Getting a New Friend and a Bad Dream

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After that I almost got 'killed' in the last incident that involved giant metal rustic robot, seeing The Chimera block our way, made me lower my guard considerably. I mean, this girl must be suicidal like me if she dared to attack me like this, with all my friends more ready than ever. I felt lucky though, no one asked why I survived the last blast of my explosive arrow that managed to beheaded the Talos head and the fact I didn't suffer from any broken ribs when the robot swatted me like a fly. Still, a growl brought me back into reality, the Chimera didn't seem to interest my other friend, she seemed to take an interest in me. The Lion's head tilted her head when she examined me closely, even the goat head examined me closely, and the snake head the other head watched me from afar and occasionally hissed softly. Overall, it looked harmless, it look curious as hell though.

"Easy guys," I said while taking a step forward.

Percy's eyes widened when he saw my action "What are you doing idiot?!"

"Relax, if she wanted to attack us, she will attack us the moment she saw us" I hissed at Percy.

"Do you even know that thing?" Percy hissed back "I fought with that thing once, and she blows torch the arch where I am and managed to poison me"

I tempted to roll my eyes "Back then Hades wanted your head on a silver platter. This time is different"

I raised my hand cautiously and held it up a couple of feet in front of the lion's snout, I smiled lightly at her and kept my eyes on her.

"Easy girl," I said softly "I'm not going to hurt you"

"Are thou going to tame it?" Zoe asked skeptically.

The Chimera Lion head moved a bit and took a sniff on my hand and stopped for a moment, she let out a soft growl and pulled her head back. I took another step forward and kept my hand steady, The Chimera watched me cautiously before she, or more like the lion head purred softly as she put her snout on the palm of my hand, rubbing her snout in it softly. The snakehead moved and stopped near my head before its stroke my head with her slippery body gently, she even wrapped her body around my upper torso and hissed softly. I heard the group behind me gasp in surprise and disbelieved, I smiled softly as I ruffled the lion's mane gently, the purred getting louder at this time, it's like petting a generator. 

"See it's fine," I said and grinned.

When I pulled my hand, the Chimera shrunk into a...Chihuahua? The small brown dog wagged its tail excitedly and bark happily at me. I only blinked at this as the dog ran towards me and practically jumped at my feet, begging for me to pick her up. Absentmindedly I bend down and picked her up, she immediately made her comfortable on my arm and sighed contently.

"So uh..." Thalia eyed the dog on my arm "A Chihuahua, huh?"

"You need a collar for her" Bianca said "You know, so people don't mistake her as a stray dog"

Ah, right collar, but how the heck am I going to find one that can stretch as big as the real size of Chimera and can magically shrink into the size of a Chihuahua neck? Maybe some Hephaestus kid can help me. More importantly, how can I sneak the Chimera into the camp border? Even though her cover is a Chihuahua it still counts as a monster right? Even if I gave her a permit to enter the campground how am I going to explain this to Chiron and make sure that she isn't going to eat the campers?

"Well, it's tame enough" I mumbled as I absentmindedly rubbed its ear "But why Chihuahua though? You are a Lion, why not a cat?"

The dog lifted her head up and tilted her head cutely, and I can't help but squeal because it was so cute.

"Okay, little girl," I said and rubbed her ear "I'm going to buy you a collar for now"

The dog barked happily.

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