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"Get out of here!" Raven yelled, "It's not safe! You're going to get hurt!"

An arc of electricity surged towards our group. We were standing in the middle of Tracey Park, there was a crowd being held back by the police

Suddenly a shield of darkness appeared out of thin air, a few centimetres away from the group, deflecting the bolt into a nearby tree, cracking said tree in half

Raven was facing off against a villain, and we had been caught up in the crossfire

Patton had his back to a tree and was watching the fight in awe and fear

Logan was standing closest to the fight out of all of us, Remy just behind him with Emile by his side

Granted, we were all grouped together pretty tightly

There was a crackle from the villain and they turned towards us

"You only wanna protect them? Don't you?" They asked Raven

Raven didn't respond

He grabbed the villain in a dome of shadows and yelled at us to run again

All seven of us were glued to the spot. None of us could move

"God dammit, FUCKING GET OUT OF HERE!" Raven yelled, sounding desperate

Arcs of electricity were escaping the dome of shadows and growls could be heard from it

Raven yelled and sprinted over to the group, summoning several ropes made of shadows and throwing all of us to the police

The dome exploded and Raven was thrown backwards

He flew back and hit a tree, smashing his head against the trunk of the tree

He crumpled to the ground and groaned slightly. His hood had fallen down and you could see blood trickling down the side of his head

The police had made sure all of us were okay and advised us to stay put and let the hero's handle the situation

"Shit-" Remus growled from next to me as he looked at Raven's situation

The villain walked up to Raven and grabbed him by the throat

"Not so tough now are you?" They taunted, squeezing Raven's throat

"I'm gonna do something insane, be right back," Remus said

"What-" I went to turn around only to find that he was no longer there

"Shit- REMUS NO!" I yelled

A green blur, circled in green energy landed a blow to the side of the villain's ribs

The villain dropped Raven and flew to the side

Remus stood there infront of Raven and grabbed his hand, helping him stand up

"Don't lose this fight my guy," I could barely hear Remus say from where I was standing

"Remus you FUCKING IDIOT! DUCK!" I heard Janus yell, running out from beside me and towards Remus

Remus looked at Janus with a questioning look and then registered what he said

He ducked and another arc of electricity flew right over him and hit another tree

"G-get out of here you two..." Raven groaned, wobbling slightly and holding his head

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