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"Moon Eternal, Make-Up! I yelled, seeing a weird guy wearing all black with only his mouth exposed. "What the heck!" I yelled surprised, staring at the weirdo. "Who the heck are you!" The person's mouth grinned evilly. "The names Moonfish, not like it will matter since you'll be DEAD, your flesh mine!" He yelled, laughing psychotically. I suddenly understood the situation. This dudes totally phsyco! "Well we'll see about that!" I said, launching myself into the air. "Hmm, so your quirks flight eh?" Moonfish growled. " good. Flesh. Need flesh..." He'd mutter. I'd look at him weirdly, flying further away from him. Suddenly, His teeth grew as tall as where I was hovering, turning into sharp blades! "What the heck!" I'd yell, suddenly understanding why the golden crystal transported me here. This word needs help! I threw myself to the side, as more teeth grew, shooting themselves at me. "Ugh.. this is a pain.." I'd grumble. "tHiS iS fUn!" Moonfish yelled, and I looked at him disturbed. Serious help.. I'd think. "Mars flame sniper!" I shouted, melting the metal teeth that flew at me. "W-WhAt tHe HeCk!" Moonfish yelled. "A fIrE qUirk ToO?!" "Ouch!" I'd hiss in pain, as one of his teeth stabbed my arm. I guess that teleportation drained a ton of my powers..  I reached into the Sub-Space pocket, while desperately evading the torrents of metal teeth, grabbing Jupiter's tiara. "OoO tHe LiTtLe gIrl hAs a tIaRa,I'm SoO sCarEd!!" He'd laugh. I put on the tiara, making sure it was secure, then touched the antenna, activating it. Try and avoid this! I felt it start sucking electricity from the atmosphere, while I evaded the attacks. Suddenly, a big red winged guy appeared, as I was about to shoot off the attack.

I groaned then yelled, "Get out of the way!" as I shouted. "Supreme Thunder!". I felt the electricity propel itself in the form of lightning bolts, striking the metal teeth, and electrocuting the villain, who moaned as he hit the ground. The red winged guy had dived out of the way just in time, and watched wide-eyed. "Woah kid, good job, I was tracking him, but the little worm gave me the slip!" I'd glare at him, This was the dude who almost got himself killed, and almost ruined my plan! I'd sigh. "You idiot, you almost got yourself electrocuted!" I'd yell, glaring at the dude. He'd rub his head, chuckling, this girl who looked no older than 14 was scolding him! "Eheh.." He'd laugh. "Sorry about that, thanks for taking him down!" I'd sigh, face-palming. "Just be more careful.." The red-winged dude laughed. I said, "Who even are you.." While pulling out some gauze from my Sub-Space pocket, wrapping my arm in it. He looked at me astonished. "I'm The number 3 hero, Hawks!" "How do you not know who I am?" I looked at the ground. Hawks sighed. "Look kid, do you have a hero license ?" I stared at him. "A what?" The dude looked at me. "You don't know what that is either?!" I shook my head. "Kid, you know to defeat a villain without the law going nuts on you, you gotta have a license." Hawks said. I looked at the ground thinking, That's so stupid! So if a normal person didn't have on, and got attacked, what would they do! I internally screamed. "Anyways kid, whatcha doing all the way out here?" Hawks asked. "Eheh.." I rubbed my head again. "Would you believe me if I said I accidentally teleported myself out here.." I said looking down. Hawks stared at me. "Kid, how many quirks do you have!?" I looked at him blankly. "Quirks...?" I said, trying to avoid the question. Hawks stared at me again. "Kid, have you been living under a rock!?" "How do you not know what quirks are!" I stared at him, and he sighed. "Powers, Magic Whatever you wanna call them." "Ooh." I said. "Kid, I'm guessing you don't have a speed quirk to get back, do you?" "Nope.." I said. "I was planning on flying, but according to my data, It will take at least seven hours." He looked at me and said, "I'm not even going to ask how you know that, do you want to come back with me?" I looked at him surprised. "You sure?" I asked. "Yep, It'll be no problem!" Hawks said. I pointed at the unconscious phsyco. "What are we going to do with him?" I asked. "Eh, I'll take him back to town, and off to the mental hospital for criminals he goes." Said Hawks, shrugging. "..Fine." I said, reluctantly. Hawks picked up Moonfish, pulled out hand-cuffs from his pocket, and put them on him. He picked the villain up, and held out his hand. "Hold on kid." He said. I did as I was told, and held on tightly.

2 and a half hours later.
"There's the city!" Yelled Hawks.
I panted, not used to flying this long, and gave him a thumbs up. We landed on the ground, and I pulled out the canteens from my Sub-Space pocket, and tossed Hawk one, drinking the other. Hawk just shrugged it off, used to me doing unexplanatory things. "Thanks, and hey, I never got your name!" He said. I un-transformed, my sailor outfit and wings disappearing. While Hawks was staring at me I said, "In my winged form call me Eternal Sailor Moon, but right now, call me Serenity." I said. "Well Serenity, nice to meet you." "Likewise." I said. "Now, where's the mental hospital?" I asked. "Not yet." Said Hawks. "I have to make a stop first." I looked at him suspiciously. "Lets go!" He said. "Fine.." I grumbled.
30 minutes later.
We arrived at what looks like a park, and I looked at Hawk questioningly. He held up a finger, and got out his cellphone." Gotta call him." said Hawk, dialing a number. I heard hawk starting to talk. "Hey!" He said. "Yep got another villain, I'm at the park." "Number 15 Moonfish,the teeth guy." He said. "Okay, see you soon, bye." Hawks said, hanging up the phone. "He'll be here in five minutes." Hawks said. I looked at him suspiciously. "Fine.." I said, pulling out the berries I wrapped, giving Hawks the salmon berries, and myself the cloudberries. "What are these?" He asked. "Salmon berries." I replied. "Don't worry, they aren't poisonous." I said. Hawks looked at them suspiciously then ate one, after I popped one in my mouth.

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