A Teacher Trying to Kill Me, Again

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I panted a bit as I accessed the situation. Percy was against the wall with Dr. Thorn's spikes piercing his jacket, probably grazed his shoulder and he looked paralyzed. Bianca and Nico were at Percy's side, looking terrified. My grip on the sword hilt tightened as I openly glared at Dr. Thorn.

"A Manticore, huh?" I spat. "Looks like Luke knows how to play his cards."

Dr. Thorn's face went red at the mention of Luke. "That stupid boy is not my boss!"

Then I could see it, as it was probably the effect from the Curse of Achilles, I could see Dr. Thorn swinging his tail and I could see a couple of spikes headed my way. I quickly dodged the spikes and deflected the rest of it my sword. Dr. Thorn growled angrily as his mismatched eye's glowed, he began to swing his tail again, sending another barrage of spikes towards me. I managed to block most of them and dodged the rest of them.

"Is that all?" I asked while twirling my sword in my hand.

Dr. Thorn went silent for a moment before he grabbed Bianca by her arm and put his free hand on her neck. At this point, Bianca looked absolutely terrified while Nico started to scream at Dr. Thorn to release his sister. Percy tried to free himself from the spike that pinned him to the wall, while Dr. Thorn let out a dark laugh.

"What's your point?" I asked darkly, itching to kill this motherfucker once and for all.

"Make another step and this girl won't see another day again," he threatened while tracing Bianca's neck with his claws.

"She's not the one you wanted, god damnit!" I yelled at him. "Let her go!"

"I will," Dr. Thorn then smirked menacingly at me. "If you come with me quietly. After all, you are the one who they want."

I quickly lowered my sword and pushed the bottom of my sword, making it shrink and return back into bracelet form again. I walked slowly towards Dr. Thorn, and stopped right in front of him, Dr. Thorn now already laughed evilly as he motioned me to release Percy from his spike. I silently walked towards Percy and quickly removed the spike that pinned him into the wall. Percy fell and I managed to balance him before he hit the floor beneath him. Percy mumbled a quick 'thank you' and apologized for dragging me into this. I started to follow Dr. Thorn who still had Bianca in his hand, Nico willingly came with us and he walked right behind me. His black eyes looked puffy, and tears were still pouring from his eyes, the poor guy was probably scared and terrified of all these strange events that were happening in front of him.

"Don't worry," I said in the calmest voice that I could muster. "I will save your sister from him"

Nico looked up at me with wide eyes, he nodded his head quickly while wiping his tears furiously. When we arrived outside, Dr. Thorn quickly shoved Bianca towards Percy who clumsily caught her. Nico yelled at Dr. Thorn angrily while the Manticore ignored the boy, he reached for an old-fashioned phone and he began to call someone, probably his friends to fetch us. I quickly glanced at Percy and I nodded quietly at him, I quickly made a dash towards the Manticore who was busy yelling on his phone, I tapped my black bracelet and within a minute the Stygian Iron sword was already in my hand. Dr. Thorn noticed this and quickly dodged my attack, he growled angrily as he swung his tail down towards me. I quickly jumped to the other side, and I made a quick run towards him.

At this point, Dr. Thorn threw a series of his spikes at me, I deflected them with ease and swung my sword at his tail. Dr. Thorn roared in anger as I managed to wound his tail, his mismatched eye glared at me viciously as he raised his tail again, and this time, he took his full form. He began to charge at me and he swung his claws at my face. I quickly blocked it and managed to hold my ground while Dr. Thorn pushed me. But, unfortunately, I got distracted by the incoming chopper above us, Dr. Thorn use this momentum to spin around and slammed his tail against me, sending me backward and landing near Percy.

"Damn, that hurt!" I cursed as Bianca helped me to get up.

Before I could react, an invisible force pushed Percy to the ground while I saw Thalia dash towards me and she began to raise her shield, blocking the spikes that were aimed towards my direction. I glanced at Thalia who gave me accusing and annoyed looks.

