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School wasn't fun today. It generally wasn't, but today was worse

I had gone on patrol the night before and had gotten pretty bruised up. Boreas and Lightspeed both attacked me when I was away from my hero friend (they are rare, but some heroes actually are great people)

Emile had helped me badage some of the deeper cuts, but the bruises had to be left as we had run out of numbing cream

Roman had seen me wincing in pain every so often. I knew he was getting suspicious, and this didn't help at all.

He kept asking questions about how I was and about how I seemed to have hurt myself

I tried my best to avoid those questions, but when it came to lunch and Roman tried to grab my arm to tell me something, he gripped directly onto a bandaged cut, and it hurt like all hell

I yelped in pain at the sudden contact, and Roman immediately stopped what he was going to say. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the head teacher's office

He told him that he was taking me home because I was injured. The headteacher didn't seem to care. He just told us to catch up on missed classwork

Which leads us to now. I was sitting on Roman's living room floor, shirtless, as Roman put numbing cream onto my bruises

It was around three hours later. The walk to Roman's took about an hour and a half because he lived across town

He then spent about thirty minutes raiding his cabinets, looking for the medical stuff

It ended up being in the bathroom

We then spent twenty minutes arguing about whether I was okay or not

When I finally gave in and showed  him the bruises, he spent ten minutes trying to get the lid off of the numbing cream

"How did this even happen?" Roman asked, concerned

"I got into a fight," I mumbled, half telling the truth

He touched a sore one, and I hissed in pain

His eyebrows furrowed in concern

"Vee," he mumbled, "Please try not to get into fights. I worry about you,"

My face went red, and I smiled lightly

"Glad to know you care about me," I replied, smiling

Roman nodded and squeezed my hand

"I used to get into a lot of fights. Please try not to do the same thing, " he told me, concern in his voice

I sighed

"No promises," I mumbled, squeezing his hand back

He kept his hand in mine as he kept applying the numbing cream, running his thumb over the top of it

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Roman  to make sure he had put the cream on every bruise, and me trying to hide my red face

I did say that every student in the school thought he was hot. I didn't exclude myself from that

"How you feeling?" He asked me, squeezing my hand lightly

"Not bad," I mumbled, "Better than before,"

He smiled and nodded

"Good," he replied

He looked me up and down, seemingly thinking

"Virge," he mumbled

I looked up at him raising an eyebrow

"If- if anything is happening, or- or if there's something you're doing, you can always come to me for help," he mumbled, looking at the bandages Emile put on my worse wounds

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