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"You're not supposed to be home-" I squeaked out

Roman stared at me, his gaze unfaltering and his eyes burning with firey anger

"I swear I thought no-one would be in this house for a day or two-" I said, my voice cracking

Roman rolled his eyes

"Is that why you've come here? To steal from my dead brother?" He asked, rage in his eyes

I shook my head

"I-I didn't realise that this was your dead brother's money-" I croaked, putting on a slight accent in the hope that Roman wouldn't recognise me, "Who is your dead brother?"

Roman's eyes flashed dangerously

"Remus Hale. He died at Tracey Park. He was a complete idiot but I still loved him. Now who are you and why do you think its appropriate to steal from a dead man?" He half yelled

I felt my heart warm

He actually did love me, well, bit late to bust out the 'Hey Roman, so actually I'm not dead-' talk

"I-I-" I tried to think of something, "I didn't know what else to do- I-I- I have no money of my own a-and I don't have anywhere to go-"

Roman's look didn't falter

"Okay. You still shouldn't steal." He hissed

"I-I know- but I'm starving an-and I don't know what else to do-" I staggered over my words, trying to make it sound like I was about to cry

Roman stayed staring at me

His face was so scarily similar to mine, it was weird not seeing him every day like I used to

"Please- I-I have no-one and- and nowhere to go-" I whispered, my voice cracking from fear

I hoped to every god I could think of that he took it as me being about to cry

Roman sighed and lowered the sword, it glowing gold and disappearing

Guess he had an ability too, but I had already had my guess at that as soon as my own ability appeared

"Look. I'll do you a deal," he mumbled, "You can have half of the money. And I'll give you some cupcakes to take, okay?" Roman grumbled, "Only if you promise to never steal from anyone ever again,"

I nodded vigorously and gulped, taking four twenties and a ten out of the pocket and handing it to Roman

"Th-there's £90-" I whispered

Roman sighed

"Fine," he mumbled, "Follow me,"

I nodded and gulped, waddling after him in terror

"If I ever see you pulling this shit again, it's the cops I'll be calling next," he grumbled

He walked me to the kitchen and handed me two cupcakes

"Now, get out of my house and go try to fix your life, dude," he mumbled

I nodded and thanked him for being so generous before walking out

I made sure the door was closed before sprinting back over to where Janus was

"Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck-" I hissed, running up to him

"What happened?" He groaned

"Virgil is going to kill us," I hissed, handing Janus a cupcake and starting to walk towards the fair

"How so?" Janus asked

"Roman was home," I gulped

Janus choked on his cupcake, coughing for a bit before rounding on me

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