Chapter One

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Sonic was doing his morning exercise, running. He was running on a familiar trail that his father showed him as a pup. According to his father it was important to keep up a healthy lifestyle. Running was Sonic's favorite activity. He could do it for hours. 

About half way through his run, he tripped and fell muzzle first in the dirt path. His eyes shut closed as he had hurt his paw on the fall. 'Stupid rock' he mumbled. He slowly opened his eyes and sat up, licking his back right paw. That's what he was doing until he heard a twig break. 

Looking around his surroundings, he noticed nothing. He stayed still and angled his ears in multiple directions to try and catch sound. He heard nothing but the peaceful nature around him. Concluding he was still alone he got up and started limping back towards his pack. He had to inform his father of his hurt paw. 

A huff was heard behind him as he slowly turned around. In the distance where he had fallen not but a couple of feet away, was another wolf. Sonic froze in place and eyed the wolf. Never had he seen them around before. His mind raced to find out what it was the other wanted. 

'Beware the black fur and red eyes of this demonic wolf.' The old greys wolf's words wormed inside his head from hearing it when he was a pup. The wolf before him had ebony coated fur with flaming ruby red eyes. Scared he backed up. 

The ebony made no movement towards him, it stood as still as a statue. Sonic shivered from the glare the red eyes gave him. He could not run if it decided to attack. He weighed his options and took a gulp. 

"H-h-hello..?" Sonic questioned. He felt like he was having a staring competition. Again all he heard was a huff. He continued to back away slowly. He knew he must now tell his father more news than just him being hurt. The ebony made no movement except a flick of the tail. 

"What's your name? Are you lost?" Sonic asked, hoping this was not the wolf from the story. Though to confirm that it was indeed, he could just barely make out the outline of a heart on the ebonys forehead. A huff and two flicks of the other's tail was all he was going to get for his answer. 

Sonic was a good distance away from the ebony now. He felt better and felt like he could turn away and head home, though the ebony had other intentions. As soon as Sonic turned in the other direction he was met face to face with the ebony wolf. 

Yelping he fell on his butt. Now he could clearly see the other just inches in front of him. As the ebony huffed again, sonic could make out that the wolf would puff their cheeks out in irritation. He had no clue what it was the other could want. He was left with one choice to get out of this situation.  

He howled for his father to come get him, yes it would take some time but it was better than sitting there waiting for the other to leave. As he howled the ebony flattened its ears and backed away. As Sonic finished he stood back up only to come face to face with the ebony snarling and growling at him. 

Scared, Sonic backed away and wished his father to hurry. Without warning the ebony bit Sonic on his hurt paw, causing him to yelp loudly in pain. As he yelped the ebonys ears flattened and backed away. Sonic now having a few tears roll down his muzzle looked at the other. 

A huff, tail flick, and a roll of the eyes was from the ebony. No sooner than that it was growling again. Pouncing on Sonic and pushing a paw to his throat.  

"Sonic!!!" Jules yelled, with his fellow and most trusted pack members. The ebony didn't look away from Sonic. As Sonic whimpered, scared for his life. Growls came from the group to hopefully ward off the other wolf. Ebony growled and got off Sonic walking a few feet away and standing tall. 

Ebony released its own howl, though it didn't sound like it came from it at all. The howl was smooth, almost like a melody. Distant but at the same time powerful. Worried for others to come and fight, the others looked around no one facing the black as night wolf anymore. 

When the howling stopped they faced in the direction the ebony once was, and is no longer there. Instead in its place was a beautiful red rose. Astounded, they looked around. Jules went and helped Sonic up, making sure he was alright. His father and the others helped Sonic get home soon after checking around.

Jules now forbid for anyone to go back to that patch of forest. Sonic was resting, with Amy sneakily next to him licking his tears away.

What the pack didn't know was they fell for a trap, they led the one being that they wanted to stay away right to their homes. The ebony stayed in the shadows and carefully watched the pack, stole a bit of their food, and took an abandoned den to rest in. 

They had a new pack member and they didn't even know it. Though ebony was on no one's side, it simply wanted a place to rest and play for a while. The ebony simply was too excited about what fun it could have on such a big land. Many peace treaties it could destroy, scarring others. Ultimately this one wolf loves to have fun but in a dangerous way. 

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