Serenity Vs. Overhaul

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I stared, horrified at the fusion. Overhaul's injuries from before are gone too.. I thought. He's completely healed! I looked around, trying to spot Deku or Eraser Head. There!  Deku was crouched in the middle of a few spikes, close to the ceiling. Then.. where's Eraser Head?  I thought worriedly. "I'm obsessive about cleanliness, so when someone touches me, it makes my blood boil." Said Overhaul. "It's the first time it's gotten to this point." "What a sad life you had, Lemillion." "If you hadn't gotten involved with Eri--with me--then your Quirk wouldn't be lost forever." Wait.. what?! I thought. That bullet he was shot destroyed his Quirk? They made bullets that could permanently destroy Quirks?!  Overhaul bent over, and picked up a red box. "If you hadn't gotten involved, you could've kept holding onto your dream. He opened the box, revealing spots for four missing. 

"You lost your Quirk but persevered, and as a result, your friends got caught up in this, and now your all just going to die

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"You lost your Quirk but persevered, and as a result, your friends got caught up in this, and now your all just going to die." He yelled, launching himself across the room, speeding towards Nighteye and Lemillion. I locked eyes with Deku, who had picked up a huge chunk of stone. As he launched himself at Overhaul, I sped up time on him, making him reach Overhaul before he hurt anyone. Overhaul somehow managed to catch the stone block in his hand, pieces of it flying everywhere. He crushed what was left of it into pieces. He then manipulated the pieces, turning them into spikes! I winched. If not for Deku's iron soles, that would have been bad.. I stealthily made my way across the room. What can I do? I wondered. Suddenly, Overhaul stumbled back, having been hit by something. Nighteye rushed forward. "I will be his opponent!" Overhaul regained his balance, and shook the seal off his arm. "Like I'd let you." He responded. Nighteye threw more seals at Overhaul. "You go to Lemillion and Eri!" Said Nighteye looking at Deku and I. I had managed to get around the spikes, and had almost reached Deku. "Roger!" Deku said, and I echoed him. We made our way over to them, keeping a wary eye on he battle going on. "Where is Eraser Head!?" "Your aid isn't here either." Shouted Nighteye. "I'm interested in heroes who can erase Quirks, so he's been shown to the VIP room!" Responded Overhaul. I paled. Calm down, he's a pro hero he can handle himself. I reminded myself, yet I couldn't shake the ill feeling. "Someone who finds joy in destroying other people's Quirks is afraid of getting his own Quirk erased?" Said Nighteye. We finally reached Lemillion and Eri, and I quickly looked them over for injuries. Some of Lemillion's particularly bad wounds were still unhealed, but most of the other ones were gone. I held my hand out over the wound in his side, healing it. "I can't heal the bullet wound until the bullet is out." I told Lemillion. "Healing it would trap the bullet inside your skin, which would make it worse." I then looked at Eri, scanning her over for injuries. "Let's get out of here." Said Deku. I nodded. Deku kicked down the wall next to us, revealing the path we took to get here. "We should put some distance between us and Overhaul!" Said Deku. I looked hesitantly towards the fight. But what about Nighteye..?  "That's.." I looked back over at the sound of Eri's voice. "Enough.." Tears spilled down her face. "I'm sorry.." I then heard the sound of skin ripping. We looked behind us, eyes widening in shock. "SIR!!" Shouted Lemillion. "..Nighteye?" I said, trembling in disbelief. A spike stuck out of Nighteye's chest, another impaling his arm. No...not again..

Nighteye's POV
That future.. where Eri is saved, and Mirio and the others are safe.. A long film stretched out in front of me, playing the events of the future. My eyes widened, as I saw in Overhaul's future, he murdered Serenity. The film ended in the blood-covered scene. No..! "That future..!" I gasped.

Serenity's POV

"Protect Eri and Lemillion." I told Deku. "But-!" Deku hesitated. "I'll be okay." I looked at him, then launched myself into the air. I sped up time, speeding towards Overhaul, wearing a cold glare. Spikes erupted from the ground, but with a glance they froze. How dare he.. first Eri, now Nighteye.. "Give it up!" Yelled Overhaul. "It'll just end up like I said--you'll all die!" He exclaimed. I glared at him. "I will not let that happen." I said coldly. "Nothing is decided yet!" I flew at him, dodging the spikes that appeared on the ground. I gasped as one twisted around, grazing my side. Overhaul manipulated the ground, causing a pillar to rise from the ground, taking him with it. I took the lack of attacks to concentrate on healing my side, which had started to drip silver blood. I looked up when I felt a sudden rush of air, to see Overhaul had launched himself off the concrete pillar. He struck me, which knocked me out of the air. Overhaul landed on his feet, while I landed on the floor, grimacing as I hauled myself up. I pulled out the holy moon sword, aiming it at Overhaul as he once again ran towards me.

 I pulled out the holy moon sword, aiming it at Overhaul as he once again ran towards me

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I dodged, swinging the sword at his top arm. The blade cut through the skin like butter, the severed arm falling to the ground. ..What?  I backed away, going up into the air as he picked up his arm and attached it back on. Spikes rose, and in my disbelief, I just barely managed to dodge the spike going for my head, and failed to dodge the other spikes. I let out a sharp gasp of pain,as one impaled my leg, the other in my arm. The shock made me stop moving my wings, and I plummeted to the ground. I watched helplessly as Overhaul motioned at the ground. It tried to form a spike, but failed and cracked into pieces. That was close.. if the ground hadn't cracked, I would have not been able to dodge that spike.. "I'm done." Said Overhaul. "No.. this battle isn't over yet." I said, trying to distract him. As Overhaul spoke, I grit my teeth, and pulled the spikes out of my limbs. I then dedicated my power into healing the most important limb first-my leg. "Jeez, Lemillion persisted like that, too." He said. "You can't look down on the hidden reserves of someone who won't give up." He held out his hand, and I tensed. What is he doing? A mouth appeared on his palm, and started speaking. "Someone else is about to die because of you!" "Is that what you want Eri?!" He shouted. "I.." I turned around when I heard a voice. My eyes widened when I saw Eri's battered body step out from the hole in the wall. "No, Eri!" I Shouted. Deku was running up behind her, and skidded to a stop. "don't.. want that!" She finished, trembling. "Eri.." Said Overhaul. "do you really think this girl can do anything in this situation by herself?" Eri looked down. "No, I don't.." She said softly. "Then, what should you do?" Overhaul asked. "Go back.." Eri responded. She took a few steps forward. She wasn't that far away from us now. "In exchange.. put everyone back the way they were!" She shouted, tears in her eyes. "That's right!" Yelled Overhaul. I glared at him, pushing my magic onto my wounds, forcing them to close faster. "It's easier to be hurt yourself than to have others get hurt for you, huh?" He said cruelly. "Don't you realize?" He asked me. "You're acting in the cruelest way possible to Eri." "She doesn't want you." I grit my teeth, and forced myself to stand, despite my injuries not being fully healed. "Yes, it's easier to be hurt.." I said. "But there are people who care for you Eri!" I shouted. Overhaul glared at me, and walked over to a gun lying on the ground. My eyes widened as he pointed the gun at Eri. Overhaul put his finger on the trigger. I panicked, and pushed past the pain I was feeling. I launched myself in front of Eri, not caring about the danger. I then screamed as I felt the bullet strike me, and fell to my knees.

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