The Thought of Other

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Percy only watched in horror as Reiner jumped from the second floor and landed gracefully on the first floor like a cat. Then he disappeared through the exit as if nothing happened, Percy glanced at Thalia who looked sad and worried about Reiner's condition. Yes, he is a little bit afraid after the stunt that Reiner pulled. Who in the right mind fire not only one but two explosive arrows in the middle of broad daylight and some mortal witnesses it.

Percy still remembered Reiner's eyes at the time, it was almost like he's been possessed by something. Percy knew sometimes Reiner can be a bit different from his usual goofy self, like that one time Reiner almost turned himself into a younger version of Hades. But this time is different, Reiner's eyes are darker than ever, and Percy found a tiny speck of gold inside Reiner's iris. Percy wanted to believe that his eyes playing tricks on him, but the air around Reiner at that time was...both powerful and cold.


Percy turned and found Thalia at his side.

"I'm worried about Reiner" she spoke in a genuinely worried tone.

"Me too," Percy said "We'll talk later" Percy added hurriedly when he saw Bianca headed towards them

"We have to go now" Bianca spoke.

Percy and Thalia looked at each other before they hurriedly ran to the exit. Percy almost forgot the reason that he came to them, but he thought that he can tell them later. Right now Reiner is his first priority, his life might be in danger. While they tried to run from the Smithsonian now already got surrounded by the police and SWAT team, they managed to catch up with Reiner who now already walking normally, as if he did nothing.

"Percy, do you know something?" Thalia whispered.

"About what?" Percy asked back.

"About what happened to Reiner not too long ago" Thalia looked at me impatiently.

"Ah yes," Percy hummed "Well, I don't exactly know what happened inside his mind" then he added sadly "Even though we are childhood friends, I felt like he's keeping something from me. He said that he didn't hide anything, but I knew that he hid something important"

"He did that to you too huh?" Thalia mumbled while staring at Reiner back "He always helped me when I'm in trouble you know?" she sighed sadly "But, he never asked me for a help"

"That's Reiner for you" Percy laughed bitterly "He is always ready to help us, but he never let anyone help him. He always keeps his trouble to himself"

"I remember that one time, that I had to beat some senses to him" Percy then smile fondly at the memories "Well more like we kicked each other ass, he promised me to let me help with his problems. You just have to find the right time and act to make him realize that he's not alone"

"Lucky you" Thalia mumbled "I want to help him too, I want him to know that I will be there to help him"

Percy studied Thalia's face "Do you like him huh?"

"Dropped it Percy" Thalia growled.

Percy only gulped when he heard that "Fine, whatever"

"It's only fair" Thalia added in a softer tone "He is always there for me, no matter what he's always there to pick me up whenever I fall down. He treated me as a normal girl, he never saw me as a Zeus daughter. For once, I just want to help him. I know that he's in pain sometimes" Thalia sighed sadly "His eyes, sometimes it just, so sad you know. I don't know why when he stared at the sky or the sea, he just looked so old and sad and-" Thalia looked at Percy "-broken"

Percy only nodded, since he sometimes caught Reiner doing that. Those eyes, even though Reiner never spoke, Percy could see a lot of emotion running through those blue eyes. Reiner looked different at that time like he didn't belong here as he belong somewhere else. He's been through a lot of things, that's what ran through Percy's mind when he caught Reiner staring at the sky one day.

"He will tell us," Percy said in a firm tone "When he's ready he will tell us. I know Reiner, he will do that when he's ready. Maybe right now, he can't understand what happened or maybe he's trying to figure out what happened. But when he figures all of that, he will tell us everything"

"I envy you" Thalia whispered to herself "To know so much about him. You able to understand him that easily while here am I, trying so hard to figure him out"

"What did you say?" Percy asked.

Thalia blushed lightly and she shook her head quickly "Nothing"

Percy stared at Thalia with puzzled looks while Thalia quickened her pace.

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