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I shook Jenners' hand

"How do you know who I am? Why does the head of the hero committee want to talk to me?" I asked

He nodded

"As presumed, you have a lot of questions," he said, "May I take you to my office so that we could discuss this in a less public area,"

I blinked a few times and sighed, checking the time

"I'd love to, but I've got to head home, I've got a boyfriend and a little brother waiting for me," I said, "I'd love to do this at a later date, but it's board game night tonight and I promised them I wouldn't miss it,"

Jenners nodded

He straightened his suit and sighed

"I will send a car for you tomorrow, I expect to see you at my office, Mr Griffin," he said

He took my hand again and slipped a business card into it

"If you need to contact me regarding any details, e-mail me," he stated

He smiled at me and turned around, walking away

I stood in place for a few seconds, blinking in confusion

"Okay then-" I mumbled, turning around and starting to walk home

The walk home left me with a lot of time to think. I was incredibly confused at that entire talk

What did he want from me? Did he figure out that Virgil was Raven? Does he know about Remus and Janus?

So many questions were coursing through my head

I ended up just putting my headphones in to drown out the thoughts

As I approached the house, I felt an unease settle over me. I was unsure what to expect tomorrow

When I walked in the door, I immediately smelled onions and peppers frying

I looked into the kitchen and saw Emile watching a tutorial on how to make lasagne while he cooked

I smiled and went slightly pink, closing the door and putting my keys in the bowl

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, feeling him jump in surprise

"Heyo," I said, "How's your day been?"

He smiled and paused the video, turning around and hugging me

"Eh, mostly just sitting in anxiety waiting for a letter," he chuckled, "You?"

I smiled and sighed

"Same old," I said, "Apart from one thing, but I'll wait for Virgil to come home from Roman's before I explain,"

Emile smiled and kissed me on the cheek before telling me to go do something relaxing or productive while he cooked

I smiled and sighed, going over to the kettle and starting to make myself a coffee

Emile rolled his eyes

"You need to keep that addiction in check," he chuckled

"We tried that, and it didn't work," I replied, "I've managed to limit myself to five a day opposed to twelve, so I've made progress -"

Emile smiled

"Fair enough," he muttered, smiling

I grinned and finished making the coffee, going over to the couch and sitting down to drink it

Snuggling into the couch felt like a complete luxury after being on my feet for most of the day

I downed my coffee and put the empty mug on the table, grabbing a pillow and hugging it

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