Chapter 11

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The rest of the month passed by with no events. Mainly because Shadow wanted to see if Jules would hold up on his end of the deal, which he did. She was more than happy to see the hunting was under control, though she knew she still needed to thin out the number of this pack. Either by killing them off or sending a few away to other smaller packs to even out the numbers. Before acting on her own, which would be killing them, she decided to go find Sonic. He should be around the training area at this time, so that's where she headed. 

When she arrived the whole area was empty. ‘Maybe he went to do something else?’ she thought. She wandered around the area and decided to train a little while. Little did she know that another wolf was looking for her. In the past month Shadow and Sonic have been spending a lot of time together. Leaving Sonic with no time for a certain pink wolf. 

Amy was busy coming up with a plan, a plan to get rid of Shadow. First she would need the two separated. Today was the perfect day as Sonic and a small group of wolves set out to speak with a neighboring pack. Amy looked in the Alphas den, the den area, the hunting area, the lake, and the medical den. Leaving her with no luck finding the black wolf. 'Oh no, did he take her with him!' She was worried her plan wouldn't work after all. 

Sadly she made her way up to the training area hoping to get some time to herself. No one used the area anymore except for Shadow and Sonic. Normally it'd be used for training the new pups, since they were dead the area would go unused this year. She was very angry and jealous of Shadow. 

As she walked in, she noticed the very black wolf she had intended to find. A wicked smile crossed her muzzle. Seems like her plan would work after all. First get rid of the black nuisance, then win her betrothed back. She figured it would be very easy. Amy was never a killer but for Sonic she would make an exception. 

"So this is where you were hiding huh? What is your next plan? Hurting Sonic!?" Amy asks. "Hiding? Plan? Hurting Sonic? Amy I do not understand. I wasn't hiding, I was training and I'm not planning anything. Maybe talking to Alpha Jules and Sonic later. But hurting Sonic? If I was going to, don't you think I would have already?" Shadow replied. All Amy did was laugh. Now Shadow was really confused. 

"You just want to gain their trust then backstab them!" Amy growled. "I would do no such thing. I simply want to help the forest." Shadow replied. Amy laughed and with a flick of her tail, a huge piko-piko hammer appeared. She snagged it out of the air with her teeth. Growling she lunged for Shadow.

'Shit! I can't hurt her.' Shadow thought and quickly but swiftly doged the attack. "Amy, I think you're overthinking this!" Shadow yelled, while dodging another attack. Attack after attack, Amy never let up. Shadow was getting worried. Unsure why Amy was behaving in such a manner, she kept dodging. 

As Amy kept trying to hit Shadow she put more force behind each swing. Shadow was getting exhausted by dodging and deflecting the attacks, so with a flick of her tail she raised a barrier around herself. Although Shadow had no clue how long she could uphold the barrier, she knew she had to because she thought Amy was Sonic's love. 

As Amy's hammer came in contact with the barrier a huge gust of wind erupted. Out of the training area and into the den area. With Amy's many attacks the gust of wind seemed to have no end. Some wolves were blown away, others shielded themselves and were stuck on their spot. No one knew what was the cause and many grew worried the coal colored wolf was at it again. 

Jules was angry, though he couldn't move, he was determined in finding a way to stop this. The pack could only hope Sonic would be back soon. 'I knew I shouldn't have sent him off!' Jules thought. 

A howl was heard in the distance and it confirmed the worries that the ebony was indeed behind this. Flames were getting mixed in with the gust of wind now. Many were worried and scared for their lives. 

Their worries were the last thought of Shadows. She simply did not know it was affecting them. Her mind on defending herself and not hurting the pink wolf. She had her barrier up still, though it was draining her strength. Her last effort to keep Amy at bay was with the embers. That seemed useless however as Amy kept swinging her hammer at the barrier. 

The fight went on for hours, and at last Sonic came back. To prevent being swept away or stuck he used his super speed to reach jules. "What's going on!?" He had to yell over the wind. "The black wolf… find her.." Jules struggled to speak. 

Without a moment wasted Sonic used his super speed to search for Shadow. With the wind his super speed looked like he was just jogging. He searched and searched with no luck. 'The training area!' He thought and as quickly as he could made his way there. 

Just as he was about to reach it, the wind died down but a huge burst of power exploded through the pack. Sending all wolves back and Sonic tumbled down the hill a little ways. Quick to his feet he rushed to the top. When he stopped, he saw what was causing the disturbance. 

Amy stood over Shadow laughing. Shadow's barrier is gone and the embers are extinguished. She lay on the ground panting. "Looks like I won!" Amy yelled. Before she could swing her hammer a final time she heard, "Amy Stop!" Sonic yelled. She froze. The rest of the pack were now behind him and looking at Amy. 

Her hammer disappeared and she panicked. "My love, this is not what it looks like!" She yelled. Shadow, thankful it was over, passed out from exhaustion. "Come to my den, we will speak about this." Jules said and left with Amy following him. 

Sonic went to Shadow and had others help lift her on his back so he could carry her to his fathers den. When they entered he heard Amy. "That wolf attacked me first!" She defended herself. "That can't be true. If she did, she wouldn't be passed out!" Sonic yelled. "Maybe I am just too good of a fighter for her." Amy lied. Sonic rolled his eyes and gently laid Shadow down. 

The rest of that day was arguing between the three, and Shadow sleeping.

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