A big cat want to eat me

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 I yawned tiredly as I read the white board in front of me. The words that written there almost didn't make sense to me, they are floating around and sometime flickered to ancient Greek words. I tapped my pen on my table repeatedly and earned a look from Percy, he seem annoyed by the sound of my pen hitting the table. After a few minutes he confiscated my pen and I only blinked when my pen suddenly gone from my hand. I turned and narrowed my eyes at Percy. I tried to grab my pen from his hand and he moves his hand away from mine.

"Oi, I can't write Seaweed brain" I hissed at low tone.

"Then stop tapping your pen against the table" he hissed back "You distract me"

I rolled my eyes "Since when you care about lesson"

Percy rolled his sea green eyes "Since my grade are on the bottom. I want to improve it"

I blinked, tried to comprehend what Percy just said. I snickered a bit and Percy frowned at me, I covered my mouth and tried my best not laugh.

"Oh, God you try to get a good grade?" I asked in amuse tone "Did you bump your head on something or you just ate something funny in lunch?"

Percy opened his mouth to retort but I only shook my head and snatched my pen from his hand and proceed to tap my pen into his forehead hard. Percy let out a surprise yelped and he rubbed his forehead.

"Just forget about it" I said and began to write anything that I can read from the board "You are a hopeless case"

Percy elbowed me hard "Shut up! I'm not a hopeless case! Just because your grade is better than me doesn't mean you have to act like an ass"

I only grunted when his elbow made contact with my ribs "I'm concentrating here, don't bother me"

Percy only rolled his eyes as he leaned closer towards my note book, he squinted his eyes tried to read my handwriting.

"I can't read anything you write" he huffed and focused on the board, while twirling his own pen.

I stopped writing for a moment and glanced at his pristine notebook "At least I have something for me, unlike yours. It's as empty as your brain" then I smirked at Percy flustered face "Well, I's not empty. It's full of seaweed"

Percy shut his notebook rather loudly and smacked me on my face with it. A loud 'SMACK' sound can be heard throughout the class, along with the string of curses that escape my lips. I immediately glared at him, hand ready at the rather thick text book that opened in front of me, ready to smack the day out of Percy.

"Sorry" Percy said in innocent sound "I thought I saw a mosquito in your face, I just had to kill it before it could bite you"

My hand twitched at his explanation "Oh, really? Then let me smacked you back, to get rid of those seaweed that fill that empty brain of yours"

"Mr. Lockheart, Mr. Jackson" the teacher called our name

Both of us turned to face the teacher who gave us a disapproving looks "Could you explain about this to us?"

The teacher said while tapped the white board with his marker, I squinted at the terrible hand writing and almost pumped my fist in the air when I read about blood circulation on the board. Thankfully, I still remembered a bit and pieces about blood circulation on human body, from my previous live, and maybe because my father is Apollo. When I finished Percy only gawked at me, couldn't believe that I just nailed it. Before the teacher could continue his lesson the bell already rang loudly and the teacher dismissed us.

"I have to go" I said as I picked up my bag from the floor "Chiron will mad at me if I came back late again"

Percy frowned at my word "But, we barely hang out together"

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