Chapter 15

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When he turned around, the scenery had completely changed. The floor of the forest was covered in grass and flowers, the trees were alive and beautiful. All around were wolves of all colors; blues, purples, browns, oranges, yellows, pink, whites, and most of all a dark grey wolf. The dark grey wolf was their alpha, he was walking towards his den in a hurry. “Follow him.” Shadow said. 

Sonic did as was told and followed the alpha into the den. In the back was a beautiful pure white wolf with amber eyes. She was the alphas mate and she was currently giving birth to pups. With the alphas dark grey fur, he took a lighter mate to hopefully not pass on his dark coat. He walked over to his mate and nuzzled her, telling her it was ok. 

Shadow made a time skip in the vision, the scene now showed 5 pups with the white wolf and the grey wolf. However the white mom was crying. 2 of the pups had white fur, 2 had a lighter grey coat than their father, but one was pitch black. The parents didn't know what to think looking at the one pup. Another time skip, the 5 pups were 6 months old, playing outside with their mom not too far. The two white pups looked like twins, one with amber eyes the other with blue. They stayed near their mom. The light grey coated pups were exactly alike, both with amber eyes. They played together and did everything together. The pitch black wolf, well this one had the ruby red eyes. It stayed as far away from others as it could. Her mother always told her other wolves should not see her. A tear would always fall from the ruby eyes. 

When it was time to begin training, that's the only time Shadow was allowed to be seen. She was picked on, made fun of, and often not allowed to train. She instead would train on her own, when no one was around. She worked hard, but no one liked her. She tried to impress her father by bringing back the biggest deer she could find, but she was only turned away and told to get rid of it for it could be infected because she is the one who brought it in. 

Rage consumed her, she lashed out. She killed her white furred siblings, it was frowned upon. Her light grey brothers both tried to jump her, this is where she learned she could become transparent. Both fly through her, she was pissed. Quickly killing off her brothers. After she was outcasted, her mom and father wanted nothing to do with her, they wanted her dead. 

She tried to apologize to them, but they wanted her gone. “Demon wolf! You bring nothing but pain and ruin!” Her father yelled. He attacked her, she did not want to hurt him. She deflected the attacks, running. “You should never have been born. You deserve nothing.” Her mother said. The whole pack started to attack her, she ran. 

After losing the pack, she began training. She wanted revenge, she wanted blood to be spilled. After 5 years of hard training, she returned to her native land. When spotted the pack prepared to attack her. A battle, a bloody battle began. Shadow was victorious. She went to the alphas' den, her mother being the only one still alive. When the white wolf laid eyes on her daughter, she felt sad. 

“I am sorry. You should have been treated much better, made for peace not ruin. We have tainted your once pure heart. One day, maybe you will understand that I do indeed love you. Go and bring peace.” Her mother said. Her mother dipped her nose in a small puddle of blood and painted a heart on the black wolf's head. “May this be a sign, you were meant for love and peace, not war, devastation, and ruin.” Her mother said and backed away. In Shadows blind fury she quickly went for her mothers throat. After all these years, her mother wanted her to be forgiven only it could not happen that way. Too much pain and blood spilt. Shadow howled a long distant, smooth, melcolony note. All over a rainbow of roses grew. By the end the whole forest ground was covered in the beautiful flowers. Once more rage flowed through the back wolves veins. One by one the flowers combusted into embers. Shadow sat in the entrance to her family den. 

She watched the embers burning everything and cursing this very land. No life will ever be allowed here again. After that she ran through the flames, jumping and laughing. She was having a blast. 

The vision ended and Sonic turned back to Shadow, She was crying. Over many years she knows she did wrong. The red heart on her head was a marking her mother gave her. “You were misunderstood, that's all.” Sonic could barely speak. “I knew what I did was wrong. I have done much wrong. Rage burns in my veins, I make bad decisions. Though I normally act brash, they normally help things in the long run.” She responded.

Sonic nodded. Shadow continued to show Sonic segments from the many many years she has lived. By the time everything was done, Sonic was in tears. Shadow had gone through so much, alone. He wanted to change that. 

“You said, if I can still say I love you after this. Well I do, I still love you. After all you've been through, stay with me. Together we can make a great pair. You can have the life you deserve.” Sonic said, facing Shadow. She stayed quiet. After all she did, the years she lived, he still loved her. She couldn't help but cry. 

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