Code Name

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For the few days off that I had, I took the time to learn more about this world. I learned that the first person to manifest a Quirk was a newborn baby in the city of Qing Qing, who had the ability to emit light from their body. After that incident, many people around the world began to manifest different kinds of special abilities. While the cause of the Quirk is unknown, it has been theorized that the spread of a virus carried by mice had brought about their development. Currently, around 80% of the world population possesses a Quirk.

The day was gloomy, with rain pouring down from the sky. Using my pink umbrella,

I ran towards the school

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I ran towards the school. I was late because on the subway here, many people had recognized me and crowded me. There was only 5 minutes until the bell rang! Covering my mouth to keep from laughing when lida walked by wearing a green raincoat and rain boots, I Put my umbrella in the stand. I remember when the Senshi and I used to play in the rain together....

Shaking my head to get rid of the sad memory, I sat down in my seat

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Shaking my head to get rid of the sad memory, I sat down in my seat. Aizawa sensei walked in. "Morning." His bandages were gone! "More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today." I sweat dropped as everybody freaked out. "Code names." Aizawa sensei said calmly. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, except me. Code names? I don't know what to call myself, I mean since I'm hiding the fact my powers relate to the moon I can't just keep calling myself Eternal Sailor Moon! I freaked out in my mind, what was I going to do!? Aizawa showed us the amount of offers we had got, I had somehow got 360? Aizawa then said we would all be participating in Internships with Pros. I banged my forehead into the desk. I had never had to take orders, I was the leader of the Senshi for Selene's sake! Midnight then walked in, I just closed my eyes when I saw what she was wearing. Aizawa then said that she would be making sure our names were okay. I sank even lower in my desk.
I was handed a whiteboard, and just stared at it. Eventually, I started writing..
I found two that I liked, but I didn't know which one to go with. I heard Bakugo's name: King Explosion Murder, and I laughed.
"Choosing hero names for you all was easier than I thought.." Said Midnight. "All that's left is Bakugo, who needs to rethink his, lida, Midoriya, and Moon."
Lida showed his board, which said Tenya. Midoriya then stepped up, and everyone gasped. It read Deku. He said that it was okay, and that he wanted to be called that. Bakugo then stepped up, "Lord Explosion Murder!" He shouted, and Midnight sweat dropped and said No.
At the end, I finally decided to go with Angel of Mystery: Silver Messiah.

Aizawa then told us that our internships would last for a week, and I sighed in relief. It was only a week! He said we had only two days to decide.

As I opened my bento, Mina asked if we had decided what Pro agency we wanted. Mineta said he was going to Mt.Lady, and I sighed.Ochako said she was going to Gunhead. I just stared blankly,I had no idea where to go. I opened the door, and there stood All Might in a weird Position...He beckoned to Izuku and I, and dragged us off.
"Straight to the point, you both just got an offer from a Pro hero." He said. Izuku looked at him open mouthed. "The hero's name is Gran Torino." He said. I felt a twitch in the back of my mind. Hadn't I seen that name before..? "He was a teacher at U.A for only one year." "He was my homeroom teacher." Said All Might. I looked up, startled. I then remembered where I had seen the name, it was in All Might's profile on the super computer! All Might was shaking, and mumbling just like Izuku did! I almost laughed. I then decided that I would accept the offer.

I had my bag with my costume in it in my hand, and I was walking beside Izuku and Ochako. I heard Izuku tell lida to tell us if he ever felt hopeless, because we were friends. I smiled, Izuku had a big heart. I then flinched at the flashback that came on. "Usako, you have a big heart." Mamo said. I shook my head, getting rid of it. Izuku and I followed the steps on the map to a shaggy old building. Izuku knocked and walked in, and I looked in surprise to where an old man lay in a puddle of blood. Immediately, I got into a fighting stance. Something was up!

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