I Snapped and Almost Did the Unthinkable

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I only sat down on an old fold chair as Percy tried to track some old god-name Nereus, who apparently knew about the Ophiotaurus, which happened to be named Bessie by Percy. I already tried to suppress Kronos from emerging and dragging me into my unconscious state, worse suddenly taking over my body. I massaged my forehead slowly and a sigh escaped my lips, drawing attention from Thalia and Zoe.

"You seemed stressed" Thalia stated as she sat in front of me "Everything okay?"

"Thou paler than usual," Zoe said with a worried tone.

"It just..." I'm hesitating a bit, trying to find the right word to describe my situation "Isn't it too easy? Something isn't right"

Grover frowned a bit "But we did it exactly as the prophecy said"

Ah, yeah about that. I didn't want to bring it up again, but Grover just opened it for me. I just single-handedly defied the prophecy, worse I prevent someone's death. Bianca was supposed to be dead in the junkyard and I just saved her from her cruel fate. I just trigger something unknown, and I didn't know what kind of consequences I have to face.

"Isn't that too easy?" I finally spoke "It's almost like they handed the monster to us on a silver plate? Where's the resistance? I mean those skeletons capable to do anything to chase us around. And now suddenly they just quit and let us get the monster first?"

Zoe and Bianca exchanged looks, they silently shared their opinion. Thalia on the other hand sighed as she rubbed her arm uncomfortably, Grover only shook his head in disbelief and disapproval.

"What?" I demanded, "Why do you guys act like I will start trouble or something?!"

Thalia gave me a look "Do you always jinx everything? Or do you like everything that complicated?"

I covered my face with both of my hands, oh god these guys are so naïve, I breathed slowly as I lowered my hand from my face.

"It just doesn't make sense!" I half yelled "Why did Luke suddenly give up searching? And why did he let us take the lead when he's always one step ahead of us?"

"Reiner," Grover said slowly "Maybe this time, we one step ahead of him. Maybe this time we did win against him"

I closed my mouth shut when I heard that, these are too optimistic and naïve, but maybe it is just me who is being paranoid. It just Kronos went all silent after I saw the Ophiotaurus for the first time, and I had a very bad feeling about it. Heck, everything is felt wrong! I saw each of their expression, they looked so stressed and tired, they need something to hold on to, and they need something that can ease their worry about this whole quest. I sighed when I realized I'm just pushing these guys too hard, I felt terrible for pushing all my worries into them like these.

"Sorry," I said while rubbing the back of my neck "I didn't mean to push all of my worries into you guys. I'm guess I'm just being a paranoia huh? Sorry for being a letdown, I didn't mean to bring your spirit down like that" and I laughed humorlessly

This time Grover and Thalia exchanged panic looks as if they just stepped into a landmine. I stood up and dusted my jeans as I heard the commotion not too far from our position. I walked towards the commotion and found out that Percy managed to tackle a guy who looks like a Santa Claus that just finished a dumpster diving into the nearest dumpster. Percy looked winded as the Santa Claus guy looked fine as if he has done nothing.

"Already finish?" I asked and arched my eyebrow.                                                 

Percy only nodded as the older guy looked slightly pissed.

"Now as you promise you to have to tell me about this monster's whereabouts?" Percy demanded

Nereus suddenly looked at me and I flinched slightly when his eyes landed on me. Then he grinned knowingly at me as he faced Percy again, Nereus quickly laughed loudly as he pointed his finger at the ocean behind Percy.

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