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Something was up with them. They were all keeping secrets

I didn't believe that Virgil got all of those injuries from a simple fight. There were far too many bruises for that

Emile was acting weird, too. He seemed incredibly paranoid about something when I was round last night

I didn't know what was up with Remy. Virgil seemed angry at him and Emile was incredibly concerned

Logan was acting suspicious aswell. He was either indirectly involved or something else was up with him

I knew it wasn't my place to pry, but something was wrong and I wanted to know what it was

Sitting next to Virgil in English while knowing something wasn't quite right was challenging

I wanted to ask so many questions, but I didn't want him to shut down completely and not answer any of them

I needed to wait for the right time

Virgil grumbled and lay his head on the desk

"Don't fall asleep again," I chuckled

"Not planning on it," he mumbled back

I sighed and looked back at the clock, seeing that we still had twenty minutes left

"God won't this period hurry up," I grumbled, "I'm hungry,"

Virgil chuckled and sighed

"I might just leave at lunch," he mumbled, "I'm stressed as hell and exhausted,"

"Emile'll kill you," I replied, putting my head on the desk aswell and looking at him

"He'd never need to know," Virgil whispered, "I'd just go for a walk,"

I chuckled and sighed, smiling at him

"It's nearly your birthday!" I chuckled

Virgil rolled his eyes and sighed

"Yeah, another year closer to death," he mumbled

I rolled my eyes

"Always with the dramatics," I snickered

Virgil smiled again and chuckled, turning to look away from me

I smiled warmly at him before glancing at the back of the class

Logan was sitting alone, staring in mine and Virgil's direction

His gaze seemed unfocused and distant. He was probably thinking

I glanced at the empty seat next to him

Patton used to sit there

My expression saddened as I remembered that

I turned to face the front again and sighed, holding my head in my hands as I stared at the board

Virgil sighed and leaned into me, grumbling slightly

"I might just go to sleep again," he mumbled, "Just wake me up if she notices,"

"Lunch is only fifteen minutes away, don't bother going to sleep," I whispered back

He groaned and leaned his head back on the desk, mumbling something that I didn't quite hear

I chuckled and sighed, leaning my head against the table too

After the twenty minutes had passed, Virgil, Logan and I were sitting at our lunch table, eating

Virgil had scarfed a roll as if he had been starved for weeks and Logan was half staring into space while eating a ceaser salad

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