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Life as a dead person is boring

You can't go outside

You're not allowed to be seen

Your (Not even sure if we're just friends or boyfriends at this point) won't let you do stupid shit

And the people who revived you are way too paranoid for their own good

It was so boring

"Janusss!" I grumbled, rolling over and half ontop of him, "I'm bored!"

Janus sighed and kept scrolling through his phone

"I know, Remus, you've said," he grumbled

"Remy's at work, Virgil's at school and Emile's at a stupid thing to get into uni and I wanna go do something!" I complained

Janus nodded and kept scrolling through his phone

"Please don't ignore me!" I grumbled, taking Janus' hat off of him and putting it on my head

My head was resting on his stomach while I looked up at him

"You're boring," I grumbled, folding my arms and laying them on Janus' stomach, laying my head on them, "Boring, hot person,"

Janus looked at me with a questioning look and chuckled

"You're an idiot," he chuckled

"But I'm your idiot?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him

"We'll see," he mumbled, going back to his phone

I groaned and stuffed my face into my arms

I grumbled and looked around for something interesting to do

My eyes wandered over to the closet full of clothes

I grinned and jumped up, running over to it, taking off my shirt as I did so

Janus glanced over at me and sighed

"What the fuck are you thinking now," he grumbled

"Disguises!" I exclaimed, opening the closet doors in triumph, "I didn't have a moustache or a mini stubble when we died!"

Janus sighed and rolled his eyes

"And you can shape-shift! So you're good!" I grinned, grabbing one of Remy's really old pale pink shirts and putting it on (Remy's like 6'4, his old stuff fits me because I'm only 3 inches shorter than him)

Janus sighed and rolled over, facing the wall as I slipped off my jeans and grabbed a pair of Remy's old shorts

"If we get caught, you owe me a hundred quid," Janus grumbled

"So you're coming with me?!" I exclaimed, grinning

"Someone needs to make sure you don't do something stupid," he  mumbled

I laughed and sighed, grabbing an old grey jacket, a makeup kit and a baseball cap

I put the cap on and walked over to the mirror to put emphasis on my eyebags and change my appearance ever so slightly

I turned around to show Janus and was met with a person I did not recognise

Dyed blue hair, brown eyes and pale skin

"Jesus I don't like that-" I chuckled, "You do not look like Janus-"

Janus chuckled and nodded

"That's the whole point," he smiled, "You look like Remus but not at the same time- Your nose is bigger snd your chin is more defined,"

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