asked Fatgum. Nighteye brought out a box, which contained a toy from Glitter Squad. "A member of the Hassaikai went to a nearby department store the other day, and bought playthings aimed at young girls." Why did he buy one too!? I wondered. Fatgum chopped the air. "Maybe he just likes things like that!" "There are all types in this world, Nighteye!" He got closer. "Anyway, why did you buy one, too?" Nighteye looked at him. "No, he said something that no one who has that hobby would say.." Nighteye then proceeded to tell us how he had followed the guy to the toy store, and how he had tried to look for toys that had not been made for years. He then had touched the guy, playing it off as handing him the toy, and looked an hour into his future. "I saw him going to their base, and going into some sort of basement, and handing Eri the toy." "You ended up using Foresight anyway?!" Yelled Rock Lock. "I believe I said I would use it once we narrowed it down so that we could be sure." Replied Nighteye. "Anyway, this means it's been decided, right?" Asked Fatgum. "We know for sure when they'll be there thanks to our stakeouts." Responded Centipeder. "We also worked with the police to get a warrant!" Said Bubble Girl. "All that's left..-" She was interrupted by Fatgum. "Is to get in there!" "Midoriya, Moon." Whispered Togata. We looked over.Togata waved his arms around like crazy, chanting "Let's do this!" I sweat dropped. Although I am glad he seemed happier, he's drawing attention to us. I sighed as he got increasingly louder.

In front of the police station
After we had changed into our hero costumes, we had went to the police station where we were being informed on what was going to happen. "After Nighteye used Foresight on the Hassaikai member, we discovered the existence of undocumented underground facilities at the head of the Hassaikai's residence." "We were able to confirm that the girl we are trying to rescue is being held in one of the rooms there." "Although we were unable to uncover the entire underground layout, the path the man took is the shortest route to our target, and it's the best intel we could have for searching the Hassaikai's expansive stronghold." If it's so big, how do we know we aren't going to end up lost? Or if Eri will even still be in the room? "However, even if we head there, if they use their Quirks freely on us, it would make the search difficult." Of course they're going to attack us, we're walking right into their secret base! He nodded at someone, and they approached with a clipboard. "So, we have made a list to the best of our knowledge of Quirks registered to Hassaikai members." "Please memorize this list." He said. "It's nice to be bale to just pull this out, huh?" Said a Pro hero. Couldn't I just ask Mizuki what their Quirks are?  I wondered. I took the paper anyway. "We don't want to give them time to hide, so we want to identify and apprehend all of the members as quickly as possible. ..Isn't it a little suspicious that Pro heroes and police officers are gathered at eight in the morning?  They might already know what we are planning.. "All the pros are so calm." Said Red Riot. "Is it 'cause they're used to this?" He yelled. "Hey, I haven't seen Gran Torino all morning.." Said Deku. "I wonder where he is." I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned around. "Apparently, he cannot come anymore." Said Nighteye. "Huh?" Said Deku. "It looks like the League, which Tsukauchi is keeping an eye on, is on the move." Said the guy next to him. "But well, we have enough people too, so it should not impede us." The League, which has been dormant for weeks, is now on the move.. right when we're about to pull off a big rescue mission. Isn't that suspicious?  "Maybe we can catch the Hassaikai and the League of Villains all at once!" Said Red Riot. "Yeah!" Said Deku. I looked at Eraser Head, who was approaching us. "Mr -Eraser Head!" Said Deku. "I will move with the Nighteye Agency." He said. "Do you understand what that means?" He's watching us.. Deku nodded. "Yes sir." We responded. "Heroes!" I turned to where the voice came from. "Things might get a little violent." "If you see even a hint of suspicious behavior or resistance, please deal with it immediately!" ..Do they really expect them to let Eri go without a fight? If what Nighteye said is true, and they are using her blood for the Quirk-Destroying drug.. that's probably a big source of income for them. Without Eri, they won't be able to make it anymore.. There's no way this will be resolved peacefully. "We're up against gangsters who have survived until now." He continued. "Don't let your guard down and carry out your tasks." He saluted, and the rest of the police force followed. "We will commence the operation at eight thirty." "All hands, move out!"

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