Chapter 3

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The ebony went near the nursery the next day. Watching the pups play and speak to one another. Approaching a white pup, sat all alone, ebony made an almost soundless bark. The white pup's attention was caught and was looking straight in the ruby eyes. "Who are you?" The pup asked. 

A nod from the ebony was all it could do to show it understands the pup. "My name is Cloud. Is there something wrong? Why can't you speak? Are you a mute? Was it a human?" Cloud rambled on and on with the questions.  The ebony became very confused as it wasn't sure of half of the words the pup used. Cloud staired with interest, waiting for an answer. However, Ebony couldn't provide any. It realized, it cannot even ask for the help it needs. No one here seems to understand what ebony wanted. 

Growling filled the ebonys ears as all pups retreated back to the nursery den. Turning around to see the alpha. Ebony knew it was in trouble, for without meaning too, it hurt the alpha's mate. Maybe, just maybe, if it could convince the alpha to let it stay and learn a few ways it could make it up to the alpha for a short while. 

"How dare you show yourself! You are a fiend!" Jules growled. It gathered the pack's attention. Everyone was now watching to see what would happen between the two. The ebony didnt move a muscle. "Why are you here!?" Jules asked. 

The ebony huffed, whimpered, and lowered its body slightly to show it meant no harm. However this pack is more advanced than most, they lost touch with some of the ancient communication. Those who have forgotten won't be able to communicate with the ebony. 

Jules didn't understand what it was trying to do, so he simply growled at it again, louder. His patients were running thin. Ebony however was also confused. Normally showing that behavior would get the alpha or another wolf to leave it be. One last thing it could do was roll over and lay on its back, that's just what the black wolf did. Showing its belly to show the alpha it was submitting. 

The whole pack was just as confused as the alpha now. No one knew what the ebony was doing. "Get up! You're embarrassing yourself!" Jules growled. Ebony made no movement.  "Wolf black as night you will stay with me and my son, in our den under constant watch! Rest of you gather a group and seek out one who may know of this wolf's actions!" Jules growled and walked away. Leading ebony to his den. 

A group of wolves set out for other packs to see if one knew how to communicate with the wolf. They were not to reveal much information so they simply would ask for one who had mild knowledge of the foreign communication, and bring them back to the pack. 

Jules had 5 other wolves in his den along with him, Sonic, and the ebony to be watched. The ebony did not like the attention and simply huffed. Ebony curled into that of a ball and simply went to sleep. Sonic stayed close by his fathers orders. If food were to be brought in by the hunters, Sonic's job was to make sure their 'prisoner' was taken care of. The 5 wolves sat in various places close to ebony, in case it got a plan of attack or escape. They did not know how long it would take to find a wolf to translate for the ebony. 

For two days ebony only slept, day and night. Not once waking up. On the third day Amy came to visit. "It's still asleep huh?" She asked. "Yeah, maybe it don't sleep well. " Sonic said. They sat and ate breakfast. Soon after eating, they heard noise from the ebony. Red eyes fluttered open and looked around.  Huffing, it flicked its tail in annoyance. Ebony was rethinking about this whole thing. Of course it was treated as an enemy. 

"Hey, Hope you had a nice rest." Sonic said after he dropped a good sized portion of food near the ebony. Its ears flicked and it nodded then quietly ate. "Mmm, I think this wolf needs a name." Amy said. The ebony stared at her, its head to one side. 

"I agree, but it's hard to name something when you don't know what it is." Sonic nodded in agreement. "Then maybe we can figure out a way for it to tell us either its gender or its name." Amy said. They spent some time thinking and ended up with not even a clue. Of course they could just look, but the ebony was pronounced dangerous. 

As those two were thinking, the ebony was quite bored. It decided it would make a rose. Before either Sonic or Amy knew it the ebony was surrounded by black roses. They stared in awe. 

Before they knew it, it was nighttime. Amy said bye and went to her family's den. Eating quickly, and laying down near his father for the night to get some sleep, Sonic watched the ebony now from his resting spot. Ebony didnt want to sleep, it still wanted to play. Jules had told it to stay, the ebony was not allowed to wander around. Instead it played a game. A game it had once learned, tic tak toe. It would use its paw for the Os and its tail for the Xs. It spent most of the night playing multiple of the games, and at some point drifted off to sleep. 

The pack didn't ask many questions of the ebony. As the ebony continued in the dead of the nights to try and make simple sounds to teach itself how to speak. It listened to conversations in the den, simply repeating a few of the sounds. So far it could only speak one word, 'night.'

I appreciate everyone who is taking the time to read my story! Thank you everyone!

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