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I tripped over the ledge of the building and began to plummet, my heart beating fast as time seemed to slow.

The shadows of the late evening setting seemed to deepen as I fell backwards. Buckling towards me.

The shadows seemed to solidify and a platform formed beneath my feet before I could even fall ten feet.

"Sorry not sorry, Raven," Boreas chuckled, creating an ice path to the next building over, continuing on his patrol.

"Damn you you fucking bastard," I growled, jumping back onto the rooftop and dusting myself off.

After a moment of silence as I tried to catch my breath, an explosion seemed to shake the whole city. I whipped around and saw a cloud of smoke mixed with the soft glow of a fire.

I sighed and sprinted in the direction of the danger, jumping off the side of the building and plummeting towards the ground.

I felt the wind rush past my face as I sped down the side of the building. The feathers on my mask rustling ever so slightly as they tried and failed to be free with the wind again.

My black cloak with a purple lining billowed out slightly behind me as my black combat boots kept it from flying away.

The hero outfit that I had chosen to make wasn't a particularly flashy one. Just a purple t-shirt, a black, hooded cloak, black combat boots, black ripped jeans and a handcrafted mask that fit perfectly on my face. It was covered in raven feathers and it covered the entire left side of my face, along with around my eyes.

Just as I was about to hit the ground I snapped my fingers and the shadows around the area all seemed to bend towards me. A pair of midnight black angel wings (made of shadows) formed on my back, launching me into the air.

I took a gasp of cool air as I soared above the city, soaring towards the area where the explosion had sounded from.

The smell of smoke got more intense as I neared the area. I could already see Boreas and a few other hero's at the scene.

There was laughter coming from the centre of the flames.

The hero's were working on getting the fire out, none of them paying attention to the person the villain had at gunpoint.

I recognized the person and my heart dropped to my stomach.

I landed on the ground next to one of the firefighters helping with the fire and steadied myself. My eyes darted around the area. As the fire decreased in size the hero's started to notice the hostage.

I clenched my fist and a huge net of shadows laced together behind me. I launched it at the villain but the net disappeared as soon as it touched the flames.

The only thing that I could think of was the most idiotic thing I could have thought of...




So of course I did it.

I ran through the fire and created a dagger, the limited darkness around the flames severely decreasing the weapon in size. I threw it at the villain and it skimmed the side of their face, cutting it slightly and leaving a trail of blood.

That definitely got their attention.

They turned to face me and launched a column of flames in my direction.

I hit the deck and rolled up until I was facing the villain, jumping up as soon as the flames were gone.

The villain looked at me with a confused expression before grinning and throwing their hostage to the side, surrounding him in flames

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