Chapter 14

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He followed her paw prints in the dirt, they may have looked fresh but Sonic knew if someone has a lot of speed the freshness of the trail didn't matter. He only knew the trail would point him in the right direction. He ran and ran, it had now been hours since he started running on her trail. It was well into the night and Sonic was having trouble seeing. 

He found a den under a nearby tree, abandoned. “I'll leave and start searching when I wake up.” He yawned and layed down closest to a wall to fall asleep. Although he thought he was alone, he was not. Ruby red eyes glowed in the darkened den. 

Something Sonic didn't know was Shadow could summon her paw prints to be in the dirt leading in a direction, It was to throw him off her trail. She later felt bad seeing him running for so long to try to find her. He didn't know the land as well as she, this area was scarce for food and water. She walked into the night to find necessary supplies for Sonic. 

“Stupid boy, knowing nothing, he will get himself killed..” She stopped and looked up at the stars. ‘Though I cannot deny that I have fallen in love with him as well.’ She thought. She continued to gather what she could, by the time she got back it was very close to sunrise. She walked in the den and over near Sonic. She laid down a good portion of fresh meat, enough to give him energy for his run today. With a flick of her tail she created a small puddle of water, enough to last him till he reached another water source. When she was done she walked over to him and licked his cheek. She would check up on him later when it was dark. She turned and walked out of the den, starting her long run to the place she would see Sonic that night. 

Sonic woke up not long after Shadow left. He looked around and spotted that he now had food and water, he wasn't sure how but he accepted the food and drink with gratitude. After his meal, he left the small den. His determination to find the one he loved was greater than resting. He took off at full speed following the trail again. He loved the running and all the sights he saw, but he would love to see Shadow more. 

He ran through bush after bush, it was one of Shadows tests to see if he was worthy to enter her sanctuary. By the time he came up to a small stream, he was covered in small scratches. This did not bother him as he had been through worse. He drank and bathed himself in the little stream. After, he took off running yet again. 

The cycle continued for 2 days, him running through bushes, Shadow stopping by at nights leaving plenty of food and plenty of water for him. She would also heal his wounds. 

This was the 4th day, Sonic was tired and sore from all his running. He wouldn't give up though, he pushed on. As he was running, he heard a twig snap. He halted to a stop and examined the surrounding area. He didn't realize until now this part of the forest was completely burned. The trees dead, the ground covered in ash. Not an alive thing to be seen. 

Another twig snapped, he turned quickly in its direction. He caught a quick glimpse of something white. Slowly he walked over, only to find nothing. The burned forest was beginning to give him the creeps. 

As he looked around, he could no longer see her pawprints. He heard a distant howl. A beautiful but dangerous melody. His guess was it was Shadows howl. This was her final test. This was her way of telling her story. To show Sonic that he should not love her. 

He stood in the burned forest, looking around. “What happened here? I didn't even know this was here.” Sonic said. Shadow appeared behind him, tears streaming down her face. Just a little further was her sanctuary but she had to know what Sonic thought about her. “This is the edge of a tragedy. You have followed me this far. Allow me to tell you a little about the black wolf from the legends. About the wolf you said you loved; when this is over, will you still be able to say you love me?” Shadow asked. 

Sonic turned, his heart skipped a beat. It was her and she wanted to allow Sonic to know more about her. “You can show me, you can try to scare me away, but I will always love you. I accept the challenge, Shadow. Show me who you truly are, but I promise everything that people say, that you are a black wolf of devastation and ruin, is not true!” Sonic responded. 

Shadow sat down and nodded. She lifted her head and howled. This howl was not like the rest, it was mezermising, it was her true howl. One she had never used before, until now. By using the howl she would be able to give Sonic a glimpse into her life. 

Sonic turned around, but when he did he froze…

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