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Y'know... I didn't ask for this to happen...

I missed my life! My friends! My home...

But of course, I didn't get to choose what happened to me. No-one did. But, you don't get to chose when it's life or death do you?

My abilities were strange to say the least

I could make blades appear out of my skin at will. It was useful, just not an ability I would choose for myself

If I could choose, I would have chosen something like biokinesis or something like that. Maybe then I wouldn't have been taken for my ability

The days I spent here were long and numbing. They would make me kill. Threatening to hurt me or those I love if I didn't. I got used to it after a while. I don't really say anything much anymore

They would send me out on missions.  Robbing banks, killing, assault, theft. Various things. I had stopped caring about what I did

None of the so called 'heroes' ever even tried to come and rescue me. Only this vigilante called Raven and a few people I used to know

Everyone else pretended that my kidnapping never happened. Even my family

My parents completely erased me from their family

I only knew this because I had been shown video footage of it

Again, I've stopped caring about all of that. It's been months. Seven months as far as I knew

"Cami!" A voice yelled, "Johnston Avenue, now!"

I sighed and pulled my bandana over my mouth and the mask around my eyes

Walking into the corridor I grabbed the photo of the person I was supposed to kill from the person that called me

"Remember, don't screw this up, Patton," they hissed at me, "Don't want a repeat of last week,"

I sighed and grabbed the person's hand, looking over the photo

It was a typical person that boss wanted to kill. Someone who wasn't in the higher ups, but worked for the hero section of the government

The person teleported me to them and I looked them in the eye, seeing that the street was clear

I backed them into a wall and willed a knife to form in the palm of my hand

I stabbed the guy in the chest and watched their eyes fill with horror

"Sorry about this." I mumbled, meeting his fear filled eyes

I pulled the blade out and watched the person fumble to the floor, grabbing at the stab wound and wheezing slightly

I closed my eyes and psyched myself up to stab them again. I did. I didn't like it. But I had to

I retracted the knife and watched the blood pour from the person's body

I shivered lightly and buzzed the small machine on my belt, letting the other guy know to teleport me back in

They did so. I appeared back in the hallway where I had been minutes before

"I hate this job-" I mumbled

The person infront of me shrugged their shoulders

"If you'd rather die that can be arranged," they said, putting their hands into their pockets

I sighed and shook my head

"I'd like to live, thank you-" I mumbled

The person nodded

"You're on scouting tonight. Boss wants the vigilante." They said, "One of the anonymous heroes will do if you can't find the vigilante,"

"Do I have to kill them?" I asked, slightly scared for the answer

They thought for a second

"No, boss wants to ask a few questions," they replied

I nodded and walked off, deciding to go and get some of the other things I was supposed to do, done

The tasks were boring and tedious but I knew I was supposed to have them done by last week. Boss hadn't killed me yet because he likes my ability

I've never met my boss. I've heard him walking around the halls though, yelling at people. I've heard things. I've heard him shoot people. I've heard him choke people. And I've heard him give the order for people to be killed

My only friend in here, Lance, makes sure he stays clear of me. He takes the hits for me and makes sure that I don't get in trouble too badly

The boss keeps him alive for his ability too. But the difference between us is that Lance believes he deserves to be here. He doesn't think he deserves freedom

I think otherwise

His ability is to manipulate electricity

I've heard the boss describe him as "useful"

Lance rarely goes out on killing missions. He's mostly cooped up in this dark, cold place to power the generators and the equipment

He hates it. I hate it

We both want out of this place. But neither of us know how to even start and Lance has already given up

I made my way to the room I was allocated with Lance

Lance was lying passed out on his mattress on the ground

His messy blond hair with blue streaks through it seemed to be standing on end

He must have only just been let go from last night

I sighed and grabbed a blanket from the small closet we both shared, draping it over him, getting an electrical shock in the process

You maybe thinking that Lance seems incredibly similar to the villain that Remus and Janus died to but I cam assure you he isn't the same person. That man was someone in his early to mid-thirties. Lance was a sixteen-year-old kid who hadn't seen the light of day in five years

Lance told me that he used to have friends. But that they had never come looking for him, similarly to me

I tucked Lance in and walked over to the small desk in the corner of the room, looking over the paperwork that I had been told to do

I sighed and picked up a pen, beginning to read over the papers, occasionally hearing Lance snore behind me, making sure that I knew he was alive

My brain was foggy and I felt numb. I had grown accustomed to killing people and I couldn't leave this hell hole. Not without being killed myself

I hated my not so new life. I hated it a lot. But at least I wasn't dead... Yet...

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