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"Why didn't you help me?" The pink haired woman yelled. "I-I'm sorry!" I said. "It's Your fault Pluto died!" She screamed,tears streaming down her face. I reeled back and fell on my knees, tears running down my cheeks. "Sm-Small Lady.."

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I shuttered as I remembered the nightmares from last night. It's not my fault! I told myself.But deep down, I felt differently. I really needed to find some medicine to stop the nightmares. I got dressed, grabbed my stuff, and quickly ate a energy bar. I ran to the school.

No ones POV
At the school in the teachers lounge, Aizawa was telling Vlad King about class 1 A's quirks. "Finally, Moon Serenity." "Like Torodoki, she has two quirks." Vlad leaned in. "She can heal, and manipulate time." Aizawa said. "I have spoken to Recovery Girl, and she thinks that something might have happened to her parents." He said. Vlad nodded. "We will be looking into it." Aizawa said. "Now, we should also go over class B's quirks.."

Serenity's POV
I approached the teacher's work room with Izuku, Denki, and...Mineta. "Excuse me.." Said Izuku. We apologized for interrupting, and Denki asked about the form for the pool we had turned in a few days ago. "Yes, the school has granted you permission." He said. I wasn't really paying attention. I kept remembering my daughters face, with the tears in her eyes.. "-Nity!".."Serenity!" Izuku called. I jolted. "Coming!" I yelled.

Changing rooms
I changed along with the rest of the girls into a bathing suit. We all wore the school issued one, it was a little plain..

I needed to get my endurance up. I had noticed every time I used a big spell, it chipped into my energy. I would need to be able to fire off big spells quickly, in the case of an emergency.

Everyone was playing around with a beach ball, but I was joining the boys and swimming laps around the pool. I was also practicing using the power of Neptune. I used her powers, influencing the water, making small waves to help me go faster. I felt sweat pooling on my brow, but kept going. Eventually, I was dragged out by Tenya. I drank my orange juice, panting heavily. After I was done, I threw it out. "Everyone, do you want to see who can swim 50 meters the fastest?" Tenya yelled. I nodded.

I sweat dropped. I was up against a bunch of boys. (Sero,Aoyama,and Todoroki).I used the power of Mercury and Uranus to speed up my swimming. I was second, right after Todoroki. I looked on at Tenya who was just gliding on the pool line. That's so cheating.. I chuckled.Izuku still won, even though others were cheating.I congratulated him. I walked over to Tenya, Izuku and Todoroki. We chatted for a while.

All Might and Tsukauchi were talking about the villain attacks that had occurred recently. "The police are working with heroes to gather information about the League of Villains." Said Tsukauchi. "When the investigation uproots something, we'll be counting on you All Might." All Might nodded. "Of course."

"The winners of each race; Bakugo, Todoroki, and Midoriya will race for first!" said Tenya. I stood on the sidelines by the door, watching the race. Bakugo, Todoroki, Tenya ,and Izuku got in position. "Hello Aizawa sensei." I called. "Is our time up?" He nodded. He looked at Bakugo, Todoroki, Iida, and Izuku and erased their quirks. They then fell into the water. I choked on a laugh, and watched as Aizawa told them time was up. Everyone groaned, and he gave them the evil eye.

I sat on my bed, and looked at my things. I had no idea what was in store for us, and I had been deciding on what to pack. I packed a sleeping bag, a few blankets, clothes, flashlights ,Toiletry, A few first aid kits, and my medicine. I didn't know what kind of food there would be, or if we had to pack our own so I had put some water bottles in a cooler, and had packed a lunch box filled with power bars, cereal bars, fruit cups and such. I had probably over packed, but since I had my sub-space pocket it was fine. I neatly placed everything inside. Now, camp awaits....

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