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The weather was colder than normal today walking home

It was August but the summer weather had quickly been stripped away as soon as the holidays ended, leaving behind chilling winds and cloudy days

Though I suppose it wasn't too bad. I preferred the colder weather, it meant there were fewer people outside and made it easier to breathe in public spaces

I said I was walking home. I don't exactly consider that place my home, to be honest. It's cold and lonely. I don't even get compensation for what I do

My 'house' was near the centre of the city, not too far away from where the school was, though I don't think anyone would look at it and consider it a house

From the outside, it looked like an office building. Inside it was very different

I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, my expression blank but my heart racing. I held up an ID card to the window of the door and watched as the doors swung open

Walking into the building, there was a middle-aged man sitting at the desk, typing on a computer

"Afternoon, Logic," He said, barely paying attention to me, "Jenners wants to see you,"

I nodded and walked over to an elevator in the side of the room, pressing a button to take me up to the fifth floor

The ride up to the fifth floor filled me with dread but I had been doing this for years, I was good at hiding it

As the elevator got to the fifth floor, I stepped out and started striding toward Mr Jenners office

I knocked on the door and stood at ease, waiting to be called in

A faint voice told me to come in, so I opened the door and walked in, waiting to be spoken to

"Mr Jacobs," A voice said, "Care to explain why the vigilante was the one at the scene yesterday night and you weren't?"

I gulped and wracked my brain for what I was doing

"I was covering for one of my friends at a club, sir," I stated, standing as rigid as a board

"And this friend is more important than the people who saved your life?" Mr Jenners asked, spinning around in the chair

"I don't have many friends, sir. The two that I have are very important to me," I responded

Mr Jenners sighed and shook his head

"Training for a week, starting Monday. No seeing your little friends after school. And patrol every night with Anders," Mr Jenners stated, glaring into my soul

I nodded

"Yes, sir," I mumbled, "May I be dismissed?"

Mr Jenners nodded and I immediately started out of the room, speed walking down the hall and to the stairs

After briskly walking up three flights of stairs to the eighth floor, I turned to the left and walked into the third door

I closed the door and took a shaky breath, sinking to the floor and leaning against the wall, closing my eyes and gulping

"I need a break..." I whispered, hugging my knees

I glanced over at my bag and saw my various textbooks spilling out of it, I didn't exactly enjoy a lot of the subjects I took despite being good at them. I wanted to study the stars and galaxies that lay beyond our world, I didn't want to be stuck doing a job that I hated

My family life is complicated, to say the least. I don't have a family. Not that I remember anyway

The only memory I have of my family is of my little sister lying on the ground next to me, dead and my parents begging for me to be spared

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