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Virgil and I were sitting outside the headmaster's office

Our English teacher had caught us sleeping and had sent us here. How fun. First a trip down memory lane and then a trip to after-school detention

Eh, at least we'll be with Logan and all of his after school lessons and shit

Virgil had fallen asleep again, his head resting on my shoulder and his arms around my chest. He did this a lot more often when we were younger. People call me weird for letting him sleep on me. I, for one, didn't mind it, you could even go as far as saying that I enjoyed when he felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on my shoulder

I smiled and pet his hair gently, making sure not to wake him up. If he was tired enough to fall asleep rather than overthink being sent to the headmaster's office, then he clearly needed to sleep

The headmaster walked out of his room and looked at the two of us

"Hale. Wake Griffin up, he needs to know what your detention is." The headmaster said, looking at Virgil and I with a semi-uncomfortable/repulsed look

"He clearly needs sleep, so let him sleep, sir," I said, running a hand through Virgil's hair for both his and my comfort

The headmaster sighed and clasped his hands together

"You two shall be doing the work you failed to do in your last lesson and any homework you have, you have until Mr Jacobs finishes his extra lessons, make sure not to disturb him. He is an exemplary student and both of you should aim to be at his level," he said

"Playing favourites, eh sir?" I said

He glared at me

"Sorry, I'm filling in for Virgil while he's asleep, did I do good? I mean- I am the top in drama at the moment," I responded, grinning at him

Headmaster did not look impressed

"Yeah, yeah- I'll- I'll head up to IT. Mr Graham's room, right?" I asked, picking Virgil up, trying not to wake him up

He nodded and walked back into his office

I sighed and began to walk up to IT. It was a boring and quiet walk up. Nothing exciting happened, just an asleep Virgil and an annoyed me

I walked into the classroom and nodded my head in Logan's direction before placing Virgil in a seat and sitting next to him

Logan looked over at us and sighed

"How did you two get detention?" He asked, "You are both paranoid about everything, how?"

I blinked at him and looked at Virgil

"We both fell asleep," I replied simply

Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and went back to whatever work he was supposed to be doing

I sighed and looked down at the notes from English, not wanting to do any of it

I sighed and grabbed my bag, bringing out any homework I had to do. Also not wanting to do any of it

I sighed and picked up my pen, immediately feeling bored

Grumbling, I took my headphones out of my bag and put them on, putting a random playlist on and starting to get to work


After around an hour and a half, Logan's extra classes were over and I had finished my homework

I begrudgingly woke Virgil up and told him that we could go home now

He nodded groggily and followed Logan and I out of the building

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