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It was evening by this point

Lance still hadn't woken up and my whole world was blurry

I needed to get my glasses fixed soon I would rather not be half blind in hand to hand combat

Dinner had been shoved into the room around an hour beforehand

I had eaten mine and had put Lance's on the desk

It was cold by now but honestly it being warm didn't help the taste much

I was checking the clock every five minutes, anxious for the time to strike midnight

I didn't want to go and kidnap Raven or an anonymous hero. I really didn't want to

But I had to

They had threatened Lance this time and I didn't want him getting killed because of me

So there I was, sitting in semi-darkness, waiting for orders... Again...

Lance grumbled lightly in his sleep and rolled over, hugging his pillow

He might have woken up and passed out again while I was working, I wasn't sure

I sighed and stood up, walking over to Lance

"Lance? Buddy? You okay?" I asked, sitting down on the mattress and rubbing his shoulder lightly

Lance grumbled and his eyes opened slightly

"What time is it..?" He mumbled, "How long 've I been out?"

I sighed

"You've been asleep for around nine hours and it's quarter to midnight right now," I replied

Lance nodded and sat up, staring at the ground for a bit, letting his brain catch up

I can only assume that his electric blue eyes used to have a hint of light and happiness in them. I hoped that they did. No-one deserved the life we had both been forced in to

Lance sighed and stood up, grabbing his plate of food and sitting back down next to me

"Gruel again!" He chuckled humourlessly, "My favourite."

I nodded and smiled a bit

"Isn't it all of our favourites," I mumbled

Lance smiled wanly and nodded, downing his food and putting the plate back on the shelf

"You should probably get ready for kidnapping duty!" Lance said, lying back on the mattress, "I'm gonna get some more sleep, I'll be taken at like four in the morning and I'd like to have some energy for it,"

I nodded and sighed, lying back with him

We sat in silence for a few minutes, just staring up at the roof

"You ever wonder what life would be like if we didn't end up here?" I asked

Lance nodded

"All the time," he mumbled, "I'd probably still be thinking of Jason and Lewis everyday. Maybe I'd still be friends with them,"

I sighed and nodded

"Yeah," I mumbled, "I'd probably still have all my friends,"

Lance nodded

"You have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Partner?" Lance asked

I sighed and stared at the wall

I nodded

"We had only been together for a few months," I mumbled, "You?"

Lance sighed

"No. Wishful thinking says I might have ended up with Jason. But he's probably forgotten that I exist," Lance mumbled

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