"Do you always get into trouble like this?" she asked me.

I only shrugged casually as Thalia rolled her eyes, and she stood up and readied her mace and her shield. Dr. Thorn flinched visibly at the sight of Medusa's face that was engraved on Thalia's shield, we glanced at each other then attacked Dr. Thorn at the same time. I glanced back briefly and saw Percy followed our lead not too far behind us, with his sword and a shield, a gift from Tyson. First, Thalia swung her mace towards Dr. Thorn and Dr. Thorn jumped back while swinging his claws towards Thalia's face. Thalia raised her shield as she blocked Dr. Thorn's attack, then she pushed her shield and quickly jumped back a couple of feet. At that exact moment I jumped in and swung my sword at the Manticore who still focus on Thalia, I swung my sword and cut Dr. Thorn's paw slightly, making the monster roar in anger and agony. Dr. Thorn glared at me while he threw a lot of projectiles of thorn towards me, Thalia quickly jumped in front of me while raising her shield, to protect both of us. Percy came in and caught Dr. Thorn completely off guard because he was too busy attacking me and Thalia. Percy swung his sword and managed to wound Dr. Thorn's side with his sword.

"Percy!" I yelled when Dr. Thorn swung his paw at Percy.

Percy barely blocked it with his shield, and he got pushed back slightly. I quickly ran towards Dr. Thorn and made a wide swing with my sword, my blade cutting into his flesh and Dr. Thorn suddenly fell into the snow, whimpering and cursing hard. Thalia jumped in and was about to smash Dr. Thorn's face with her mace when Dr. Thorn suddenly got up and had swung his tail towards Thalia. Thalia quickly raised her shield but the huge impact made her fly from her position and landed right next to Annabeth. Dr. Thorn then quickly aimed his projectiles towards Thalia who was still in a daze, Percy saw this and quickly ran towards the girl and raised his own shield to protect Thalia and Annabeth. I could watch in horror as Percy's shield began to bend inward at the impact.

I quickly pulled my pendant and within a minute, a bow appeared on my hand and a quiver full of arrows appeared on my back. I quickly pushed the button to get an electric arrow, after the soft whirring sound came from my quiver, I quickly pulled the arrow and put it on the string of my bow. I pulled the string and aimed it in Dr. Thorn's direction. I released the string and the arrow flew quickly and hit Dr. Thorn on his side, before Dr. Thorn could react, I quickly pushed the button again and Dr. Thorn roared in pain as electricity ran through his body. He quickly shook his head and turned to face me, I quickly jumped to the side when he jumped at me, while I was still scrambling to stand up, I saw Dr. Thorn literally in front of me, ready to attack me.

"Reiner!" I heard a feminine voice call me.

I only blinked when I saw Annabeth run towards Dr. Thorn and jump at the beast's back, and she stabbed her dagger at Dr. Thorn's back.

Dr. Thorn began thrashing around with Annabeth on his back, then my memories suddenly resurfaces in my mind. I remember this part, clearly, and what will happen next. I quickly pushed myself up and ran towards the Manticore, ready to end it before it could take Annabeth with him to Luke. But, I was frozen in place when I heard a sound come from the woods, I only glanced back to see dozens of girls appeared from there, with bows and arrows ready in their hands.

"Annabeth!" I yelled. "Get down from there!"

And then for me, everything began to play in slow motion, I ran towards Annabeth and a volley of arrows struck Dr. Thorn's body, as he began to stumble back towards a cliff.


I faintly heard Percy's voice trying to stop another attack, but it was too late, as another volley of arrows hit Dr. Thorn and sent him tumbling down into the cliff and headed straight into the ocean below it. I stopped myself right at the edge of the cliff, I dropped onto my knees and punched the ground next to me while cursing to myself. Next to me, I heard Thalia holding Percy back from jumping to catch Annabeth. I took a deep and sharp breath as I stood up and spun around quickly, only to find the Goddess of the Moon herself standing right in front of me with a light smile on her lips.

"Why?" I whispered quietly.

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