Chapter 16

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Without a word she began to walk, Sonic followed her. They walked through the burned ashes of her home in silence. Soon they approached what looked like a den. At the dens entrance Sonic saw a glimpse of white disappear into the hole. He stopped as he continued to look at the den, Shadow kept walking. Unbothered by the spirits that were trapped because of her. 

Sonic walked to the dens entrance and saw the floor was decorated by white and gray flowers. He walked further in the den, Shadow stopped and waited for him to return. She wished him to hurry as she disliked being around this part of the forest. If she had been patient and waited she would have never harmed her family. She was haunted by how many were hurt because of her, how many she tried to save and only failed. 

Sonic reached the deepest part of the den, in the lone room was covered with black and white flowers. In the middle where the room was bare layed a skeleton, laying as if it was just a wolf asleep. He jumped back when the spirit of a white wolf rose from the bones. He was shocked and stayed still. 

“Don’t be scared. I am Light, the mate of Dark, the mother of Shadow. What you seek is not what you are guaranteed. Do not play with something you have no power to understand. A wolf black as Night was born to our pack, prophecies were passed down and ignored. We tainted the young heart. You have stolen it, what do you expect to happen?” The white wolf asked. 

Sonic looked her in the eyes. “I will claim her as my mate. We will make a pack and other packs great, as well as protect the lands and creatures who reside there. She was never tainted, just confused. She has done wrong, but not without a good reason. She is forever reminded of her doings, but I will stay with her no matter the struggle.” He stood tall.

“Even you will die, eventually. She will still be alone.” Light said. Looking at Sonic she could tell he was determined. “I can grant you immortality. To be with her truly, forever. All you must do is find the black rose in Shadow’s sanctuary.” The wolf said as she disappeared. “Thank you. I will find it.” Sonic said and made his way back to Shadow. 

They continued there walking in silence. Shadow did not need to ask, she knew what Sonic would find going in that den. She had only hoped he would return home soon.. The sooner he left the easier it would be for the both of them. 

Soon the ashy landscape turned into a luscious forest, covered with many unique plants and trees. Everything is brightly colored. Sonic looked around and noticed not one thing was black. As they walked he kept an eye out for anything black, but there was none. They approached a stream and sat by it. Sonic watched as a huge white buck, with huge antlers, walked by without worrying that there were wolves nearby. 

“This is my home, I made it myself. You are welcome to stay, but you should return home.” Shadow said as she watched the big buck as well. “I'm staying, at least for a bit. Mind if I explore?” Sonic asked. “Go ahead. I’ll be here.” She replied. Sonic took off, looking through the exotic plants and ferns. Even the animals were brightly colored. Nothing was black, he even reached one end of her home. He found it was surrounded by the ash wasteland.

He spent a while searching for the black rose, but came up with nothing. Disappointed, he made his way back to where he left Shadow. Saying he got a little lost, was an understatement. He had no clue where he left her. It was getting darker, he spent a while pushing past the plants but finally he found the stream. Following it back hopefully would lead him to Shadow. 

By the time he caught sight of the black wolf, the stars were in the sky. He stopped as he watched her laying by the stream, seemingly asleep. He slowly approached but stopped when he saw a little black fox’s head pop up from her side. The little critter caught sight of him and took off into the brush. Shadow’s head popped up and looked off in the direction the fox went. 

“I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to scare it.” He said as he sat next to her. “It’s alright. He has been mistreated. I found him in my travels and brought him here, somewhere he wouldn’t need to live in fear.” She said looking at Sonic. “Did you find what you were looking for?” She asked. He shook his head. She smiled. 

“Come.” Shadow said as she stood. Sonic followed her through the beautiful land until he saw a den. Somehow he completely missed it before. “You will not find what you are looking for if you are going too fast.” She said as she walked in the den. He looked around, the den was camouflaged well. On the right side he saw multiple creatures with black fur, huddled and asleep. On the left he saw a path leading farther. 

“I thought there weren't many with black fur?” He asked but again he saw no other black wolf. “Black is not a common color, but it is not impossible.” Shadow said as she looked to the path. Sonic walked to the start of it and looked back at Shadow. “You want me to go through here?” He asked, she only nodded. 

Sonic followed the path for a bit, at the end he stopped. His eyes grew wide. The path opened to a big room, where he saw at most 12 black wolves. Some pups, some adults. All were now looking at the outsider, each with different colored eyes, but none with the ruby red eyes of Shadow. His mouth fell slightly open. 

“These are black wolves, they have either been banished or almost killed because of their black fur. Here I offer them protection. This is my pack along with the black furred creatures in the other room. The woodland creatures are also under my protection. Sonic you must go home, I have no place with your pack. They have no place if I leave. Please understand, this cannot work..” Shadow said as she walked up next to him, tears brimming her eyes. 

Sonic had no words, it was true he could not take her from this place. Now it made sense why she would return here, and why she went out. She was looking for black furred creatures who were being mistreated, she was looking for woodland creatures who needed saving from a pack overpopulated. These wolves only proved that the wolf as black as night from the legends was not the only one born of that fur color. There were others before her and there have been more after her.. 

“Sonic go home. Make this easier. I beg.” She begged. He could not remain. She had offered something to these creatures that none other could. Paradise, a place free from what she had to go through over and over again. He wasn’t sure what to do or say. He loved her but he could not take her away from those who truly needed her. It would be selfish. 

“Shadow there must be a way..” Sonic said quietly. She shook her head. “No, like me, these wolves and other creatures would not be accepted in your world. Maybe if a black pup is born in your pack we would meet again.” She said as she turned and began to walk out. Sonic turned but his eye caught something and he turned to look. The little fox that was with Shadow at the stream sat on a ledge, curled around the black rose he was looking for. He looked at the way Shadow went. 

‘Should I?’ he thought. It was something he wanted more than anything, he smiled. ‘Even if I have to wait a lifetime, we will meet again.’ he thought as he sprinted forward. Jumping and picking the single black rose. He landed still holding the black rose. 

“Congratulations, you have found her rose. I hope you have the outcome you hoped for.” He heard Lights' voice, but she was nowhere near. He smiled again, ‘For now I dont have the right outcome, but one day I will.’ he thought back to the white wolf. The black rose disappeared. Quickly he ran out and to Shadow. “I will wait for you.” He said as he rubbed her cheek. 

“Go. Your pack needs you.” She said as she turned away, tears falling down her cheeks. “I love you, Shadow. One day we WILL meet again.” Sonic said as he ran out of her den, following a trail of blue roses that she left for him so he could get home. Each one he passed by wilted, he would not be able to find his way back without her help. 

“Sonic, I love you. I am sorry..” She whispered as she cried. 

(2 more chapters left! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Vote, comment and follow if you want to see when I post my new book!)

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