A Meeting With The Goodes of The Moon

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Silence hung in the air, nobody said anything after that word escaped my lips. Another girl decided to step up and glared at me harshly, probably because I talked to Artemis. But, Artemis raised her hand and the girl huffed slightly as her eyes still trained on me.

"You could have stopped for a moment," I continued and swallowed. "Why did you do that when there was clearly another demigod on that Manticore's back?"

"She will survive," Artemis said while watching me closely, probably to see my reaction.

"She's dead!"

I heard Percy scream behind me, and Artemis only sighed slowly.

"She's not dead, Percy," I answered bitterly. "I can feel it when people die near me," I only clenched my hand. "Dr. Thorn had taken her with him!"

"What?" Percy grabbed my shoulder and forced me to face him.

I looked Percy in the eye. "It's because of the fact that I have Hades' blood in me. I can feel it when people die near me."

"It was supposed to be me! Dr. Thorn was supposed to take me!" I said through gritted teeth. "I'm the one that they wanted! Why did they have to drag Annabeth into this mess?!"

I could feel Artemis' eyes bore into me. "She will survive," she said sternly. "She a strong person, she will survive anything that will happen to her."

I exhaled slowly as I turned around and looked at Artemis again, this time I kneeled in front of her like a knight. Percy only gave me confused and surprised looks when I did that, even Artemis looked slightly taken aback by my gesture.

"Lady Artemis," I said clearly "It's a pleasure and honor to meet you."


I could only stare at the fire in front of me as Thalia bickered with Zoe not too far from me, Bianca was still inside Artemis' tent, while Percy spoke quietly with Nico right in front me. If only I could have remembered faster, maybe I could have still saved Annabeth and prevented her from holding the sky. It should have been me since I have the Curse of Achilles, I can do it better than her!

"Reiner Lockheart," a feminine voice spat my name.

I looked up and saw Zoe Nightshade looking at me as if I'm a piece of trash. I only looked at her with a blank look, she sighed miserably as if she couldn't believe that someone sent her to deal with me.

"Lady Artemis wants to see thee," she said and glared at me.

I nodded as I stood up and Zoe quickly took a couple of step back from me as if I could give her a deadly disease.

"You hate me that much?" I asked clearly amused by it.

"I hate boys!" she hissed at me. "Even though I appreciate your earlier act towards my Lady, that didn't change my opinion towards thee."

I only snickered at her answer. "I didn't do it to please you or to make you accept me, Zoe."

Zoe gave me a skeptical look.

"I did it because she's a goddess and I respect her," I said and ran my hand through my hair.

She only huffed as she spun around and began to walk to Artemis' tent. "Follow me."

I nodded at her as I followed her, I could feel a few heated glares directed towards me as I entered Hunter's camp area. When she arrived at the tent, she entered first and then I followed right after her. In the middle of the tent, Artemis sat on a chair while a fire danced in front of her, an animal put its head on her lap as she gently petted it.

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