I Became A Middle Man for The Campers and The Hunters

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It's been a few days after the Hunter came and the situation on the camp became more.....tense than usual. I couldn't count how many times I have to stop a fight between The camper and the Hunter. Why can't they just ignore each other existence and go by their life?! Why do they have to argue all the time about the concept of life and love?! Aphrodite cabin clearly hated the Artemis Hunter, they literally glared icily whenever they passed each other. Like this time, Silena just has to drag me into her argument with Zoe, I mean at that time I was just passing by, hoping to be able to have quiet training in the archery field when somehow Silena screamed my name in a frustrated manner. At first, I wanted to ignore it and just continued to head towards the Archery field, but suddenly a couple of Aphrodite daughters and sons, block my way. And for the first time in my life, they looked livid and out for blood.

I froze for a moment when they looked at me with those eyes, those ever-changing eyes color that started to creep me out because they stared straight into my eyes. Then they managed to grab both of my arms and got enough strength to drag me towards Silena who now screamed her head off to Zoe who looked equally angry and pissed. Looks like they argued about Love and anything that surround it. Silena quickly turned to face me when I already stood near her, the previous kid already left me behind.

"Reiner! Explain to her that her looks on Love it's absolutely wrong!" Silena yelled at me "After all, you and my mother are closed!"

Now Zoe gave me disgusted looks, like I some kind of trash that didn't even belong on the ground anymore. Like she will definitely scrap me off her show when she steps on it.

"Thou slept with HER mother?!" she screeched "Thou ARE disgusting!" she pointed her finger at me

"I'm not sleeping with her mother!" I exclaimed furiously "I didn't sleep with anyone okay?! I'm still 15, guys! I'm underage!"

"That's not the point!" Silena yelled again "You didn't have to sleep with someone if you love him! Love is when you dedicate yourself towards the person of your affection! Love is when you are happy just seeing your loved one smile!"

"But thee affection towards boys are disgusting" Zoe snorted "Boys are a disappointment, they always cheat and hurt you! We, women, are stronger without boys!"

"Uh, you can't be born without men you know?" I pipped in "Like you need a man to reproduce if all the woman has your view then. Well, let's say the human will be extinct"

Zoe narrowed her eyes at me "Shut thee mouth! Thou always hath spout some garbage out of thee mouth!"

I blinked and narrowed my eyes back at her "Okay there, then how are you born huh?! You must have a father in your life! If you're not that how are you be here then?!"

Zoe flinched as she looked at me with horror and hatred "Thou don't know anything about me! Thou are the most disgusting men I hath ever met! Always act like thou knew it all!"

I quickly cursed mentally when I realized I just touched a sore subject.

Silena snorted "Always quick to point finger at man! You never change, at all! Man is great! And we as women need them in our life, to protect us and give us love! Like my father!"

"It's because thou are weak!" Zoe argued.

"This is getting nowhere" I mumbled as I pinched my nose bridge "Why the hell am I even here and not miles away"

Then suddenly I saw they wanted to tear each other throat so I quickly stepped between them, Silena facing my back while Zoe facing me directly. And I got a feeling this was a bad idea, I should probably let them tear each other heads apart and be going with my life. But, yeah, of course, my body moving with its own like suddenly I was there facing very angry Zoe, while I can feel the heated glare from Silena from behind me. And to make it more amazing, none of the camper willing to help me, like they saw the situation I am in and they just go to their merry way, while The Hunter already watched us with caution, ready to help their leader if things got out of hands.

"Moved!" Zoe growled.

"Look" I raised my hand slowly "Just forget about it, your ways are totally different and nothing can make both of you see eye to eye"

Zoe stopped on her track when she saw my hand "Don't thou dare to touch me!"

"I won't!" I said quickly "Just, walk away and just forget about this whole thing!"

"That stupid girl already pissed me off!" Zoe said sharply "I need to beat some sense to her to not to mess with me!"

"Hey! I might be not Athena's daughter!" Silena yelled behind me "But, I'm not that stupid!! Take that words back!"

"Guys," I said calmly.

Both of them started to yell at each other.

"SHUT UP WILL YOU!" I finally snapped as my patience started to wear thin, tired of being stuck between two stubborn girls.

On my peripheral vision, I saw someone swing a fist at me, and I quickly took a step back when I saw a fist narrowly hit my nose. I quickly grabbed the wrist and saw Phoebe give me her murder looks, Zoe looked livid as I dared to touch one of her friend hand.

"Release her!" Zoe growled threateningly "How dare thou touch her!"

"Hey! She tried to break my nose!" I said through gritted teeth "I have a right to defend myself! What do you expect me to do huh?! Let her break my nose!" I laughed humourlessly "I might be a disgusting human being for you, but I have right too you know!" I narrowed my eyes at her "And remember I didn't even raise a hand to touch or hurt you, and now one of you wanted to break my nose! That's just low for your level Zoe"

"You yelled at her!" Phoebe stated heatedly "I cannot stand that you make a fool of us and our way!"

I released her wrist and Phoebe rubbed her wrist. My eyes never leave Zoe for once, my words seemed to hit her right on her pride. She suddenly jabbed my chest with her finger, while bringing her face closer.

"This night we will have a capture the flag game," she said in a low tone "And remember I will tear thou down and made thou on thee knee, begging for forgiveness"

I smirked at her challenge "Wow, never knew you are such a sadist, Zoe. Anyway, challenge accepted, and I will prove that when woman and man work together, we will stronger together"

Zoe huffed as she turned around to walk away from us, but she stopped for a moment and turned her head slightly.

"And sorry, for one of Phoebe act," she said in a serious tone "I'm responsible for her action towards you, therefore I'm apologizing for her act to hit thou, even though thou don't even raise a finger to me"

I blinked at her words as she quickly jog towards Cabin 8 with Phoebe behind her still sending a murderous glare towards me. I ignored her and turned to face Silena who still looked livid as hell. She crossed her arm and let out a few grumbles before she face me.

"We will prove it to her that her way is wrong!" she said while clenching her fist "We will win this game and prove to her that when we work together we will be stronger!"

I ruffled her hair "That's good spirit"

She giggled while swatting my hand "Thank you!"

"What, not a sorry for dragging my ass into your mess?" I asked in slightly offended tone "You ruin my beautiful and peaceful afternoon"

Silena rolled her beautiful eyes as she punched my arm "Geez, okay, okay, sorry."

I chuckled "You owe me one, Princess"

"Just come to my cabin if you need help," she said and tidied up her hair "You always welcome there. I will go now, I have a lot to discuss with my siblings about this night game"

I only nodded and rubbed the back of my hair, while Silena ran towards her cabin. After she's out of sight, I groaned and rubbed my face continuously.

"Shit," I said and looked at the sky with miserable looks "Totally forgot that we will lose against them. Zoe will have a big night of chewing me out tonight"

I turned and walked into Apollo cabin that still glowed brightly against the sunlight "I hate my life"

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