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Walking to Tracey Park was a nightmare

Especially when memories kept flooding back to me about the day that I died

I remember where I was supposed to go, but it was like my mind and my body were working against eachother, as I kept ending up somewhere ages away from when I wanted to go

I remembered the panic when I saw Remus running to help Virgil. I remember acting on instinct, going in to help Remus

I remember the excruciating pain of being electrocuted. The pain of all of my ribs breaking as I smashed through a tree and into the wall

I remember dying. It was painful. For me at least

You never expect to die at such a young age. But Remus and I did

I've got to admit that the first week of being alive again was scary. Remus and I didn't leave our room, scared of our own shadows

We comforted eachother, feeling secure in knowing that we weren't the only ones feeling scared

Attending your own funeral was weird. I felt horrible when I saw my dad and my sister. But I didn't say anything to them. I didn't want to put them through any more heartbreak

Remus did the same. He saw his parents there and just attached himself to me. Not to mention Roman. Remus broke down into tears the second we got home

He was always convinced that his brother didn't like him. But when he saw him at the funeral, crying his eyes out, he wanted nothing more at that moment to hug him and tell him that he was alive

Or at least that's what he told me

I sighed and cleared my head, walking towards Tracey Park

I got there and it was pretty much empty. Not many people ventured out here after I died

It overlooked the coast, so you could see the sea and the islands close to the city from here

It was oddly calming, I could see why Remy took Emile here on a date

I sighed and sat down, leaning against a tree and staring out into the islands

I didn't even know where to start looking for the page. He really should have burned that thing

Grumbling, I held my head in my hands and pulled my knees to my chest

"I don't even know where to start-" I whispered

I stood up and walked over to the fence that overlooked the sea and the pathetic beach

I leaned my head on the cool steel bars and let out a sigh

I glanced down at the beach and saw a hole in the rocky cliff

"Maybe it's in there," I grumbled, leaning my head on my arms

I looked out to the sea and the islands

"Who am I kidding, he probably left that on his computer as a joke for snoopers," I grumbled

I sighed and shifted into a robin, flying down to the beach and landing on the damp sand

I turned back into the person I had been before and sighed, looking at the hole

"Fuck it, what could I lose?" I mumbled, walking over

I reached my hand into the gap and felt around for something

My heart skipped a beat when I felt a piece of paper

I wrenched it out of the hole and immediately looked at what was on it,  my heart beating swiftly

It was an article on Virgil and Remy's parents

Nothing about a discovery though...

I yelled in frustration and kicked some sand into the sea

"Asshole!" I yelled, "You knew someone would snoop!"

I glanced back at the paper and saw that the bottom half had been ripped off

"Oh very funny," I grumbled, "He made it look like the bottom half had been stolen and the top half was still there,"

I sighed and crumpled the paper into a ball, throwing it into the ocean as far as I could

"Damn waste of time," I grumbled, turning back into a robin and flying back up to the barrier

I was frustrated, to say the least

"That bastard knew someone would snoop, he fucking knew, so he put that there as a wild goose chase," I muttered to myself, trudging back to the house

Stopping in at a takeout, I used some of Remus' money to buy myself some chips. I deserved them after what Remy put me through

As I walked further and further into the city, the skies became greyer and greyer

I realised I was lost after around half an hour of aimless walking. I had finished my chips and I was annoyed at life

I felt the patter of rain start to hit my head as I kept walking. Seeing various people bring out umbrellas and putting up their hoods really made me wish that I had brought a jacket

"Fuck me," I whispered, pulling the hood of my hoodie up, "I should have brought my phone, screw you impulsive thoughts,"

I had forgotten my phone, which had a map on it and Remy's address. I had forgotten my jacket, my keys and my phone in my spur-of-the-moment decision. I had the money Remus gave me as I had put it in my jeans pocket

"I'm going to kill Remy when he gets back," I grumbled

There was a rumble of thunder and the rain started pouring down

"God damn it," I grumbled

I walked for five minutes more, soaked to the bone and miserable

I glanced around for an alleyway I could take shelter in until the rain cleared or I figured out how to get home, whatever came first

I spotted one just as a crowd of people walked by

I made my way over to the alleyway and stepped a few feet in

The rain wasn't hitting me as much anymore. I shuddered from the cold and went to go take my hoodie off to wring it as dry as I could

Just as I went to do so I felt a jolt go through my body as something embedded itself in my shoulder

Spiderwebs of pain raced through my being. My form was flickering between myself and the person I had disguised as

I screeched in pain and collapsed to the floor, shaking lightly, my hair standing on end

I was pretty sure that that was a tazer

The agonising pain continued until I was nearly unconscious

When it did eventually stop, my ears were ringing and my entire body was in pain

I could hear muffled voices surrounding me, a high-pitched noise blocking out the words

This is how I die, permanently this time. I was convinced that I was going to be killed

My vision went dark

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