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By the time I had chased Remy up the stairs and into our room, he was already sitting on the bed, looking through his phone

"Remy," I said, walking over to him and sitting down next to him

He didn't acknowledge me. I couldn't see his eyes behind his sunglasses

"Remy." I said again, more firmly

"Mhm," he mumbled

"Remy, what is up with you?" I asked, "You're acting weird,"

"I just need to go to bed," he mumbled, still looking through his phone

I glanced at his screen and saw his and my's WhatsApp chat open

He was scrolling up, reading old messages

"What're you reading old messages for?" I asked, "If you wanna ask me something about something we've talked about, you can just ask me,"

He nodded but kept scrolling through the messages

I sighed and put my head on his shoulder

"Remy," I mumbled, "Something happened while you were at that meeting with Jenners,"

He leaned his head against mine and nodded lightly

I sighed

"Janus is gone," I whispered

Remy sat up straight and turned to look at me

I still couldn't see his eyes, but he was definitely shocked

"What." He asked

I nodded

The next few minutes, Remy sat and listened to me in silence while I explained what had happened

When I was done, I took a shaky breath and held my head in my hands

After a few seconds, I heard a mumble of confusion from Remy and the sound of him putting things onto the bedside table

I felt arms wrap around me, and Remy held me close

I looked up at him. He had taken the glasses off. He looked absolutely exhausted. His cocoa eyes seeming half here, half not

He sighed and squeezed me tightly, nuzzling his face into my hair

"Why don't we go to bed?" He mumbled, his voice was a lot softer than it had been, "We've both has a long day and need the rest, okay?"

I nodded and sighed, leaning into him

He started running his hands through my hair, rocking me back and forth

Remy lay down with me and kept running his hands through my hair

"So, how did the meeting with Jenners go?" I asked, yawning lightly

He sighed

"It was weird," he mumbled, "I don't really remember much,"

He sighed, shuffling around a bit

"I dunno..." he grumbled, stretching lightly, "I remember him kinda talking at me while we were heading to his office. Then I kinda blanked out, and I was shaking his hand while he told me he was happy to have me on board,"

He kissed me on the cheek and mumbled lightly

"Then I kinda blanked again, and I was home," he muttered, resuming running his hands through my hair

I nodded

"So all in all a boring day?" I asked

He nodded and cuddled closer into the pillows

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