Welcome to the Garden of Hesperides, Where A Dragon Cannot Wait to Kill You

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I stared at the beautiful garden in front of me, ignoring the fact that a dragon with hundred heads slept right in the middle of it. The dragon wrapped itself in a tree, which had the golden apple. If you ate it you will become an immortal, and somehow I remembered the forbidden fruit in the bible. If I remembered, there are two fruit that Adam and Eve cannot eat, the fruit of knowledge and the fruit of immortality. I wonder if that tree is the immortality tree that is mentioned in the bible or something completely different. I heard that god forbids humans to eat the fruit, then again why in the world do they create something so tempting like that? Almost every human wants immortality, so they can live forever. It's tempting, but I didn't want to live forever and watched my loved ones die, and leave me behind. And to live forever and have to watch someone you love die before you while it's just so sad. Watching your kid or your partner grew old while you stay young and healthy, it's just...not good for your mental health.

I glanced at Zoe who stared at the garden of Hesperides with longing looks, once she lived here with her sisters. And Zoe got kicked out just because she helped Hercules out of love, this place must be brought peaceful and sad memories to her. She seemed nervous and her eyes darted all around the garden, probably searching for her siblings.

"The golden apple" Thalia whispered "We can be immortal if we ate it"

"Ladon," Zoe said and fixed the strap of her quiver "We have to go past it if we want to climb to Mount Orthys, where...." Zoe hesitated a moment "...Atlas is"

"Are you okay with this?" Percy asked

Zoe gripped the strap of her quiver tighter "Yes, I...I'm fine"

I almost forgot that Atlas is her father, and she had to face him. I took a quick glance at Bianca who looked nervous as hell, she kept shifting her feet and tugging the end of her jacket sleeves. I just defied the Fate, Bianca is supposed to die, but I just saved her life and prevent her death. I am just afraid that a fate worse than death awaits her future. I did the right thing, right? Or do I just make everything worse? A hand touched my shoulder and my body stiffened, I turned my head and found Percy giving me a worried look.

"I will be fine" I answered "I think" I whispered the last word quietly.

Percy tightened his grip on my shoulder "Remember, you have us. You don't have to face it alone"

I only nodded at him "Thank you"

"I will distract the Ladon while thou run towards the Mount Orthys," Zoe said in a clear voice "Ladon still recognizes me, and he won't attack me"

"No," I said sternly "You can get killed, you know what will happen if Ladon bites you"

"Reiner" Zoe gave me a disapproving look "Thou hath done enough. Don't waste thou life like that"

I shook my head quickly "But..."

Zoe's eyes softened a bit "Just protect Bianca and Thalia. I won't get killed easily, I'm Artemis's lieutenant"

Her black eyes are full of determination and I can't say no to her. I prayed to god to save her life this time, just for this time. I hoped that when I prevent Bianca's death, I changed the whole prophecy, and it might save Zoe's life.

"Just don't get yourself killed," I said and Zoe nodded.

Zoe quickly clear her throat while standing up from where we hid. Zoe started to walk towards Ladon and began to talk to it in a sweet voice as if she spoke with a puppy. Ladon hundreds head snapped towards Zoe at the same time, and we used that chance to dash towards the entrance of Mount Orthys. I stopped mid-way and turned around, only to find Zoe avoided Ladon's head swiftly. I wanted to call her, encouraging her, but that action could distract Zoe's attention and could get her killed. Within a minute Zoe was already with us, she panted hard as sweat glistened on her forehead. I breathe in relief when I didn't find any wound on her, at least she was safe for now.

"Come on," Zoe said between her breaths "Lady Artemis is waiting"

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