Connecting and helping a friend

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I was enjoying my weekend by basking in the sunlight in the beach, I felt myself relaxing under the sunlight. After all the things happened for the last weeks, I deserved a break. So, after breakfast I quickly headed to the beach and laid there. Before I close my eyes I heard footsteps and someone sat right beside me. I glanced at found Thalia sitting right next to me, she looked a bit distracted, and I could see bag under her eyes.

"Hey" she muttered weakly.

I quickly pushed myself from the sand and studied her carefully "Couldn't sleep?"

Thalia only nodded as she suppressed a yawn "Yeah, couldn't sleep when you have you father statue glaring at you when you tried to sleep"

I chuckled at her words, almost forgot that there was a giant statue of Zeus inside Thalia cabin.

"Still dreaming of Kronos?" I asked.

Thalia body stiffened after I mentioned Kronos "Hey, after lunch I want to spar with you again" she avoided my question.

"Thalia" I said her name slowly "Don't let him get into your head. He's trying to break you, slowly"

"Enough!" Thalia yelled "Just, don't. I don't want to talk about it"

I frowned at her "Well, Thalia. You are not the one that he bothered, Kronos also loved to visit and taunt me in my sleep. It bothered me a lot, then someone make me realize that I don't have to fight him alone and sometimes it's okay to relay on someone you trust." I turned and smiled at her "So, yes Thalia. You have to talk about it, to me or to anyone you trust the most"

"I don't know, I don't know if I can do that" she said quietly and I swore her tone breaking at the end of the sentences.

I turned only to see tears formed on the corner of her eyes, she furiously wiped it, she clearly didn't want to cry in front of me, whom she considered a rival. And I understand her condition even better now. Clearly being a daughter of the king of the god became a burden for her. A lot of camper looked up to her because of her father, and she couldn't look weak in front of them. Also the fact that she almost dying in the hand of the monster and her father transformed her into a tree. And then her sudden arrival into this world again after spend some time as a tree. To make thing worse, the great prophecy that said one of the big three kids will decided the fate of the world when they reached 16 years old. That means Thalia only get 2 years to decide on it, and that's why Kronos is so determined to break her and made her to join his side.

She tightened her fist as she looked at her lap, clearly she fought the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. All of that burden and responsibility is too hard for her, I could see it. She just want to enjoy life as a normal girl, but instead she forced to face this. She didn't want to ask for help, because in people eyes she's a strong person. A person that managed to fend off a horde of monster while let her friends entered the camp safely, a person who managed to stay alive for a long time outside the camp where monster roamed free. A strong person because her father is Zeus, the god of the sky and lightning also the kings of the gods. She believed people wanted her to lead, she's believed people saw her as a strong and independent girl. But, beneath all of that, I saw a girl who wanted somebody to understand her sorrow and a shoulder to share her burden with, a girl who wanted to enjoy her life to the fullest without have to thinking monster and the gods.

I reached out and did one thing, I pulled her into a hug. She seemed surprised at first then she began to break down.


-Third Person POV-

Thalia felt her hear skipped a beat when Reiner suddenly pulled her into a hug. Reiner smelt like the sun and the ground itself, warm and comforting and Thalia could hear his steady heartbeat. Usually she hated it when someone had to comfort her aside from Luke. She never showed her weakness to anyone aside from people whom she really trust. She hated the fact that Reiner could read all her problem just like that, she hated it when she almost had a break down in front of him. For Thalia, Reiner is her rival, just like Percy. She wanted to be the best from both of them, to prove that she's strong because of herself, not because her father is Zeus. She wanted to earn the respect from the other camper because she deserved it, not because her father fame.

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