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Yesterday was a close call

So much shit had happened and I didn't know exactly how to process it all

I wasn't aware that Roman had caught Remus until after it had happened. And the whole thing with Patton just freaked me out

I thought he was a goner. We all did. Of course, Remus and I weren't exactly dead after dying

Logan and Virgil had looked for two months straight to try and find Patton, and they had found nothing, so for him to just randomly show up was confusing, to say the least

Remus and I hadn't said anything yet. We didn't want to give Virgil any more reason to stay up all night on patrol, he needed rest as much as he denied that he did. Both of us could tell that at least Logan was getting suspicious

I couldn't tell whether Roman was catching on or not, he's quite good at hiding how he actually feels

I sighed and hugged Remus tightly

Remy had just left to meet with the head of the hero committee. Emile was off to talk to the superintendent of a university he had applied to and Virgil was at school

So it was just me and Remus in the house

"You wanna talk..?" Remus mumbled

I nodded

"What exactly happened yesterday with Roman?" I asked

Remus sighed

"He held a sword to my throat and basically told me to get my life together," he mumbled, yawning lightly

I nodded and sighed

"The one time we actually try something risky and we get caught," I chuckled

Remus nodded and closed his eyes

"You wanna sleep?" I asked

Remus nodded and pat me on the head

"You go to sleep, I'm gonna steal Remy's laptop and browse Reddit," I told him

I stood up off of the couch and gave Remus a blanket and a pillow before walking up to Remy and Emile's room

The bed was messy and the cupboard was open. I saw Remy's laptop on the desk and sat down, opening it and logging on (Remy had told me his password in case of emergency)

On his desktop was a file named 'Private' and a few other things

I was curious, so I opened the file

There were a few pictures and a document in the file. The pictures were of him and everyone. Just memories of fun times

There was one of him and Emile on their first date. They both looked so happy

There was one of Remy, Virgil and Emile playing games. Virgil was covered in permanent marker, Remy had whipped cream on his face and Emile was wearing four t-shirts

There was a load more. All of them were happy memories that Remy had with all of us

I opened the document

At first, nothing seemed too off about the document as I was reading through it

Then I started seeing dates

'Attempt 1 - 24/04/** '

'I want to try jumping back in time. I don't know if it's possible, but I need to know.'

'I found an old article on my parents. It was corrupted though, I'll need to try and save it. I don't know what's in it, but I have a feeling it's important,'

I stopped for a second, confused more than anything

'Attempt 2 - 26/04/**'

'I managed to recover the article. I jumped back ten seconds today, I felt ill and clammy afterwards, not sure if I'll try again soon.'

"Remy's trying to go back in time..." I mumbled, looking back at the screen

'Attempt 3 - 01/08/**'

'I printed the article off. I deleted the file and hid the printout. I didn't realise exactly what my parents had done. I didn't realise until after I had printed and read it. I hid it so that no-one knew exactly what they found. I hid it in a place that only I would hide it in. No-one can know.'

'I should have burned it.'

That was the end of the document

I closed the laptop and leaned back in the chair

"Jeeze, I only wanted to browse Reddit-" I whispered, holding my face, "What hell hole have I stumbled into? And why the fuck did he leave that on his laptop?!"

He might have just been venting to himself and was going to delete it. But of course, I had to have found it before he did that

I sighed and tugged at my own hair for a bit out of confusion and stress

"God now I need to know what was in that damn paper," I grumbled

I stood up and walked out of the room and into mine and Remus' room

I looked in the mirror and sighed, closing my eyes

I opened them and saw a completely different person. I had pale skin and icy blue eyes. Black hair and freckles covering my face

I grabbed a hoodie and a black mask, putting them on and making sure that I wouldn't be recognised, even if I ran into Virgil, Emile or Remy

I opened the window and silently apologised to Remus, asleep in the living room, for leaving him on his own

I jumped out of the window and onto the roof, closing the window behind me

I shifted into a robin and started flying until I got to a park

I hid out of view and shifted back into the person I had fabricated in my head

Walking through the city felt unnerving alone. I didn't really recognise anything but I did at the same time

I wasn't sure exactly where to start. I knew that I had to think of somewhere that only Remy would know of

I sat down on a bench and thought for a second

Thinking back on the file was tricky. I had only seen it for the time that I read the notes

I thought back to the photos

I shot up and began walking in the direction of Tracey Park

All of the photos had some reference to Tracey Park

The one of their first date was taken in Tracey Park

The date on the games night one was a day before Remus and I died

There was another one that was taken the day of

I wasn't certain, but it was something and something was better than nothing!

My curiosity was getting the better of me

I needed to know what was in that file

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