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The second that I stepped foot into the house, I knew something was wrong

For one, Remus was sitting on top of the fridge, holding his knees and rocking back and forth, no Janus in sight

"Where's Janus?" I asked, putting the bag of shopping down on the kitchen counter

"Not here -" Remus whispered, "I've looked everywhere, he's not here -"

There were a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks every few seconds

I could pretty much see the thoughts running around his head, making everything seem bigger than it was

I took a deep breath

"Remus, could you come off of the fridge, please?" I asked

Remus nodded and jumped down

I gently took his hand and walked over to the couch with him, sitting him down slowly and letting him lean into me

"Right, so did you two have a fight?" I asked

Remus shook his head

"I went to take a nap, and when I woke up, he was gone -" he whispered

I nodded

"Did he leave a note?" I asked

Remus shook his head

"Did - did someone attack him?" Remus whimpered, "Is he in danger? What if he's dead- What if he's dead and- and he tried to call for help when I was asleep and I didn't wake up -"

He kept rambling on and on, his gaze getting more and more distant as he kept receding into his own head

"Remus." I said firmly but gently

He went silent and gulped

"Remus, Janus isn't in danger. He's probably gone on a walk and gotten lost," I whispered, "I'll go look for him,"

Remus gulped, and his grip on me tightened

"Remy and Virgil haven't been home either," he whispered, "I'm worried -"

I nodded

"You can come with me to look for Janus if you'd like?" I offered, "As long as Virgil doesn't find out, you're welcome to come on walks with me, so you're not cooped up in here all day,"

Remus nodded and smiled

"That sounds nice," he mumbled

He went silent for a second

"Sorry, the past few days haven't been great mentally," he whispered, "I've been getting those horrible thoughts more and more often,"

I nodded

"Don't worry about it, I'm always here for you," I whispered back

Remus gave me a smile and stood up

"Right! So let's go and find the lost snake bitch!" He chuckled

I smiled and nodded, standing up and walking over to the door

"You sure you're okay?" I asked

Remus nodded and grinned, putting on a pair of shoes and a jacket. I still was unsure if he was actually okay. He bounces back quite quickly usually, but I'm never sure if he actually is fine or not

"We need to find him so I can kill him for leaving without saying anything," Remus stated, smiling as he walked next to me

I smiled

"Sounds like a plan," I chuckled

I opened the door and walked out with Remus

"I wish Remus didn't look like himself to everyone except me and him," I whispered

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