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Weekdays are boring and repetitive.

There are exceptions to this. But that's only when I get bored 

I get up, as normal (I don't really go to sleep, and when I do, you don't wake me up unless someone has killed someone), and I wake Emile up

He's usually cuddled up next to me or half ontop of me - completing hogging the blankets - snoring lightly with his hair a mess

I wake him up and get out of bed, getting changed quickly while organising my stuff for the day

Usually, I'll give Emile a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to Virgil's room to wake him up

He's usually already awake, either on his phone, listening to music, or reading. I make sure he's ready to leave for school

Normally, I then make quick breakfast's and coffee's for everyone, making lunches for Virgil and Emile while I'm drinking my coffee

Then I write a note for Remus and Janus on instructions on how to cook food until we're back

Then I say goodbye to my brother and my boyfriend and leave for work

The walk there is always the same. The occasional hero on patrol, the old ladies walking their dogs, the parents taking their kids to school

I take the same route every day. Going through fights if I have to. The route I take is the quickest, and no matter how long it takes me to go through that route every day, I always get to work exactly on time

Everything I do every day is always at the exact same time

Routine keeps me sane for the most part. Keeps me distracted from how fucked up everything is

My work starts at half eight

I usually get up at around eight

The route I take to work is standard twenty minute walk. It takes me around half an hour to get food for everyone and get everything sorted

It you couldn't tell already I, like my brother, have an ability. At this current moment I can only freeze time, but that's all I really need. If I can do more I've not exactly bothered to find out

So anyway, I walked into my work and went round to the kitchen to hang up my stuff

We all have a designated locker at the café. In the morning it has our aprons in it and that's where we put our stuff

"Glad to see you're on time, as usual," my boss exclaimed, grinning

I smiled and nodded

"Yep," I chuckled, "Someone's gotta keep this place from burning to the ground,"

She laughed and sighed as she watched me put my satchel and jacket in my locker

"Right, you're on service today with Cherri," she said, smiling

I nodded and sighed

"Thanks, Leannah," I grinned

She smiled at me and sighed

"You get any sleep last night?" She asked

"A bit, Emile got some sleeping pills, they helped a bit," I mumbled, walking into the main store and tidying up the counter

"You really need to see a doctor about that," Leannah mumbled, fixing one of the teacups of sugar

I nodded and rubbed the back of my neck

"Oh well," I chuckled, unlocking the cash register

The café sign was flipped and we were officially open

I grabbed the chair that was behind the counter and sat down, leaning my head on my hands as I heard Leannah go back into the kitchen

Some days I half wished that Virgil would step up and take payment for the hero work he did as a vigilante. Our lives would be so much easier. But I knew that it went against the whole reason he was doing it. So I never bothered him about it

I had thought about maybe starting to do it, I have a pretty decent ability and I'm a decently muscular guy

Thinking about it now I probably could. I could sew my own costume and I'd even though of a few names, like Kronos or something like that

I didn't know if I could do it for long, but the money would make our lives so much easier

"Uhm- hello?" An oddly familiar voice asked

I jumped out of my daydream and looked up

I didn't recognise the face but I recognised the voice for some odd reason. There were two people but I could only see the one infront of me

"Uhm- could I please get a large mocha and a regular caramel latte?" The person asked

I blinked a few times and nodded

"Yep! Anything else?" I asked

They nodded

"A bacon and egg roll and a tika masala bake, please," the person asked

I smiled and nodded, typing up the totals on the register

"That'll be £9.60, thank you!" I said, smiling

The person smiled and made eye contact with me, handing me the money

Something clicked in my head

"You're Jason Hughes," I said

He nodded and smiled

"I am, yes," he said

"Sorry- just you're in my brother's year," I said

Jason nodded and looked at me, seemingly analysing my face

"You're Virgil's older brother, yeah?" He asked

I nodded

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up before walking away with who I assumed was his friend Lewis Chase

I sighed and ringed the orders through to Leannah before starting to make the drinks

That was really the only out of the ordinary conversation I had that day. Nothing much happened during the rest of the day. People came and went as usual. It was quite quiet, so I didn't really do much

As I was finishing my closing shop routine, Leannah gave out the tips from that day and wished all of us a good evening

I was just finishing cleaning the tables as everyone else left. It was my turn to close shop anyway, so I was fine with the peace and quiet

I walked out of the shop after cleaning and locked the door, putting the keys in my satchel and grabbing my headphones

Just as I was about to put them on, I felt a tap on my shoulder

I turned around and was met with a middle-aged man

He had neatly styled light brown hair and a pair of analytical grey eyes 

He was wearing a black suit and a black tie with a white shirt

"Remy Griffin," the man said

I should walk away

This doesn't seem right

How does this man know who I am?

I nodded

"Yeah?" I asked

"I've been looking for you for quite a while now," he said

He held out his hand for me to shake

"My name is Colin Jenners, I'd like to talk to you about working for me,"

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