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"A newspaper!?" We shouted at Aizawa. "Yeah,a newspaper wants to do a feature on you all." I shuttered,remembering my last experience with news reporters.I had given away too much information,and made the poor guy faint.Everyone started talking about how amazing it was going to be,and I sighed.Nosy reporters..I thought. "Don't get too excited." Aizawa glared at us. "The article is supposed to be about how you students are doing in the dorms you just moved into." He said. "The principal thought it would be good for your parents and guardians to see you all living happily in the dorms, so he gave special permission. "That's why-.." He stopped, glaring at Mineta who was acting like an idiot. He shot his capture weapon at him, binding him up. "You don't have to be like that, Mr. Aizawa." A tall man walked into the room. He had dark hair, glasses, and mismatched pupils, one white and one black. "I want to report on the U.A students in their natural state in the dorms." He said. "Mr. Tokuda, I didn't say you could come in yet-" He was cut off by Mr. Tokuda. "I was told I could be here from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m." He said, pointing at his watch which read 8:00.I almost laughed. He's smart! I thought. Aizawa's grip on his capture weapon loosened, and Mineta went tumbling down. "Hello everyone, I'm Tokuda a reporter." He said. "Thanks for having me here today." He bowed, and we bowed back. "Nice to meet you!" We said. "You don't have to do anything this special." Said Tokuda. "Please just show the camera how you normally live." "I might ask you questions occasionally, so I'll be counting on you then." He winked. Manipulative.. "Iida, if there's a problem, let me know immediately." Said Aizawa. Tenya of course stood straight and shouted, "Yes sir!" "As the class representative for Class 1-A, I Tenya Iida, will carry out my duty--" I almost laughed, as he was interrupted by Tokuda. "Okay then.. what would you usually be doing now?" He asked. "Having breakfast!" Tenya replied. "You don't have to be so nervous." Said Tokuda. I sweat dropped. Anyone who knows Tenya, knew that was how he was, twenty-four seven. "Just pretend I'm not here!" He said. I narrowed my eyes. Is it just me, or does his smile look.. fake..? I thought. He doesn't seem  dangerous.. more like he wants information.. I looked at Aizawa,and noticed that he too, was narrowing his eyes at the reporter.

As I drank my white tea, I heard a click, and a photo was taken of me. The reporter went around taking phots of everyone as we were eating. I also ate some white rice. Throughout the whole day, the reporter took pictures, and notes on us. As we were exercising, the reporter took notes on all of our quirks. When he got to me, I carefully looked at his notes out of the corner of my eye. Number 21,Moon Serenity. She has a extremely rare number of three quirks. One lets her grow white wings out of her back, another lets her heal wounds, and the last lets her manipulate time. Was what his notes read.

As I followed the reporter, I saw him looking out the window at All Might, and Izuku. All Might gave Izuku a bag of meat buns, and clasped him on the shoulder. I rolled my eyes. Can they be any more obvious?  When I looked more closely at the reporter, I saw a camera form on his hand, and he snapped a picture. I narrowed my eyes. "Mizuki, scan his quirk." I whispered. I quickly read the information as the reporter went out of the building towards Izuku. I watched as Izuku handed him a meat bun. They sat on the side of the building, eating.I listened in on them. Tokuda told Izuku of how All Might saved his father when a building was bombed, and proceeded to show him a picture he had taken of All Might grasping Izuku's shoulder. "Next, it's your turn?" He asked. Izuku looked at the picture, shocked. "But you don't have a camera!" Izuku said. I walked out of the building, and sat down next to him. "Whole-Body Lens: Tokuda's Quirk allows him to sprout camera lenses anywhere on his body and take pictures with them." "He can then print the pictures out of his chest." I said. Tokuda looked at me, slightly shocked. "You have another quirk?" He asked. "No, I just used my resources." I said, grinning. He shook his head. "Anyways, All Might's last words after the Kamino incident.." "As I thought, he was saying them to you." I grit my teeth. This reporter is way too perceptive!  I thought. "As I investigated, I found a lot of similarities." He continued. "How the Quirk you got was a power type, how you tried to rescue Bakugo in middle school when he was taken by a villain." "How All Might was the one who saved you both back then." "How you enrolled in U.A. at the same time All Might became a teacher here." "I went to the Pussycat's agency too." He added. "I met Kota, which confirmed my guess." Izuku's eyes widened. "That you are All Might's successor." "What do you think about my deductions?" He asked. Izuku just mumbled, and I put my hand over my face and sighed. "You can't lie, huh?" Tokuda asked. "I like that, you're acting very much like a hero." He then grabbed Izuku into a surprise selfie. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Reporters.. I waved to Aizawa, who was staring at us through the window, and looked to Ochaco, who had opened the door. "Deku-kun, Serenity~Chan, It's time for dinner." She said. "Ah, thanks Ochaco!" I said. Izuku handed her the meat buns. "Look what All Might brought for us!" He said. "Let's go eat them with everyone before they get cold!" She said,dragging us inside. "Everyone, All Might got us meat buns!" She shouted.

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