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The next day at school started as it normally did

Remy and Emile had gone off to their various work/school related things so they didnt walk eith me. I got taunted by a few of the bullies and I sat down in my homeroom class with my headphones on

It was a normal day of school, the bullies gave everyone who wasn't them shit, so I knew I wasn't the only one getting shit off of them

The day passed normally and before I knew it it was lunch!

I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the classroom and towards the lunch hall

On my way there I felt something coming towards me. I held my hand out and caught a hardback book that had been aiming for my head

Everyone around me gasped when I caught it and started mumbling. I was used to it

I scanned the crowd and saw the suspects who had thrown the book. I chucked it back at them and it hit the guy in the chest

I continued walking

When I got to the lunch table I sat down at my table and sighed

Let me introduce you to the people who I sit with

First! We have Roman Hale. The openly Bi kid who gets bullied and harassed for every breath he takes, even though every student in here, no matter straight or gay, thinks he's hot

And we have Logan Jacobs. The quiet kid who spends all of his free time studying and reading. He was the smartest kid in the school and yes, he also gets attacked by the bullies (There are a hell of a lot of assholes in my school)

"Nothing for lunch again I'm guessing?" Roman asked, taking a bite of the cupcake he brought out of his bag

"Rem---y ate all of the cookies last night and I slept in this morning," I stated, lying straight to his face 

He just shrugged and finished his cupcake, scrunching the wrapper into a ball and throwing it into the bin that was on his left

Logan looked up at me and looked me up and down, seemingly studying my body language and facial expressions. The first time he did it it was kinda creepy, you get used to it after a while

"Virgil that is not healthy, you need to eat something." He stated, immediately focusing his attention back onto revising his notes from class

"Nah, I'll be fine. My life blood is coffee," I replied, grinning at him

I got completely ignored

I shrugged my shoulders and leant back slightly, yawning then flopping and letting my forehead hit the table

I felt someone poke my shoulder. I groaned and turned my head to look in the direction of the poker

I saw Roman sliding one of his cupcakes towards me, simultaneously eating one himself

I sat up and took the cupcake off of him

"Thanks Princey," I mumbled, taking the cupcake out of the casing and taking a bite

He just grinned and me and kept eating

"God your mother's cooking was always the best,' I mumbled, taking another bite of the cupcake

Roman grinned and sighed, letting his head hit the table

"I've got double Biology then Drama then English then I can go home to cry about homework and whatever the fuck I'm going to do with my life," he mumbled

"I've got double History, then I'm in Drama and I'm in your English class. Also same-" I mumbled, finishing the cupcake and throwing the wrapper in the bin

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