Chapter 7

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As Sonic ran around the corner, instead of finding the black wolf, he found a black rose. "Ugh she ditched me! I will make sure she doesn't eat for sure!" Sonic ran off towards where the rest of the packs lived. 

Upon arriving, he discovers 3 wolves laying dead. Smeared in blood, a murder scene. A trail of black roses leading the way. In his head he heard "Run, run you will miss more of the fun." Ebony spoke. He growled and took off in an instant to try and catch the deranged wolf. 

As he followed the roses, he noticed several dens up in flames. Screaming from trapped wolves could be heard. Sliding to a stop, he tried to help in any way he could. Others were also trying to help put out the flames. Sonic and the others were not having as much as the ebony was. 

They heard the soft distant howl of the black wolf's call. That was the only warning they got before a herd of whitetail deer came stampeding through the area, being chased by Ebony herself. Chaos was brought into the living areas of the pack. Simply laughing and running around is exactly what Ebony loved. 

"Ebony! You are destroying everything! Stop this madness!" Sonic and Jules yelled. Though Ebony simply shook her head and ran away. "Son, go after her! Stop her! I will send a few wolves to try to see if they can get information about how to contain her or stop her." Jules said as he was rushing the opposite direction. "Yes father." Sonic turned to follow the now blue rose trail. 

He must have run following it for a bit, ignoring all the destruction and screaming. He stopped just before his mothers grave. Noticing the Ebony was standing just before it, frozen. Ebony didnt make a move nor sound, staring at the grave. Sonic watched silently, forgetting he needed the black wolf to put a stop to what she started. 

However Ebonys mind was focused on a death she hadn't meant to cause. She liked the Alpha's mate. Only with intention to play ended up killing her. Aleena reminded her so much of one wolf that took care of her when she was a pup. Sad to say Ebony also killed her by accident. She had the same purple fur of Aleena, and a kind heart. The ebony didnt mean to, she was trying to protect Willow, her caretaker. 

Ebony didnt have control of her powers as she does now. Willow was caught in the crossfire, trying to stop Ebony from hurting her friends, the humans. When Ebony noticed what she had done she stayed by Willow's body, the humans retreated. Struck with hurt and anger, she went on a rampage. She killed her entire pack, burned it all to the ground. Only after did she made a grave site for Willow. Decorated it with many colors of roses. Bringing food and gifts to the site for years before having to grieve. She stayed next to the grave, didn't go anywhere, didn't hunt. After a month she was picked up and relocated. 

Sniffling, the ebony turned back to Sonic with a few tears rolling down her muzzle. Sonic simply sat watching, curious how a wolf caused so much trouble can be crying. 

It was then Sonic stepped up next to the wolf, this was the first time he was so close to her. "It wasn't your fault, entirely. But if you don't stop what you caused, many more will follow in her footsteps." He spoke. Ebony looked at him. She didn't understand all of it but knew enough. Saying nothing she looked back at the grave. 

They stood there motionless for what seemed like hours but was only seconds, silently. "Okay." Ebony spoke and turned around. Sonic looked after her, but as soon as he turned around, she was gone. Panicked, he headed back to the pack's dens. 

Just as he reached the edge, a strong howl was heard. Unlike the smoothing distant melody of her howls, this one was strong, present, and loud. Sitting in the middle of all the embers and destruction, was the ebony standing tall, howling. 

Sonic, amazed, watched as the fire died out, dens looked as if they fixed themselves, grass that was scorched was now green with life. All the while the ebony continued to howl. The only thing she couldn't fix was the lost lives. 

Their pack was once well over 100 wolves, now only held a little over 40. Many were now gathering the dead and making graves. As the howl ended, the ebony collapsed. Exhaustion overtook her body, she wanted to sleep. 

Sonic noticed and ran over to her. "Hey you okay?" He asked, but never got an answer as the ebony was asleep. Poking her in the side, she didn't move, but he could touch her. Without another though he went and got Sam. Sam helped get the ebony on Sonics back where he could carry her to the den. 

"Do you think she will do it again?" Sam asked. "Maybe, but it seems like she has a problem with death." Sonic replied. "A problem with death? But she killed so many!" Sam exclaims. "I don't think she meant to, at least to some." Sonic replied evenly. They walked in the den and gently put her down. 

As soon as she was on the ground she curled up into a ball. Tall roses with thorns grew in a circle around her. It forced Sam and Sonic to back up. They stared but eventually left to help out the others in need. 

By nightfall, everything was cleaned and the lost lives were put to rest. Jules, left in search of an elder wolf. Sonic was in charge while he was gone. 

Days passed, but the ebony didnt wake up. Sonic didn't think anything of it, since he figured she was just tired. 

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