Talking to Kronos and Bonding to my Brother

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After that, I exited the tent and I almost jumped when I saw Zoe appear out of nowhere in front of me. She glared at me and gave me a disapproving look before entering the tent again. I only massaged my chest slowly as I made my way towards Percy who was now staring into the fire camp intently, and Thalia who looked sleepy as hell, and Nico who looked extremely sad. Probably after hearing the fact that Bianca left him just to join the Hunters.

'It's disgusting to think that they can kill me,' Kronos' voice echoed in my mind.

'Shut up,' I said mentally. 'And we will kill you, just watch me.'

Silent for a moment before I heard a roar of laughter inside my head and it's annoying as fuck. Like a thousand bees buzzing inside your head and you can't get rid of it.

'Now, you speaking to me?' Kronos' voice mocking me. 'After you deliberately pushed me into you deepest part of your mind?'

'I thought you were gone,' I said mentally and grimaced. 'I thought I kick you out'

'You can't kick me out, boy,' I could feel Kronos grinning inside of my mind. 'I will stay here as long as you have those dark thoughts, I feed on it, live on it. Besides,' I could feel another laughter erupted. 'We have a bond.'

I stopped walking and felt a chill all over my body, I involuntarily shivered at the information that he had just given me. I knew that he can reach this kind of state because of my blood, but I never knew that it would make him stay in my mind just like a leech.

'Too bad, I can't read your mind well,' Kronos said in disappointment. 'Something prevents me from doing that fully'

I decided to ignore him, but it was hard when a mild headache started to assault my brain. I held my head for a moment before my sight began to waver a bit.

'Stop it!' I screamed at him inside my mind. 'Stop messing with my head!'


A voice brought me back to my senses, Grover stood in front of me with a worried look. I blinked a couple of times before massaging my head. Grover looked worried as he guided me to the campfire and made me sit down right next to the sleepy Thalia.

"You okay?" he asked me in a worried tone. "You look pale, man."

"I-I'm fine," I said and gave him a tired smile. "Just tired, it's been a long and stress-filled day"

"I can understand that," Grover said and sat right next to me. "The mission is a failure, I'm a failure."

He began to choke and sob slightly, I felt a bit guilty for him.

"Hey, you're not a failure," I reassured him. "Bianca and Nico are still alive, you managed to keep them alive for a long time, and right under Dr. Thorn's nose. That's an incredible feat, Grover."

"But we lost Annabeth," he wiped his nose sloppily. "We lost her!"

"Hey, she's still alive," I said in a determined voice. "I can feel it, man. She's very smart, strong, and the most stubborn demigod I've ever met. Even though Dr. Thorn kidnapped her, she will survive, and we will rescue her."

Grover wiped his eyes and gave me a smile. "Thank you, Reiner. Even though we rarely talk, you always managed to cheer me up. Thanks"

I patted his back. "It's okay, Grover. You did your best, don't give up okay. There's still hope."

He's nodded and decided to leave me for a while since he said I needed to rest after all the things I went through. I watched the fire dance in front of me for a moment before I heard someone sit near me, I turned and found Nico sitting right next to me, with his cards in his hand. He looked completely dejected and lonely.

"Thank you," he sniffed. "For saving me and my sister back there."

I smiled at him and ruffled his hair "No problem, kid, and it's okay."

"I'm Nico," he said and looked up at me. "Nico di Angelo, my sister's name is Bianca di Angelo."

"Hi Nico," I gave him a smile. "I'm Reiner."

Nico then lower his eyes as he watched my bracelets intently. "Are those the same bracelets that you can turn into the swords?" he asked me innocently

"Yes, it is," I answered and Nico's eyes lightened up a bit.

"That's so cool!" he exclaimed as he grabbed my wrist and examined my bracelet closely. "I like the black one, it's so pretty!"

A pang appeared on my heart, of course, he likes the black one, after all, it is made from Stygian Iron and only children of Hades can wield it.

"That monster called you 'Son of Hades'. Does that mean you can communicate with the dead?" Nico asked me with his innocent voice. "He's a pretty cool character, but I don't have his figurine though," he pouted a little bit.

"Mythomagic," I said and Nico's head snapped at me quickly/ "Can you tell me about that?"

I smiled a little when Nico's face brightened up completely, he began to put the card in front of me while explaining all of it with enthusiasm. And we ended up playing it for a bit before Nico yawned as he leaned most of his body towards my side.

"I never had this much fun," he said in a tired voice "No one ever wanted to play with me, Bianca ignored me most of the time." his tone cracked a bit at the end of the sentences. "I mean, I know she cared about me, but...she left me to join those mean girls."

Nico's body began to tremble a bit. "I don't have anybody else, she's the only family I have left and now she left me," he choked a bit before he continued. "Why does everybody always leave me?"

I wrapped my arm around his little body and bought him closer to me. "You have me now right?"

Nico looked up at me with a surprised look. "What?"

"How about, I become your big brother?" I suggested to him, I mean I'm literally his half-brother, or is it third-brother since Apollo is my father too?

Nico's lips began to twitch and it turned into a smile, a smile that looked so happy and innocent. He hug my side as he cried happily.

"Thank you, Reiner," he whispered "Promise me that you will never leave me, please?"

I froze for a moment at his words, and then Hades' words appeared on my mind, literally asking me to protect his children. I smiled at Nico then nodded, Nico cheered as he hugged me happily while chattering about the cool things we could do.

My heart just melted when I saw Nico start to act like a kid at his age, his innocence just remind me of my younger brother Jacob, who would always cling and follow me everywhere he can. Jacob always said that I'm his idol aside from our father. And now he lost one of his idols, I can't imagine how devastated Jacob was when he learned that I'm not coming back again, ever. And the fact that's there's no body to bury since I am 100% sure they couldn't find my body. Jacob must be devastated, sad, and confused. Right here and now, I saw a second chance in front of me. Nico di Angelo, who will become just like Jacob after his sister died. And I would never let that happen again, I will make him stay in the camp and won't let him leave.

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