This is My Resolution and My Path that I Have Chosen

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When we landed in the Olympus Artemis left us behind and let us wait at the front door. I didn't know why but I'm able to numb down the guilt, at least I repressed the guilt until I didn't show it on my face. I just didn't want people to notice it and began to rant about it's not my fault or this is what Zoe wants. I leaned back on the wall and let out a long breath, I'm exhausted and I need a break from all of these. But, I can't go anywhere and avoid all of it. I was trapped in the camp and I can't just show up in my apartment room. My mom sent me here for my own safety, just because I'm not a normal demigod because the gods want to make sure that I am on their side.

Why the hell did I fight for them in the first place?

Then the door opened, and Percy gulped nervously beside me. He didn't have to be nervous, the gods didn't want his head on the silver plate. They wanted mine. I began to walk into the Throne room, with Thalia, Bianca, Percy, and Annabeth trailing behind me. Let's just get this over, I'm tired and I missed my bed. The five of us quickly bowed down in the presence of the god and goddess of Olympus. The winter Solstices meeting, when all the gods and goddesses gathered in here to talk about something. Did they hold a meeting like this when one of them decided to kill both of Reiner and dragged one of them here?

"Raise heroes" I heard Artemis's voice echo throughout the throne room.

I stood up and stared ahead, I tried my best to hide my emotion. I could feel someone staring at me intently, I glanced and saw Apollo beamed at me with proud looks. I felt a little strange at that sight, on one side I felt happy that at least one god wanted me alive, on one side I wanted to tear his face for bringing me here, without asking whether I want it or not. I heard a distant 'MOOO' from behind Zeus' throne and Grover ran towards us, with a happy face. But, he stopped when he saw me, his eyes trailed into my clothes and stopped there for a moment. I didn't even bother to question him why he was staring, my clothes is stained with blood, both Jake and Zoe. I already wiped their blood on my face, but I can still feel it. The warmth of the blood and the strong smell of iron. I quickly tightened my fist when I remember Zoe's limp body falling into me, I tried to repress the sudden urge to blow up right now and here.

Grover decided to hold his tongue when he saw my expression and he moved to Percy's side. Whispering to each other, probably asking what happen to me. I quickly tuned out pretty much everything that happen around me, while I tried my best not to snap. I saw Artemis stand up from her throne and explained everything. The god and goddess listened intently before they began to murmur to each other after Artemis explain everything. But, before they could continue the door swung open and Hades walked into the throne room as if he owns the place.

Zeus quickly rose up from his throne, eyes flashing in anger and disbelief. Poseidon only blinked at his older brother's sudden arrival, Aphrodite sent Hades a knowing wink, and then she busied herself with a mirror in her hand. Apollo's eyes widened when he saw Hades stroll in and stopped right by my side. Hades scanned the throne room and looked at the rest of the gods, right in their eyes. Hades kept his facial expression neutral, but I bet he wanted to smirk smugly, especially towards Zeus, who condemned him in the first place.

"Why are you here?" Zeus asked "Brother" and he spat the word brother.

"I was invited here, by one of you" Hades answered easily "And I felt bad for them if I refused to come. After all, we have so many things to discuss our father's revival"

"Zeus" Poseidon tried to calm his brother down "If one of us invites him here, then Hades has a right to join us"

Zeus gritted his teeth as he sat on his throne again, but his eyes scanned the throne room. He tried to find who the fuck invite Hades here? The room air grew tense every second and no one dare to start speaking again. Even Artemis only stared at her father with unreadable looks, then after a few minutes of silence, Artemis began to speak again. This time concerning our fate, Artemis said that we are heroes and some of them grunted in acknowledgment. Apollo agreed with his twin sister and he began to clear his throat, but before a word escaped his lips, Hermes cut him off and asked the god who favored to let us live. But, then...

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