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It was around midnight

Roman and Virgil were both asleep. I could not even begin to attempt to fall asleep

Roman was in a heap on the floor, snoring slightly, an empty bowl that used to have Pringles in it next to him

Virgil was on the couch, facing away from the TV, wrapped up in blankets while lying on a million pillows

I was on the floor next to the couch with a blanket and an extremely fluffy pillow

My brain wouldn't let me sleep. Not after not being able to go into that room

Remy was hiding something and I wanted to know what it was. Maybe Virgil knew?

I sighed and rolled over, tugging on Virgil's blanket until it fell off

He groaned and rolled over, snatching it off of the ground

"Fuck off..." he grumbled, "I'm tired,"

"Virgil?" I asked

He groaned and looked at me

"What." He asked, clearly exhausted

"Do you know what's in that room. The one next to the stairs?" I asked 

Virgil seemed to pale slightly

"Why?" He asked

"I heard a crash from in there and was curious," I stated, noting Virgil's reactions to my question

"Old storage. It was probably a shelf falling or something," he responded, "Now get your ass to sleep,"

And with that he rolled over and pulled the blanket closer to him

I sat in complete silence for the next half an hour, waiting until I was sure that Virgil was asleep again

I waited for a while. Stiffening at every deep breath and groan from either of the two of them, immediately pretending to be asleep when I heard even the slightest of movement

When I was certain that both of them were asleep, I slowly stood up and carefully creeped towards the stairs

Roman snorted a little and rolled over, nuzzling his face into the pillow.  I froze and tried to stay as quiet at possible

"No-" he mumbled, "I want the fried ones..."

Roman rolled over again and let out a loud sigh, cuddling his pillow closer

I gulped and creeped over to the stairs, slowly walking up them, being as quiet as possible, freezing whenever one of them creaked

Eventually, I stepped onto the upper floor and sighed in relief, freezing again immediately when I heard some mumbling from Remy's room. I looked over and saw the door open. Remy was fast asleep hugging Emile close while nuzzling his face into the pillow

Emile was also asleep but he seemed to be a much more peaceful sleeper than Remy

I gulped and slowly creeped over to the first door on the left, slowly grabbing the handle of the door and turning it until I heard a click

The door quietly clicked open and I looked around again for a few seconds, watching Remy and Emile for around thirty seconds to triple check that they were asleep

I took a deep breath and stepped into the room

It was dark but my eyes adjusted swiftly. There was a bed in the middle of the room, against the back wall

The sheets and covers were dishevelled as if someone had been sleeping there recently. The pillows had dents in them and there was an empty glass on the bedside table

Someone had been here

I took a breath in and walked further into the room, looking for any sign that someone might still here

Every floorboard creaked as I stepped further into the room

I could barely see anything. Not even the moonlight lighting my way

Another creak from the hallway echoed through the house. That wasn't me

My heart shot into my chest but I didn't turn around

I walked all the way into the room, looking around

There was a suitcase in the corner of the room. Out of curiosity, I opened it with my abilities and saw that there was a bunch of clothes in it

Suddenly, my feet were swept out from under me and I hit the floor

My head hit the flat surface of the suitcase before I hit the ground. It hurt like all hell but I was still conscious

I looked around for my attacker but was soon grabbed and pulled to someone's chest

They put their hand over my mouth to stop me from yelling for help

My vision was blurry. My glasses had fallen off. My ears were ringing from hitting my head

"Why the fuck is he here?" I heard a voice ask

I didn't recognise the voice, but then again, i was distracted by the ringing

"Don't ask me!" Another voice whispered back

"Just put him to sleep," a third voice mumbled

"Fine- I wish that Logan Jacobs would fall asleep,"

Everything went dark


"Honestly? I'm questioning my previous bisexuality-"

"How so?"

"I haven't met a single girl that I even remotely like. Not a single one! No-one on TV, no one in real life, no one!"


"Well, I definitely like men. I could probably name about a hundred men,"

My eyes snapped open and I sat bolt upright

I smelled bacon cooking in thr kitchen and the world was blurry

Scrambling, I searched for my glasses, I found them and put them on, looking around

I was half covered in a blanket, my hair was a mess and Virgil and Roman were looking over at me, my awakening having interrupted their conversation

"Morning, Logan," Virgil mumbled, "Not like you to sleep in, have a good dream?"

I looked around, confused

Remy was in the kitchen, cooking. Emile was sitting at the dining table on a laptop, presumably looking up college courses so that he could retrain. Roman and Virgil were sitting in the living room, seemingly talking about one of Roman's various crisis'

"You good with bacon and eggs for breakfast, Logan?" Remy asked from the kitchen, "It's all we had!"

"Uh- yes, yes I'm okay with bacon and eggs for breakfast-" I mumbled in response, looking around

Was that entire encounter a dream?

Surely not...

I took a deep breath and stood up, walking over to the mirror, beginning to fix my hair

I didn't know what had happened last night... But I am sure that it wasn't a dream

I'm certain

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